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2 INTRODUCTION There is a growing worldwide trend towards distance studying and South Africa is no exception. The call for expansion in Higher Education and the Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector outlined in the new Distance Education Policy and the White Paper for Post School Education and Training speaks to; → Open Learning through Diverse modes of provision → Cross Border Distance Education → Expanding student access and success → The College of Cape Town (CCT) has engaged with these policies and recognises the indispensable and integral role Distance Education plays in our National Higher Education System.

3 WHY DISTANCE LEARNING? →Study from anywhere in the world →Study and work at the same time →Fees include all course material →Contact with students 7 days a week →Experienced tutors committed to our students’ success. →Chat rooms to work with fellow students.

4 DISTANCE PROGRAMMES The College of Cape Town will present the following in 2015 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING →COURSE: N2 – N6 →Distance Learning offered to students nationally and across borders. → 400 entries ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING →COURSE: N2 – N6 →Distance Learning offered to students nationally and across borders. → 200 entries EDUCARE →COURSE: N4 – N6 Diploma →First Enrolment →July 2015 →Other programmes will be phased in → 2016

5 TARGET MARKET →Teachers/Employees in the workplace with no qualifications →The underprepared school leaver with no experience.

6 SUPPORT →A support system that meets the needs of the target market. → Creating an enabling environment. →MOODLE (Modular Object Orientated Dynamic Learning Environment). *Open Source Learning Management system that is used by 70 million worldwide *It provides distance learning for students. *Supports both Teaching and Learning *It offers online access and face to face teaching * It can be extended to Assignments, Quizzes, Social Learning and Collaborative Learning *Can be accessed anywhere

7 SUPPORT College of Cape Town Online Tutors email Skype telephone calls sms

8 RECOURCES →Prescribed Books → Future Managers →College of Cape Town: *Tutorials * Assignments * Tests * Video clippings *Computer Labs

9 MARKETING →Presentations at ECD forums around the Western Cape. →Written Correspondence with 1700 Early Childhood Development Centres in Cape Town →Open Day on Saturday, 28 March 2015 →Website →Facebook Page

10 MEASURING SUCCESS Distance learning is an important model for expanding access to students if coupled with improved programme design and increased support systems to the inexperienced student. →Access = Success. →Compare graduates outputs for full time, part time and distance learning

11 N4 minimum 6 months N5minimum 6 months N6minimum 6 months + 18 months practical = Diploma in Educare Grade 12 + N6 Diploma 1 st year Bachelor Degree Foundation Phase OR Grade 12 endorsement + N6 Diploma 2 nd year Bachelor degree in Foundation Phase Career Path Through Distance

12 “As we enter the twenty first century, it is clear that education is, indeed, the best investment that we can make, for an information economy depends upon a knowledgeable skilled, educated workforce. The better educated our students are, the better we will perform economically” Bill Gates

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