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Planning for Good Nutrition in Child Care Centers Kentucky Department of Education: Division of School and Community Nutrition Annual Training 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for Good Nutrition in Child Care Centers Kentucky Department of Education: Division of School and Community Nutrition Annual Training 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for Good Nutrition in Child Care Centers Kentucky Department of Education: Division of School and Community Nutrition Annual Training 2012

2 Overview Discuss the concept planning: What is it and Why is it Important? Know the difference between quality nutrition and poor nutrition Learn why planning for good nutrition is essential for young children Know the “Stages of Planning” that lead to a good nutritious meal for every child at every meal served at child care centers.

3 Why Now?  Re-evaluating Healthier Kentucky Challenge  Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010  Building a Foundation FIRST  Seriousness of the Issue: QUALITY MATTERS

4 Do You Plan? Planning for Good Nutrition in Child Care Centers

5 PLANNING…What is it? 1.Is a process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. 2.Planning involves the creation and maintenance of a plan. 3.Planning is a fundamental property of intelligent behavior.

6 PLANNING….Why do it? Work out what you want to do (your goals) Think about how you are going to achieve what you want. Work out any extra supports you might need. Work out if there are things in your life you would like to have more control over. Think about what you might do if some things don't work out. Think about the changes you want to make and Plan to make these changes successfully

7 GOOD Childhood Nutrition….What is it? Supply of quality materials - food - required by organisms and cells to stay alive, heal, and thrive. POOR Childhood Nutrition….What is it? Supply of low quality materials - food - consumed by organisms and cells that if consumed in place of quality materials, will over time cause malnutrition that leads to a host of disorders and disease.

8 Good Nutrition (High/Dense Nutrients) -Whole/Fresh Fruits and Vegetables -Whole Grains -Whole Meat/ Meat Alternates -Milk -Fresh Water -Foods low in saturated fat, added sugar, added salt Poor Nutrition (Low Nutritional Value) -Foods with high amounts of fat, sugar, fillers, and/or sodium. (Chips, Processed Chicken Nuggets, Packaged Muffins, Cookies, Refined Flour, Fast Foods Etc.) JUNK FOOD!!

9 Special Considerations of Good Childhood Nutrition -Developing tastes that may last a lifetime. -Developing eating habits that may last a lifetime. -Childhood a critical time of growth and development for the body and brain. Nutrient dense food a must. -Some foods are not appropriate for all children (allergies, choking hazards, etc.) -Children have heightened taste buds.

10 Why Plan for Good Childhood Nutrition? Encourages children to try new foods. Encourages children to get familiar with the taste of nutrient dense food. Ensures children are getting the best fuel and balanced diet for their growing mind and body. Encourages children to develop positive attitudes towards eating and food. Decreases the likely-hood of childhood malnourishment or obesity

11 Who is good at planning for a child’s meal?

12 Planning for Good Childhood Nutrition Stage 1: Laying the Foundation

13 DECIDE that YOU are Committed to GOOD Childhood NutritionGOOD Wellness Policy Statement of Commitment


15 Get Input From Parents, Children and StaffChildren Think about Your Resources: Cook, Facility, Equipment, Storage Space, and Places to Purchase Food

16 STAGE 1 Continued……. Print Out Several Copies of Your Menu/Menu Planning Form and the CACFP Food Chart Menu/Menu Make it a Goal to Create Four Weeks of Delicious and Nutritious Cycle Menus!


18 Stage 1 Continued….. Gather Your Planning Team Together

19 Stage 1 Continued….. Make TIME to PLAN! Get Out Your Food Buying Guide and Your Food Crediting Guide

20 Planning for Good Childhood Nutrition

21 Meat/Meat Alternates FRESH WHOLE Meat Basics: Ground Beef, Chicken, Pork, Ground Turkey Consider Your Resources and Recipes. VARIETY in type of Meat and in preparation! Processed Items: Chicken Nuggets, etc., Hot Dogs, Corn Dogs, etc. (Limit to Twice a Month!) Include Vegetarian Meals: Eggs, Beans, and Yogurt are all Meat Alternates Try SomethingSomething New!

22 Fruits and Vegetables Increase WHOLE fruits and vegetables at all meals. DECREASE Juice Rise to the CHALLENGE: One fresh fruit or vegetable per day Replace #10 Cans with fresh or frozen items.

23 Fruits and Vegetables Continued Choose a variety of colors at meals and throughout the week. Variety in color means variety in nutrition! Introduce at least one new fruit or vegetable every month. Make it an “extra.”

24 Breads and Grains Increase whole grains…try for at least one whole grain item per day. Try to periodically introduce a new grain. Make it an “extra.” Wild rice, quinoa, and couscous are some tasty new grains! Look for variety in wheat (bread) products. Crackers, croutons, pita bread, and naan provide a different choice than sliced sandwich bread.

25 Breads and Grains Continued Get creative with your grains. Put rice or noodles in soup. Make a pasta salad with noodles, fresh vegetables, and italian dressing! Toast bread for a tasty change of pace. (Large quantities can be toasted on cookie sheets in the oven!)

26 MILK 1% or Skim for two or older. Use it to make a delicious smoothie at snack! Flavored milk can be a great occasional treat!

27 Don’t Forget About Water! Make a Plan to Encourage Young Children to Enjoy Drinking Water(this is one of the best habits and tastes you can help children develop!)

28 Planning for Good Childhood Nutrition STAGE 3: Putting on the Finishing Touches!

29 Have Other People Take a Look at Your Menus to ensure there is variety in color, texture, and components! Make Sure There are no Tan Mushy Meals!

30 Planning for Good Childhood Nutrition STAGE 4:Purchasing, Preparing and Serving

31 Once a Month: Purchase what you can in shelf stable bulk as your storage space allows: -Canned Goods: -Spices -Crackers/Croutons -Pasta -Cereals -Oatmeal -Flour and Sugar -Rice and Other Grains -Dried Beans Purchase Perishables One Week at a Time: -Meat -Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (Look for Seasonal Items!) -Bread -Milk -Eggs -Yogurt ALWAYS check expiration dates and rotate food on your shelf!

32 After a Complete Month, ask parents, children and staff for feedback! - What did you like the most? -What did you like the least -What would you like to see on the menu that wasn’t listed? -Do you have any suggestions for another way to prepare an item -Etc.


34 Planning for Good Childhood Nutrition STAGE 5: Celebrate Your Commitment to Good Nutrition!

35 CLs6ds8&NR=1&feature=endscreen When you INVEST your CACFP Funds in HIGH QUALITY, NUTRITIOUS FOODS, you INVEST in Early Childhood Education.

36 CLs6ds8&NR=1&feature=endscreen Thank you for INVESTING in the children in your care. You make a difference every day!

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