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Prepared by: Michael Palazzo

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1 Prepared by: Michael Palazzo
PERT Charts Prepared by: Michael Palazzo

2 What are PERT Charts? PERT stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique To understand what a PERT chart is, we must first learn the Critical Path Method (CPM)

3 CPM Developed as a network model for project management
Uses a fixed time estimate for each activity Easy to understand but does not account for time variations of activities -CPM was developed in 1957 -The time variations of different activities in a project can have a huge impact on the completion time of a complex project.

4 What is PERT? Developed in late 1950’s
A network model that allows for randomness in activity completion times Has potential to reduce time and cost to complete a project -PERT was developed to help manage the U.S. Navy’s Polaris project which had thousands of contractors

5 Network Diagrams PERT Charts use network diagrams
Activities and milestones of a project are represented by arcs and nodes on a model PERT was originally Activity-on-Arc diagram Some now use Activity-on-Node

6 Activity-on-arc network: Activity-on-node network:
Arc vs. Node Activity-on-arc network: Activity-on-arc: Activities placed on arrows while milestones are placed in nodes of the diagram (or circles) Activity-on-node: Activities placed in nodes of the diagram Activity-on-node network:

7 Example of a PERT Chart This is an example of a traditional PERT chart modelled using an activity on arc diagram. The activities are represented by the letters A through F. Milestones are placed in the notes. Notice how some milestones can be achieved with the completion of only a few activities; while others, like milestone 50, require all the activities to be completed. (The time is listed in months on this model)

8 6 Steps Identify Determine Critical Path Determine Activity Sequence
Update Construct Estimate

9 Identify/Determine Activity Sequence
Identify Activities and Milestones: Activities are tasks Milestones mark beginning and end of activities Determine Activity Sequence: Sequence is evident for some Others require more analysis

10 Construct Construct the Network Diagram:
Create diagram with activity sequence info For activity-on-arc model, activities are arrowed lines and milestones are circles Software exists to simplify this step

11 Estimate Estimate Activity Times:
Weeks are commonly used as unit of time PERT is able to deal with uncertainty in activity completion times Each activity in model includes three time estimates Any consistent time unit can be used.

12 Estimate Continued… Optimistic Time: Most Likely Time:
Shortest time activity can be completed Most Likely Time: Completion time with highest probability Pessimistic Time: Longest time the activity might require There is a 1% change of the activity finishing in the optimistic time. These time are calculated using statistics and standard deviations (see references for more details about the math involved).

13 Determine Critical Path
Critical path is longest path in project Determined by adding the times for activities in each sequence By accelerating activities on critical path you decrease total project time If the activities outside the critical path speed up or slow down (within limits), the total project time does not change.

14 Update Update as Project Progresses:
Make adjustments to PERT chart as project continues Resources may need to be added to stay on schedule if there are delays Estimated times can be replaced with actual times as you move through the project to make PERT chart more accurate/more accurately reflect completion time.

15 Benefits of PERT Gives expected project completion time
Provides probability of completion before a date Shows critical path activities

16 Benefits Continued… Provides activity start and end dates
Shows activities that have slack time Activities that do not fall in the critical path can sometimes be delayed without impacting the total completion time of the project. The amount they can be delayed is called slack time. Activities that have slack time can lend resources to critical path activities to help speed them up.

17 Limitations of PERT The activity time estimates are subjective
PERT assumes a beta distribution for its time estimates; actual distribution may be different If you have limited experience in performing an activity required for the project, the estimated time may be a poor guess.

18 Limitations Continued…
Consistently underestimates the expected project completion time PERT assumes probability distribution of project completion time is same as critical path If delayed, other paths can become critical path If other paths are delayed, they can become the critical path which would lengthen the projection completion time. PERT charts do not account for this.

19 References Pert Charts:
More Information on CPM/CPA: PERT Chart Images:

20 Thank you for your attention!

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