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1 Status of ATSRAC presented to White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting Kent V. Hollinger September 11, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Status of ATSRAC presented to White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting Kent V. Hollinger September 11, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Status of ATSRAC presented to White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting Kent V. Hollinger September 11, 2001

2 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting2 Who is ATSRAC? (Aging Transport Systems Rulemaking Advisory Committee ã ã Initially chartered January 19, 1999 ã ã Re-chartered January 25, 2001 ã ã See

3 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting3 Background (Two major 1996 accidents caused national attention to aviation safety (Growing number of flights will create more accidents, even with a lower rate (White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security - August 22, 1996

4 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting4 Gore Commission Report (Final Report published February 12, 1997 (1.9 In cooperation with airlines and manufacturers, the FAA’s Aging Aircraft Program should be expanded to cover non-structural systems

5 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting5 Initial FAA/Industry Efforts (March-April 1998 aircraft survey ã DC-10 (3), MD-11, DC-9, B727 (Commitment to MSG-3 principles (Assisted in FAA formal response to Gore Commission in July 1998

6 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting6 ATA’s ASTF (Established on July 15, 1998 (Defined “aging” as aircraft past design life (Formed seven Working Groups to develop inspection criteria and survey sample a/c ã DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, B727, B737, B747, L-1011 (Created ATA Spec 117 on July 31, 1998

7 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting7 FAA Plan Announced (Jane Garvey announced formation of ATSRAC on October 1, 1998 (Meeting notice appeared in Federal Register on December 22, 1998 (Order 1110.127 to formally establish ATSRAC issued on January 19, 1999

8 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting8 Initial ATSRAC Members (FAA (DoD (ALPA (ATA (AIA (NASA (GAMA (Flight Safety Foundation (JAA (Transport Canada (AECMA (General John Loh (Boeing (Airbus (NEMA (SAE Chairman: Kent Hollinger

9 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting9 Added ATSRAC Members (AirTran Airways (IATA (IAM (International Federation of Airworthiness (NADA/F (Northwest Airlines (PEMCO World Air Services

10 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting10 Initial Five Tasks (Sampling inspection of the fleet (Review of fleet service history (Improvement of maintenance criteria (Review and update standard practices for wiring (Review air carrier and repair station inspection and repair training programs and recommend actions to address aging systems

11 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting11 Status of Initial Tasks (All tasks are complete (ATSRAC approval of Final Reports during January 2001 meeting (Final Reports with recommendations forwarded to FAA

12 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting12 Task 1 Results (Non-intrusive Inspections of 81 aircraft ã Aged up to 82,000 hours and 92,000 cycles ã 3,372 individual discrepancies 2 Immediate Fleet-wide Safety of Flight Concern - 0 2 Potential Hazard or Frequently Occurring Item - 182 Ù SB’s required for 3 and enhanced inspection guidelines for 2 2 Defects noted - 3,190

13 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting13 Task 1 Results (continued) (Intrusive Inspections of 6 retired aircraft ã Aged up to 100,241 hours and 100,017 cycles ã Targeted specific wire types and aircraft zones ã On-board visual inspection and NDT ã Wires removed and 25 laboratory tests applied ã Recommendations 2 1 general - education of inspection & maintenance personnel 2 9 research - degradation, chaffing, contamination, NDT, AFCB 2 90 specific - splices, heat shields, clamping

14 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting14 Task 2 Results (Reviewed 714 Service Documents ã Boeing - 27 upgraded to Alert status ã Airbus - 3 upgraded to Alert status ã Lockheed - no further action required (Reviewed 79 ADs with repetitive inspections ã Recommended 8 for terminating action

15 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting15 Task 3 Results (Revised definitions of Detailed Inspection and General Visual Inspection for MSG-3 (Developed an Enhanced Zonal Analysis Procedure for use in maintenance programs (Recommended an update to MSG-3 to better address Single Element Dual Load Path items

16 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting16 Task 4 Results (Defined areas requiring standard practices for care and maintenance of wiring systems (Recommended recurrent training of technicians in specific areas (Promote “clean as you go”

17 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting17 Task 5 Results (Developed an extensive training curriculum and associated lesson plans ã Module A - Introduction ã Module B - Chapter 20 Structure ã Module C - Inspection ã Module D - Housekeeping ã Module E - Wire ã Module F - Connective Devices ã Module G - Connective Device Repair ã Module H - Line Replaceable Units

18 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting18 Current Four Tasks (Federal Register May 29, 2001 p. 29203 ã Wire system certification requirements ã Standard format and content of SWPM ã Enhanced training program for wire systems ã Enhanced maintenance criteria for systems

19 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting19 Wire System Certification (Establish a Harmonization Working Group (Develop a coordination process with ARAC (Develop a coordination process with other ATSRAC HWGs (Combine current wire system regulations into one Section (Identify design requirements to mitigate problems of aging (Identify requirements for Wire System Safety Assessments (Identify requirements for wire separation (Identify requirements for wire identification (Recommend advisory material for new Wire Systems Rule

20 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting20 SWPM Format and Content (Establish a Harmonization Working Group (Coordinate with other ATSRAC HWGs (Define a standard format (Define a standard content (Recommend updates of existing SWPMs

21 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting21 Training Program (Establish a Harmonization Working Group (Coordinate with other ATSRAC HWGs (Develop guidance material for wire system training programs (Identify SWPM recurrent training

22 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting22 Maintenance Criteria (Establish a Harmonization Working Group (Coordinate with other ATSRAC HWGs (Develop guidance for enhanced maintenance criteria for systems (Assist in development of SFAR for EZAP (Recommend wire system ICAWs

23 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting23 Current Schedule (Final Reports for all four tasks will be submitted to the FAA by August 2002 (Notices of Proposed Rule Making will be released in early 2003 (Rules and Advisory Circulars are expected by year-end 2003

24 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting24 Future Public Meetings (Bessie Coleman Conf. Room @ FAA HQ ã October 24-25, 2001 ã January 23-24, 2002 ã April 24-25, 2002 ã July 24-25, 2002 ã October 23-24, 2002

25 ATSRAC September 11, 2001 White House Wire System Safety Interagency Working Group Meeting25 Are There Any Questions?

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