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Today’s Agenda – 6/8 (A) Check & go over Units 2 – 4 Go over Thematic Essay Review Packet Tonight’s HW Units 5 & 6 FINAL EXAM Thursday June 18 7:30 am.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda – 6/8 (A) Check & go over Units 2 – 4 Go over Thematic Essay Review Packet Tonight’s HW Units 5 & 6 FINAL EXAM Thursday June 18 7:30 am."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda – 6/8 (A) Check & go over Units 2 – 4 Go over Thematic Essay Review Packet Tonight’s HW Units 5 & 6 FINAL EXAM Thursday June 18 7:30 am in Cafeteria

2 Unit 2 Final Review

3 Unit 2: World Religions Religions are characterized as either monotheistic or polytheistic Monotheism belief in one god Polytheism belief in many gods The monotheistic religions include: Judaism, Christianity, Islam The polytheistic religions include: Hinduism, Shintoism, Animism ** philosophies considered belief systems -Confucianism -Daoism -Buddhism

4 Unit 2: World Religions Buddhism Sacred Text The Tripitaka Core Beliefs & Practices Reincarnation, karma, dharma, nirvana 4 Noble Truths 8 Fold Path

5 Unit 2: World Religions Hinduism Sacred Text The Vedas The Upanishads Core Beliefs & Practices Reincarnation, karma, dharma, moksha Caste system

6 Unit 2: World Religions Confucianism Sacred Text The 5 Classics The Analects Core Beliefs & Practices The 5 relationships Filial Piety

7 Unit 2: World Religions Christianity Sacred Text The Bible Core Beliefs & Practices Holy Trinity (God, Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ) 10 Commandments Jesus Christ is the Messiah

8 Unit 2: World Religions Islam Sacred Text The Qur’an Core Beliefs & Practices Founded by Muhammad 5 Pillars of Islam Belief in Allah fasting pray 5x/day pilgrimage to Mecca charity

9 Unit 2: World Religions Judaism Sacred Text The Torah Core Beliefs & Practices Ten Commandments Similar to Christians as “People of the Book”

10 Unit 3: Classical Civilizations Greece Geographic AdvantagesGeographic Disadvantages Mountains provide natural protection Mountains create isolation within Greece City-state rivals (Sparta vs. Athens) Mountains created isolation w/ other regions

11 Unit 3: Classical Civilizations Greece Greek Accomplishments Gov’t & law Birth of democracy Literature Homer’s epics, mythology Architecture Use of columns Intellectual achievements Philosophy, Socratic Method, Pythagorean Theorem

12 Unit 3: Classical Civilizations Greece Who Alexander the Great - Ruler of Greece WhatImpact/Effect Expanded Greece into Persia, Egypt, Asia Minor, Syria & India Spread Greek culture  Hellenistic Era Example of cultural diffusion

13 Unit 3: Classical Civilizations Rome Geography played a positive role in Rome’s development because Peninsula – easy access to Mediterranean Sea for trade  vast trading network Irregular coastline – natural harbors to encourage trade & transportation Fertile farmland Rome on a hill helped defend Mountains helped protect, didn’t isolate

14 Unit 3: Classical Civilizations Rome Rome’s Gov’tRome’s LawsRome’s Society Republic Roman Senate The Twelve Tables Law of Nations Patricians (higher class) Plebeians (lower class)

15 Unit 3: Classical Civilizations Rome Why/How did Rome decline? Internal Problems External Problems Economic Problems Trade disrupted b/c of pirates Lacked silver & gold sources raised taxes Inflation Military Less disciplined & loyal soldiers Paid mercenaries Political Problems Civil war Capital moved to Byzantine Empire Invasion from nomadic Germanic tribes

16 Unit 3: Classical Civilizations India The Mauryan EmpireThe Gupta Empire Asoka & his accomplishments Made Buddhism India’s official religions Pillars of Asoka – pillars w/ laws based on Buddhist values, universal in India Golden Age’s Cultural Achievements Architecture – stupas & Ajanta Caves Advanced astronomy Algebra Concept of zero & decimal system Medicine, doctors & vaccinations

17 Today’s Agenda – 6/9 (B) Check Units 5 & 6 Whole study guide should be complete by today Hand back project grades, Q4 & current overall average reports Go over Units 4 – 6 Go over essay portion of final **Start turning in textbooks Must physically hand in directly to Mrs. Farley & sign off on list **After school reviews this week today 6/9 & Thursday 6/11 Next Monday – Wednesday

18 Unit 4: Trading Networks Mediterranean Trade RouteTrans-Saharan Trade Route Location & connected areas Center of Europe, Africa & Asia Goods traded Grains (Egypt), gold & ivory (Africa), spices & silk (Asia) Evidence of cultural diffusion Alexander the Great & Hellenistic Culture Islam spreading into Africa Byzantine Empire is crossroads btwn Asia & Europe Location & connected areas West African Kingdoms & North Africa Goods traded Gold, salt, ivory from Africa Evidence of cultural diffusion Mansa Musa (Mali’s leader) incorporated Islam & Muslim culture into Africa (est. Timbuktu, Muslim cultural center)

19 Unit 4: Trading Networks Indian Ocean Trade RouteThe Silk Road Trade Route Location & connected areas Indian Ocean, Southern Asia, East cost of Africa (Mogadishu, Mombasa, Kilwa) Goods traded Ivory, gold, copper, iron, silk, spices Evidence of cultural diffusion Ibn Battuta – recorded new people & places throughout Asia & Africa, exposed to Europeans Swahili – blend of Muslim & African culture Location & connected areas Asia to Europe Goods traded Silk & spices from Asia Bronze, iron & glass from Europe Evidence of cultural diffusion Marco Polo – exposed Europe to Asia  increased trade Buddhism & Hinduism spread west Christianity spread east

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