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Sadlier-Oxford Level G

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1 Sadlier-Oxford Level G
Vocabulary Unit 2 Sadlier-Oxford Level G

2 To approach and speak to first; to confront
Accost verb To approach and speak to first; to confront Synonyms: approach, confront Antonyms: evade, avoid

3 Critical remark, unfair criticism
Animadversion noun Critical remark, unfair criticism Synonym: Reproof Antonym: Praise, compliment

4 Related words: Adversary - enemy Adverse - opposed, hostile
Adversity - suffering, misfortune

5 Intensely eager, liking something very much
Avid adjective Intensely eager, liking something very much Synonyms: enthusiastic, greedy Antonyms: reluctant, indifferent

6 Somewhat salty unpleasant to drink
Brackish adjective Somewhat salty unpleasant to drink Synonym: saline, briny Antonym: fresh, clear

7 Swiftness, rapidity of motion or action
Celerity noun Swiftness, rapidity of motion or action Synonym: speed Antonym: slowness

8 Done or action in a shifty or underhanded way
Devious adjective Done or action in a shifty or underhanded way Synonyms: tricky, indirect Antonyms: open, straightforward

9 Related Words: Deviant Deviate Deviation

10 A calculated move or opening
Gambit A calculated move or opening Synonym: maneuver, ploy

11 Overly theatric, melodramatic, pertaining to acting
Histrionic adjective Overly theatric, melodramatic, pertaining to acting Synonyms: affected, theatrical Antonyms: subdued, low-key

12 Deliberately causing fires, tending to stir up strife or rebellion
Incendiary adjective Deliberately causing fires, tending to stir up strife or rebellion Synonym: inflammatory Antonym: soothing

13 Incendiary One who deliberately sets fires One who causes strife noun
Synonym: arsonist, firebrand Antonym: peacemaker

14 A powerful whirlpool a crazy situation
Maelstrom noun A powerful whirlpool a crazy situation Synonyms: vortex, chaos

15 Nearsighted lacking foresight
Myopic adjective Nearsighted lacking foresight Synonyms: shortsighted Antonyms: farsighted

16 Overt Open, not hidden adjective Synonyms: clear, obvious
Antonyms: secret, concealed

17 Expressing disapproval, tending to make worse
Pejorative adjective Expressing disapproval, tending to make worse Synonym: derogatory Antonym: complimentary

18 The state of being proper, appropriateness
Propriety noun The state of being proper, appropriateness Synonyms: fitness, decorum Antonym: inappropriateness

19 Improper or disrespectful treatment of something held sacred
Sacrilege noun Improper or disrespectful treatment of something held sacred Synonym: desecration

20 Without delay or formality Quickly, peremptorily
Summarily adverb Without delay or formality Quickly, peremptorily Synonyms: promptly, abruptly

21 Suppliant Synonyms: Adjective: Asking humbly
Noun: one who makes a request humbly Synonyms: Adjective: entreating Noun: a petitioner

22 Talisman noun An object that serves as a charm or is believed to confer magical powers Synonym: amulet

23 To move in waves or with a wavelike motion
Undulate verb To move in waves or with a wavelike motion Synonyms: ripple, fluctuate

24 Homework Due Tuesday: Chose 10 words and write an original sentence for each one. Due Thursday: All Unit 2 exercises in Vocab Book: pages Quiz Friday!!!

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