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Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives. “Sometimes I sum up the [Common Core] standards by saying they require you to read like a detective and write.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives. “Sometimes I sum up the [Common Core] standards by saying they require you to read like a detective and write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives

2 “Sometimes I sum up the [Common Core] standards by saying they require you to read like a detective and write like an investigative reporter. -David Coleman, primary author of the Common Core Standards "Bringing the Common Core to Life" David Coleman · Founder, Student Achievement Partners Chancellors Hall · State Education Building · Albany, NY

3 In a recent study, 80% of the questions students were asked while they were reading were answerable without direct reference to the text itself.

4 Library Media Specialists are experts at teaching with information text

5 Elementary, Middle School and High school Classroom Vignettes Instructional Strategies Text-based critical thinking Good refreshers New media texts Support Common Core

6 Select a question Read what the book has to say about the topic Reflect on your teaching practice Share with the colleagues at your table After 25 minutes share one thing from your table with the larger group

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