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CSD Linkage Service by KSD
- Featuring Co-listing between Exchanges June, 2008 Korea Securities Depository
Contents Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ KSD Custody Services Custody Services Using CSD linkage
Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services Ⅱ KSD Custody Services Ⅲ Custody Services Using CSD linkage
I . Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services
What are International Services? International Services of KSD
1. What are International Services?
I. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 1. What are International Services? Capital Market Structure and Cross-border Securities Transactions Domestic Issuer Exchange Securities Investor Overseas Issuer Exchange Securities Investor
1. What are International Services?
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 1. What are International Services? ① Out-bound : from Domestic to Overseas Issuer Stock ADR Bond (CB·BW·EB) Local Custodian for Original Shares CB·BW·EB Agent Paying Agent Investor Stock DR Bond ICSD Global Custodian
1. What are International Services?
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 1. What are International Services? ② In-bound : from Overseas to Domestic Issuer Stock KDR Bond · ETF Transfer Agent DR Custodian Disclosure Agent Investor Stock KDR Bond · ETF Standing Proxy Local Custodian
1. What are International Services?
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 1. What are International Services? Responsive to Rapid Changes in International Financial Environment Risk + Opportunity Change Network R & D
1. What are International Services?
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 1. What are International Services? International Cooperation and New Service Introduction Network Organizing int’l conference Consulting Exporting infrastructure CSD ISSA·ICMA ECSDA R & D RSI CSD Linkage Cross-listing Lead manager Law firm CSD ADB
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services
What are International Services? International Services of KSD
2. International Services of KSD
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 2. International Services of KSD Major International Services RSI CSD linkage Co-listing Conference Consulting Infra Export Local Custody Disclosure agent Custodian Bond agents Int’l settlement Transfer agent Depositary
2. International Services of KSD
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 2. International Services of KSD Foreign Securities Deposit & Settlement Service Foreign Securities Deposit & Settlement Service In case where a Korean purchases foreign securities in a foreign country, KSD designates a foreign custodian, and deposits and settles them. KSD has designated global custodians and ICSDs as the custodians. Institutional investors may select a foreign custodian directly. Retail investors, however, are required to deposit their securities, which they purchased through domestic securities firms, with KSD Currently, KSD provides international deposit & settlement services to 30-some countries including the U.S., Japan and China. As of December, 2007, the number of participants for the foreign securities deposit & settlement services stands at 122 organizations including brokers, banks, and insurers, holding 178 accounts.
2. International Services of KSD
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 2. International Services of KSD DR Underlying Share Custody & Overseas Bond Agent DR underlying share custody In case where a domestic company issues DR overseas, KSD signs a custody agreement with a foreign DR custodian and acts as a custodian of DR underlying shares. KSD has signed a custody agreement with four overseas custodians. 46 issues of 39 companies issued DR overseas of which KSD acts a underlying share custodian for 44 issues of 38 companies (99%). On behalf of the companies that issued overseas bonds including CB·BW·EB, KSD receives and takes care of rights exercising of bondholders as a conversion · warrant exercise · exchange · paying agent. KSD competes with domestic and foreign financial institutions. What is impressive is the market share of KSD stands at about 90%. Overseas Bond Agent
2. International Service of KSD
Ⅰ. Cross-border Securities Transactions and KSD Services 2. International Service of KSD Listing of Foreign Corporations and Local Custody (1) Transfer Agent Depositary In case where a foreign company issues and lists stocks on the domestic market, KSD acts as a transfer agent. In July, 2007, KSD signed a transfer agent agreement with 3NOD Digital Group, a Cayman Islands offshore holding company. In August, 2007, 3NOD listed itself on Kosdaq, the first case as a foreign company In case where a foreign company lists itself on Korea Exchange in the form of DR, KSD takes care of DR issuance and rights exercising. In March, 2007, KSD signed a depositary agreement with Hua feng Textile Int’l Group Ltd.. In November, 2007, Hua feng Textile was listed on Stock Market. Local Custody In case where a foreign investor invests in the domestic market, KSD carries out securities deposit & settlement services as a standing proxy and custodian.
