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Worldwide Biomes By: Elizabeth Sulik. Tropical Rainforest Biome  Rainforests receive 3 meters of rainfall each year.  Average temperature is 26 c. 

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Presentation on theme: "Worldwide Biomes By: Elizabeth Sulik. Tropical Rainforest Biome  Rainforests receive 3 meters of rainfall each year.  Average temperature is 26 c. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Worldwide Biomes By: Elizabeth Sulik

2 Tropical Rainforest Biome  Rainforests receive 3 meters of rainfall each year.  Average temperature is 26 c.  Golden lion Tamarins have a thick, reddish coat.  They flatten themselves against trees to avoid predators.  One coconut tree can produce up to 50 nuts.  They have supplied families from the Pacific with food, shelter, and other essentials.  Adaptations: The roots of a coconut tree reach seas to absorb more water. Golden lion tamarins have strong legs to help them climb among trees. http://www. blueplanetb nfrst_plant _page.htm rst_animal_page.htm

3 Deciduous Forest Biome  Are mostly in Europe and the Eastern ½ of the U.S.  Overcrowding has occurred.  A tawny milkcap mushroom is 2-5 inches wide and have a smooth, velvety feeling.  They eat decomposing organisms.  Coyotes have a grayish-tan coat.  Both parents stay to take care of their young.  Adaptations: Many mushroom spores [seeds] are released for a better chance of reproduction. Coyotes are adapted to live almost anywhere.

4 Grassland Biome  Have very few trees and tall grasses up to 2 meters tall.  They receive a small amount of rain.  A Geoffroy’s cat has a coat that is either yellow or gray and is covered in spots or stripes.  Females mature faster than males.  A Purple Coneflower can grow to be 2-3 feet tall.  Can provide relief from insect bites and stings.  Adaptations: A Geoffroy’s cat has large eyes to help detect prey. A purple coneflower has many medical uses, so it is grown and protected by some humans. http://www.blueplan e_plants_page.htm

5 Taiga Biome  Have very long winters.  Are cold and fairly dry.  A Long-eared owl has tufts of feathers on it’s head, earning it it’s name.  Will move into a larger bird’s nest that is abandoned.  Eastern Red cedars will take over abandoned fields and fencerows.  It grows in a pyramid shape.  Adaptations: Very large ears help a Long-Eared owl hunt at night. Seeds in the fruit of the Eastern Red cedar are spread by many animals. http://www.bluep taiga_animal_pa ge.htm http://www.bluepla a_plant_page.htm

6 Desert Biome  Are very hot and cool at night.  Receive less than 25 cm of precipitation each year.  Sonoran Desert toads live in water and on land.  Are olive green with a “wart” area near jaws and on back legs.  Barrel cactuses have a cylinder shaped body.  Like to grow in the Mojave, Senora, and Chihuahua deserts.  Adaptations: The cactus sharp spines for protection. A female toad can lay up to 8,000 eggs, many of them will hatch and tadpoles will enter the world. http://www.blu eplanetbiome m http://www. blueplanetbi esert_plant _page.htm

7 Tundra Biome  Are very cold and have little rain.  The ground is frozen, making it harder for plants to grow.  An arctic fox is 10-16 inches long and 6-12 inches wide.  They will sometimes follow polar bears and eat their food remains.  A Pasque flower can have 5-8 petals.  Likes well drained, sandy, and gravelly soils.  Adaptations: An arctic fox has adapted a stealthy movement for hunting. A pasque flower grows low to keep out of cold climate. http://www.blueplanetbi page.htm

8 References  orld_biomes.htm

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