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PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. 2  There is a wide gap between the educational standards of premier institutes like IITs and other engineering institutions.

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Presentation on theme: "PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. 2  There is a wide gap between the educational standards of premier institutes like IITs and other engineering institutions."— Presentation transcript:


2 2  There is a wide gap between the educational standards of premier institutes like IITs and other engineering institutions.  Industry-academia collaboration  Learning infrastructure  Employability of Graduates NEED FOR TEQIP II :

3 3 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INITIATIVES : “ “To scale-up and support ongoing efforts of the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA to improve quality of Technical Education and enhance existing capacities of the Institutions to become dynamic, quality conscious, efficient and responsive to rapid economic and technological developments occurring at the local, State, National and International levels”. It has a clear focus on the objectives to improve the overall quality of existing Engineering Education. The Programme Goal :

4 4 TEQIP (PHASE-II)  The second phase of the programme (TEQIP-II) is now commenced in which around 200 engineering institutions were competitively selected with an endeavor to improve the overall quality of Technical Education in the country.

5 5 List of Project Institutions participating from the State of Tamil Nadu 1 st Cycle : S.No.Name of the InstitutionSub-component Amount Sanctioned 1 Government College of Engineering, Bargur, Krishnagiri 1.1 10 Crores each 2Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 1.2 3 Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi 1.2 4Government College of Engineering, Salem 1.2 5 Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli 1.2 2 nd Cycle : S.No.Name of the Institution Sub- component Amount Sanctioned 1 Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 1.1 10 Crores each 2 P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore 1.1 3 Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, Trichirapalli 1.1 4 Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 1.1

6 6 Project objectives for Sub-Component 1.1  To improve the competencies of undergraduates by strengthening Institutions:  Updation of Learning Resources  Improvements in Faculty Competence & Quality of Teaching  Improvement in Research & Consultancy  Equity Action Plan MAIN ACTIVITIES:

7 7 Key Activities at PSGCT in Sub-Component 1.1 Key Activities at PSGCT in Sub-Component 1.1 Contd… S. no.Activities Planned expenditure (Lakhs) Responsibility 1 Starting new PG programmes in Engineering disciplines 15Principal & HoDs 2 Modernization and Strengthening of UG laboratories 390 HoDs & Prof. C L Vasu 3 Modernization of classrooms (Smart class rooms ) 38Dr A Kandasamy 4 Updation of department learning resources 35 HoDs & Prof. C L Vasu 5 Minor Civil Works - To make campuses physically and socially gender friendly. 23 Dr M Ibrahim Bathusha & Dr B Giriraj

8 8 Key Activities at PSGCT in Sub-Component 1.1 Key Activities at PSGCT in Sub-Component 1.1 Contd… S. no.Activities Planned expenditure (Lakhs) Responsibility 6 Academic support to weak students 45 HoDs & Dr Arumuganathan 7 Providing Teaching and Research Assistantships to increase enrolment in PG programmes in Engineering disciplines 98Dr J V Ramasamy 8 Faculty Development Programme (FDP) for improved competence, based on Training Need Analysis (TNA) 100HoDs 9 Staff Development Programme (SDP) for improved competence, based on Training Need Analysis (TNA) 26 HoDs & Dr R Sreenivasan

9 9 Key Activities at PSGCT in Sub-Component 1.1 Key Activities at PSGCT in Sub-Component 1.1 Contd… S. no.Activities Planned expenditure (Lakhs) Responsibility 10 Conduct of Entrepreneurship Programmes 8Dr K Suresh Kumar 11Industry-Institute Linkage33 HoDs & Dr Jovitha Jerome 12 R&D -Research Council for students 20 Principal, HoDs & Dr C Lakshmi Deepika 13 National / International Level Conferences or Workshops 25 HoDs & Dr Ananthasubramanian 14 Incremental Operating Cost and Contingency 60Principal

10 10 Key Activities at PSGCT in Sub-Component 1.1 S. no. Activities Planned expenditure (Lakhs) Responsibility 15 Academic Reforms (Accreditations etc.) 22 Dr V Ramamurthy & Dr N Saravanakumar 16 Management Capacity Enhancement 20 Principals & HoDs 17Finishing School10Dr R Nadarajan 18 Higher Education Forum for Students 5Prof T Venkatachalam 19 Furniture for department and Procurement Contingency 27HoDs Total1000

11 MAJOR DELIVERABLES EXPECTED AT PSGCT UNDER SUB- COMPONENT-1.1 MAJOR DELIVERABLES EXPECTED AT PSGCT UNDER SUB- COMPONENT-1.1 Contd…  Accreditation of eligible UG+PG programmes  Improvement in placement rate and average salary package  Increased transition of students from first to second year  Increased rate of high quality graduates (≥ 75% aggregate)  Improved laboratory facilities, Reduction in batch size for experiments.  Increased number of Masters and Doctoral students enrolled 11

12 MAJOR DELIVERABLES EXPECTED AT PSGCT UNDER SUB- COMPONENT-1.1  Increased number of externally funded R&D and consultancy projects  Increase in the number of publications in refereed journals  Increased collaboration with institutions and industry  Increase in Internship opportunities, Student Projects, Consultancy activities, etc  Increase in number of innovations (patents) commercialised.  Number of Industry Chairs secured. 12

13 13 Mentor and Auditor will do the Monitoring and Evaluation Periodically PROJECT MONITORING PROJECT EVALUATION Management Information System (MIS) (Key Performance indicators) Assessment surveys (Student, Faculty, Employer, etc) Evaluation studies Mentoring & Auditing Reviews Monitoring & Evaluation


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