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Chapter 1: Installing SQL Server 2008 Jie Liu, Ph.D. Professor Department of Computer Science Western Oregon University 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: Installing SQL Server 2008 Jie Liu, Ph.D. Professor Department of Computer Science Western Oregon University 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: Installing SQL Server 2008 Jie Liu, Ph.D. Professor Department of Computer Science Western Oregon University 1

2 Useful URLs  us/library/dd299415.aspx -- a video shows you how to install us/library/dd299415.aspx  mssql/article.php/3713706/Installing-SQL- Server-2008.htm -- guide on installations mssql/article.php/3713706/Installing-SQL- Server-2008.htm  us/library/ms143506.aspx -- from MS, must be accurate us/library/ms143506.aspx © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 2

3 Editions of SQL Server  SQL Server 2008 Enterprise (64-bit) IA64  SQL Server 2008 Enterprise (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Standard (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Enterprise (32-bit)  SQL Server 2008 Standard (32-bit) © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 3

4 Special Editions  SQL Server 2008 Developer (64-bit) IA64 SQL Server 2008 Developer (64-bit) IA64  SQL Server 2008 Developer (64-bit) x64 SQL Server 2008 Developer (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Workgroup (64-bit) x64 SQL Server 2008 Workgroup (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Web (64-bit) x64 SQL Server 2008 Web (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Express (64-bit) x64 SQL Server 2008 Express (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools (64-bit) x64 SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Express Advanced (64-bit) x64 SQL Server 2008 Express Advanced (64-bit) x64  SQL Server 2008 Developer (32-bit) SQL Server 2008 Developer (32-bit)  SQL Server 2008 Workgroup (32-bit) SQL Server 2008 Workgroup (32-bit)  SQL Server 2008 Web (32-bit) SQL Server 2008 Web (32-bit)  SQL Server 2008 Express, Express with Tools, and Express with Advanced Services (32-bit) SQL Server 2008 Express, Express with Tools, and Express with Advanced Services (32-bit) 4

5 HW, OS, and RAM requirements  See us/library/ms143506.aspx us/library/ms143506.aspx  Notes: Nothing but Windows 5

6 Preparing to Install  Selecting an instance type Default (the first one) Named instance (additional instances)  Choosing service accounts  Selecting an authentication mode  Choosing a collation setting © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 6

7 Preparing to Install (2)  If you system allows (64 bits OS with a lot of memory) Install Oracle Virtual Box Install Windows 2008 Enterprise OS Install SQL Server 2008 R2 © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 7

8 Instance types  Multiple copies of SQL Server can run on the same machine  The first instance can be the Default instance  Subsequent instances must be named instances © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 8

9 Service accounts  An account that allows a service to log on as a user  Built-in system account The account already exists, but it can’t talk to other servers on the network  Local user account Allows you to control permissions without granting network access  Domain user account (this is the one to use) Allows network communication, but your network admin must create the account © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 9

10 Authentication Mode  Dictates how users log in to SQL Server  Windows Authentication Mode Only users with a Windows account (Active Directory or Local) can log in  Mixed Mode (I generally pick this one for application) Users with a Windows or SQL Server account can log in © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 10

11 Collation Setting  Dictates how data is stored and sorted Sets the language, case-sensitivity, and unicode collation  SQL Collation is for backward compatibility Use when replicating to or switching between older versions  Windows collation uses the OS settings, except for the: Collation Designator  Controls how characters are stored Sort Order  Controls how data is sorted (Binary, binary Code Point (unicode), Case insensitive, Accent Sensitive, Kana Sensitive, and Width sensitive (treat single and double-byte chars differently) © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 11

12 Upgrading  You can upgrade directly from SQL Server 2005/2000 Service Pack ? or higher  A much bigger issue when the new DBMS has to support legacy databases © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 12

13 Troubleshooting  Look in Windows Event Viewer first, in the Application log  Then look in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\LOG directory at: Summary.txt SQLSetupxxxx_ComputerName_Core.log SQLSetupxxxx_ComputerName_WI.log SQLSetupxxxx_ComputerName_SQL.log © Wiley Inc. 2006. All Rights Reserved. 13

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