Ⅱ. KSD Custody Services Custody Service Overview
Major Custody Services
1. Custody Service Overview
Ⅱ. KSD Custody Services 1. Custody Service Overview Custody Service & Custody Market 1 Concept of Custody Service Foreign investors should appoint standing proxy and a custodian for safekeeping their securities holdings in Korea 2 Market ratio of Custody Service (December, 2007)
Ⅱ. KSD Custody Services Custody Service Overview
Major Custody Services
2. Major Custody Services
Ⅱ. KSD Custody Services 2. Major Custody Services Related Laws & Regulations and Services 1 Related Laws & Regulations Securities Cash Law Securities and Exchange Act Foreign Exchange Transactions Act Regulation on Supervision of Securities Business Regulation on Supervision of Securities Business Foreign Exchange Transactions Regulation Regulation 2 Scope of service Investment registration Opening accounts at banks and securities companies - Foreign currency and KRW account - Securities account Securities custody Entitlement processing Information provision (Corporate actions)
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage
CSD Linkage Overview CSD Linkage Structure & Procedure Migration Procedures Corporate Action
1. CSD Linkage Overview Scope of CSD Linkage
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 1. CSD Linkage Overview Scope of CSD Linkage CSD Linkage for International Settlement - Foreign Securities Transaction & Settlement - Overseas Custodian in issuing country CSD Linkage for Co- Listing - DR Depositary & CSD in Listing country - Underlying share Custody
Custodian of Underlying Shares Custodian of Foreign CSD
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 1. CSD Linkage Overview Roles of KSD depending on Different Co-listing Methods Division Foreign Company in KRX Domestic Company in Overseas Market DR KDR Depositary Custodian of Underlying Shares Stock Transfer Agent & CSD - CSD Linkage (Stock) CSD Custodian of Foreign CSD
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage
1. CSD Linkage Overview Requirements for Co-Listing through CSD Linkage Applicable Laws and Regulations - Listing regulation of Exchange - CSD regulation on paperless deposit Listing Country Issuing Country CSD acting as a Custodian - Corporate Action, Standing proxy
1. CSD Linkage Overview Service Overview and Progress Overview
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 1. CSD Linkage Overview Service Overview and Progress In case a domestic company is listed on a foreign exchange, KSD provides custody services through CSD linkage. Overview In December, 2001, KSD signed a custody agreement and an MOS with JSCC. In November 1, 2007 KSD signed a custody agreement and an MOS with JASDEC. In November, 2007, Kodex200 ETF was listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Samsung Investment Trust Management Co., Ltd. co-listed Kodex200, which was listed on KRX, on TSE in November, 2007 Some Korean Investment trust companies plan to list ETF in overseas market Progress
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage
CSD Linkage Overview CSD Linkage Structure & Procedure Migration Procedures Corporate Action
2. CSD Linkage Structure & Procedure
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 2. CSD Linkage Structure & Procedure CSD Linkage Structure Foreign Exchange Selling ’Buying Selling Broker Buying Broker Data of trading Application for listing Overseas Foreign CSD Selling broker A/C Buying broker A/C Issuer Notification of deposit (Migration) Custody agreement KSD F-CSD A/C Korea Stocks issuing & deposit (through brokers)
2. CSD Linkage Procedure & Structure
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 2. CSD Linkage Procedure & Structure Listing Structure under CSD Linkage KRX(300) Overseas(300) JASDEC A/C 100 shares Participant B 50 shares Participant A 150 shares KSD Foreign CSD Participant 1 20 shares Participant 2 70 shares Participant 3 10 shares
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage
CSD Linkage Overview CSD Linkage Structure & Procedure Migration Procedures Corporate Action
3. Migration Procedures Migration Between Exchanges KSD KRX Trading
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 3. Migration Procedures Migration Between Exchanges KSD Foreign CSD A/C Participant A Overseas Trading KRX Trading
3. Migration Procedures Migration from KRX to Foreign Exchange KSD
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 3. Migration Procedures Migration from KRX to Foreign Exchange (3-1) KSD Foreign CSD (3) (4) F- CSD A/C Broker /Custodian (2-1) Custodian (2) (5) (1-1) (5) (1)
3. Migration Procedures Migration from Foreign Exchange to KRX KSD
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 3. Migration Procedures Migration from Foreign Exchange to KRX (3) KSD Foreign CSD (5) (2-1) (6) F-CSD A/C Broker /Custodian (2) Custodian (4) (5-1) (1) (7) (1-1)
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage
CSD Linkage Overview CSD Linkage Structure & Procedure Migration Procedures Corporate Action
4. Corporate Action Dividend Investor Foreign KSD CSD Investor
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 4. Corporate Action Dividend Investor Issuing company KSD Foreign CSD Investor Investor
4. Corporate Action Voting Right Exercising Investor Foreign KSD CSD
Ⅲ. Custody Services using CSD Linkage 4. Corporate Action Voting Right Exercising Foreign CSD Investor KSD Issuing company
Ⅳ. Vision Current Status & Challenges CSD linkage in Asia
1. Current Status & Challenges
Ⅳ. Vision 1. Current Status & Challenges Current Status • Co-listing between Korean Stock market and Foreign Markets - Korean ETF to be listed in Asian Markets - Foreign Securities to be listed in Korean Market through CSD Linkage
1. Current Status & Challenges
Ⅳ. Vision 1. Current Status & Challenges Challenges • Different Laws & Regulation - Physical Certificate Deposit - Qualification for Opening account in CSD • Tax - Beneficial shareholder statement, etc.
Ⅳ. Vision Current Status & Challenges CSD linkage in Asia
2. CSD linkage in Asia CSD linkage in Asia
Ⅳ. Vision 2. CSD linkage in Asia CSD linkage in Asia CSD Linkage • makes CSD act as a Major Player • improves efficiency • provide participants with varied choices in Cross- border Transaction & Co-Listing in Asia
Thank you Minhee Lee International Services Planning Team Korea Securities Depository Tel :
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