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 Definition  History  In the past  Types of translation  Books and translator  Approaches to Translation  Problems.

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Presentation on theme: " Definition  History  In the past  Types of translation  Books and translator  Approaches to Translation  Problems."— Presentation transcript:

1  Definition  History  In the past  Types of translation  Books and translator  Approaches to Translation  Problems

2  A written or spoken rendering of the meaning of a word, speech, book, or other text, in another language.

3  Translation in the western world:  The tower of Babel story.  Looking for specific dates.  Translation in the Arab world:  Syrians and the Greek ways.  Prophet Mohhamad Massage (Zayed in Thabet).  Translating the holy Quran.

4  was very difficult, because they only have the dictionary to translate the words tanother language and it take long time when they are looking for the words, But now translation is developed and we have different facilities like different programs of translation on the internet or even on mobile phone and other items,which is very easy to use and translate faster.

5  Literary translation  translation of literature :novels, poems, plays and poems.  works is considered by many one of the highest forms of translation as it involves so much more than simply translating text.  Computer translation  translations carried out by software :software,manuals and help files.  Technical translation  certain fields :IT or manufacturing and deals with texts such as manuals and instructions.  Commercial translation  or business translation covers any sort of document used in the business world such as correspondence, company accounts, tender documents and reports.  Economic translation  Similar to commercial, it is simply a more specific term used for the translation of documents relating to the field of economics :texts are usually a lot more academic in nature.  Financial translation  translation of texts of a financial nature. Anything from banking to asset management to stocks and bonds could be covered.  Legal translation  one of the trickiest translations known. means the translation of legal documents :statutes, contracts and treaties.

6  Translation Sciences by D.Moh.anan  Translation Art by D. abdo abod  To become translator by tlal abu gzala

7  Discourse And The Translator 1 Discourse And The Translator - Basil Hatim & Ian Mason  Discourse And The Translator 2 Discourse And The Translator - Basil Hatim & Ian Mason  The Art Of Translating Herbert Gushing Tolman

8  Hunen bin ashaq  Thabt bin grh

9  Martin Luther  Samuel Johnson  John Dryden

10  Formal equivalence: Formal equivalence implies word for word translation or literal translation. It translate not only the exact appearance of vocabulary but also the idioms and grammatical structure used in the original.  Dynamic equivalence: Dynamic equivalence, also referred to as functional equivalence, implies the essential thought expressed in the source text.

11  Problems of ambiguity.  Problems that originate from structure.  Lexical differences between languages.  Grammar.  Problems with the source text.  Spelling incorrectly.

12  Student :  Mariam Mubarak  Lamees  Shyima  Sumaya  Mahra  Klaithm

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