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Full Name Mrs. Haleem.  New York was located in the Northern part. It was part of the Middle Colonies. Location on the Map.

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Presentation on theme: "Full Name Mrs. Haleem.  New York was located in the Northern part. It was part of the Middle Colonies. Location on the Map."— Presentation transcript:

1 Full Name Mrs. Haleem

2  New York was located in the Northern part. It was part of the Middle Colonies. Location on the Map


4  In 1626, Peter Minuit arrived on Manhattan Island and, with other Dutch settlers, bought the island from the local Indians for 60 gilders ($24.) worth of goods. The settlement and fort on the island became known as New Amsterdam which eventually became the City of New York. History Con’t

5   The majority of the people, especially in the country, were Dutch and they clung tenaciously to the customs and habits of their nation. They were a plodding, industrious, and religious people.  They dwelt in small wooden or brick houses with sanded floors.  The New York Colony had patroon system, which continued all through colonial days and far into the national period. The patroon had a luxurious, well- built house of brick or stone, a retinue of servants, large barns, orchards and gardens, and broad pasture lands dotted with flocks and herds. People

6   The great valleys of the Hudson and the Mohawk were exceedingly fertile, and in this colony the majority of the people were tillers of the soil.  The second great industry was that of trade, and this was of two kinds -- trade with foreign countries and the other colonies and the Indian fur trade. New York City was the center of all maritime commerce. Industry

7  The End!

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