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Progress-Monitoring with WIDA MINNETESOL Conference November 3, 2012 John Wolfe, MPS Multilingual Department Rita Platt, St.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress-Monitoring with WIDA MINNETESOL Conference November 3, 2012 John Wolfe, MPS Multilingual Department Rita Platt, St."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress-Monitoring with WIDA MINNETESOL Conference November 3, 2012 John Wolfe, MPS Multilingual Department Rita Platt, St. Croix Falls SD

2 About taking notes …

3 Relax … Everything (and more) is on The Wiki

4 Questions to be Answered 1.What is WIDA? How do all those parts work? 2.How can teachers use WIDA as a tool for monitoring ELD progress? (And why would you want to?) 3.How can students use WIDA as a tool for monitoring their own ELD progress? (And why would you want them to?)

5 WIDA Philosophy in a Nutshell

6 WIDA: The Bigger Nutshell 1.Language is the tool for learning! 2.LEP’s are in mainstream classrooms. (95% of the time in MPS.) 3.LEP’s use their Limited English to learn in 5 basic contexts (Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Math, Social & Amplification.) 4.EL’s English -- no matter how limited – is an asset for learning. You work with what you’ve got! 5.WIDA is designed to help all teachers modify the language demands of instruction to provide LEP students with meaningful access to content.

7 WIDA Proficiency Levels (Nutshell Perspective) WIDA Levels describe the difficulty of the language we can reasonably expect a student to be able to use for grade-level content learning.


9 Remember! language serves content learning What students can do with language BROADLY But what might that look like in a particular lesson in a particular unit? But what does that look like at different grades? With different language domains? (Speak/Listen/ Read/Write) Up the Triangle = A More Specific View (“Yeah, but what does that look like?”)

10 Good … but still too hard …


12 Can-Do Descriptors

13 Good … but can it be easier???

14 The Student- Friendly Can-Do’s

15 Student-Friendly’s do NOT Replace Can Do’s WIDA Can-Do DescriptorStudent-friendly version Match oral language to classroom and everyday objects Listen and match words to things Compare attributes of real objects (e.g., size, shape, color) Tells what is the same and what is different in things Indicate spatial relations of real-life objects using phrases or short sentences Tell where things are Apply content-based information to new contexts Write about [new situation] using information I learned in class Remember: These do NOT come from WIDA! They come from John & Rita


17 Basically … The WIDA Tools are designed to indicate what students should be able to do in the service of grade-level learning at their proficiency level But we recommend also using them tool to bridge from one level to the next (as a tool for ELD) Can-Do Descriptors (combined with the CVC Criteria) can be the heart of progress-monitoring.

18 Data-Based Decision Making 1.Assess 2.Analyze results 3.Set goals for student growth- plan interventions to meet goals 4.Teach for growth toward goals 5.Reassess 6.Tweak plans Repeat Repeat Repeat Continuous Improvement Model


20 What is Reasonable to Expect?

21 Why can we use the Can-Do’s as a ELD Progress Monitoring Tool? Because the Can-Do Descriptors are essentially a Developmental Learning progression Krashen & Terrell’s Natural Order Hypothesis

22 Data-Based Decision Making 1.Assess 2.Analyze results 3.Set goals for student growth- plan interventions to meet goals 4.Teach for growth toward goals 5.Reassess 6.Tweak plans Repeat Repeat Repeat Continuous Improvement Model

23 One model …

24 Plus … a Class ELD Progress Monitoring Form Question: How often would you do a focused speaking progress assessment like this? Especially considering that you might also be monitoring progress in the other three domains?

25 May 2 | #4.2 Theme … How can you use this in your teaching?

26 Another Method A CBM with WIDA prompts and rubrics!

27 Why Use a CBM It is a “dipstick” It is “down & dirty” It is free It is EASY to use It focuses attention on growth It can help us learn to look at data productively Similar to mini-IRI’s and/or Running Records It’s nationally normed

28 Keep in Mind… F & P is BETTER (but also MUCH longer) IDEL is a mini-check IDEL is NOT a substitute, it is an extra Again, it’s a quick “dipstick” It is easy to document It can be VERY motivating

29 How to Use a CBM AIMS Web Choose a passage at the student’s actual reading level (NOT grade level) Follow the directions and administer the 1 minute reading assessment

30 How to Use a CBM Continued Stop timing after one-minute and record correct words per minute Allow student to finish the passage orally or silently Ask student to retell the story, score her/his speaking on the WIDA Speaking Rubric (also score on the reading comprehension rubric if desired) Ask student to write about the story by responding to one of the prompts, score the writing sample on the WIDA Writing Rubric

31 Involving Students in Learning Students must be INVOLVED to be motivated!

32 Teaching Students to Analyze Data Where do I want/need to be? – Look at the Norms / Criteria Where am I now? – Look at Current Data How can I get there? – Students reflect on data What does the data tell me about my learning? How can I improve? – Students set goals for growth

33 How can you use this in your teaching?

34 Why Share “Kid-Friendly” Can Do’s? Students and teacher(s) have a clear target Makes Can Do’s into “I can…’s” Post them? Refer to them? Give students Can Do booklets? Have level 2 and level 3 set goals?

35 Were the Questions Answered? 1.What is WIDA? How do all those parts work? 2.How can teachers use WIDA as a tool for monitoring ELD progress? (And why would you want to?) 3.How can students use WIDA as a tool for monitoring their own ELD progress? (And why would you want them to?)

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