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Terms and Conditions Bush Bound Women Road Trips and Retreats Your hosts Elize Behr Hester Bergh-Appoyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Terms and Conditions Bush Bound Women Road Trips and Retreats Your hosts Elize Behr Hester Bergh-Appoyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms and Conditions Bush Bound Women Road Trips and Retreats Your hosts Elize Behr Hester Bergh-Appoyer

2 BUSH BOUND WOMEN (BBW) CONDITIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION Please read the Terms, Conditions & General Information contained in these pages very carefully. They outline the terms under which your Bush Bound Women (BBW) road trip or retreat and they limit our liability. Payment of deposit and/or final payment is an acknowledgement of receipt of these terms & conditions and constitutes acceptance of such as outlined. RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS & FINAL PAYMENTS Early reservations are essential to ensure availability of space. A deposit of ZAR 7000, €500 or $555 is due per person to BBW at the time of reservation. If deposit is not received at our offices within 7 days from the date of reservations, booking/s is/are cancelled. Final payment is due to BBW 40 days prior to departure date. If the reservation is made within the last 60 days of departure (and if space is still available), the entire tour price must be paid at the time of reservation. PRICES, RATES & FARES Our prices are based on a minimum of 2 passengers traveling together. Single Occupancy rates are applicable with a minimum of 2 people traveling together. In the case of just 1 passenger travelling, Single / Travelling Alone BBW prices will be applicable (quoted on a case to case basis). All prices indicated are ZA Rand – the amount in USD (ca $0,08c) and Euro (ca €0,07c) and are subject to the exchange rate on day of final payment. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS All participants must be in possession of a passport valid for 6 months beyond the re-entry date into the South Africa. TOUR INFORMATION Acknowledgement of booking will be sent immediately upon initiation of a reservation. CANCELLATIONS & CHANGES All cancellations must be received in writing. If a cancellation is received after Bush Bound Women is in possession of the initial deposit, but more than 60 days prior to departure, the cancellation fee incurred will be ZAR 2000 / €143 / $159. If the cancellation is received between 59 and 45 days (or 89 - 45 days) prior to departure the fee incurred will be 30% of the entire price. If final payment has been received before 60 days prior to departure, and cancellation occurs, the fee incurred will be 25% of the entire tour price. Cancellation/s received between 44 days and 30 days prior to departure will be charged a fee of 60% of the price. NO REFUNDS whatsoever will be made for cancellations received within the last 30 days prior to departure. INSURANCE BBW recommends travel insurance for each traveller. HEALTH No inoculations needed for South Africa. LATE BOOKING CHARGE Bookings made within 20 days of departure incur a R500 handling fee.

3 LUGGAGE Arrangements include transportation and transfer of one standard-sized suitcases/bag per person. RESPONSIBILITY-LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The client is advised that BBW purchases such transportation, hotel accommodations, restaurant and other services from various independent suppliers who are not affiliated with BBW. BBW makes every effort to select the best suppliers of the aforementioned services. However, SITA does not control the operations of these agents and as a result, CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER CLAIM which may occur as the result of any and/or all of the following: (1) the wrongful, negligent or arbitrary acts or omissions on the part of the independent supplier, agent, its employees or others who are not under the direct control or supervision of BBW; (2) defects or failures of any vessel, vehicle or other instrumentality which is under the control of an independent supplier; or (3) loss, injury or damage to person, property or otherwise, resulting directly or indirectly from any Acts of God, dangers, incidents at sea, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, or wars (whether declared or not), hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, thefts, pilferage, medical epidemics, quarantines, or customs regulations, defaults, delays or cancellations or alterations in itinerary due to schedule changes, or from any causes beyond BBW’s control. Further, BBW is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from insufficient or improperly issued passports, visas or other legal documents. All coupons, exchange orders, receipts, contracts and tickets issued by BBW are issued subject to any and all tariffs, terms, and conditions under which any services are provided by such hotels, airlines, bus companies, railroads, ship lines or owners or contractors or by their person in employ. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS BBW (when deemed necessary) reserves the right to: (1) cancel any itinerary or any part of it; (2) make any alterations to the itinerary (including, but not limited to, alterations to substitution of hotels); and (3) decline to accept or to retain any person as a road trip or retreat traveller or participant should such person's health, mental or physical condition, in the sole opinion of BBW, impede the operation of the road trip or retreat of the other travellers. Travel members are held responsible for being in sufficient good health to undertake the tour. If a traveller or participant is asked to leave while the trip is in progress, that person will be responsible for charges incurred on account of such departure from the trip and/or their return home. In such a case, BBW will refund any monies that can be recovered for the unused portion of the tour, taking into account additional charges incurred by BBW. Other than to refund such sum, BBW will accept no further liability or obligation toward that person or third party. DISCLAIMER BBW is not responsible for any errors, omissions or misquotes contained in documents or any other accompanying promotional documentation. The contents of said documents or promotional documentation may be changed at any time (including, but not limited to, rates and itinerary) without notice and at BBW's sole discretion. HOW TO BOOK Contact Hester Bergh-Appoyer ( or Elize Behr (

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