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Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Presented by: Vidyalankar Nidamarthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Presented by: Vidyalankar Nidamarthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Presented by: Vidyalankar Nidamarthy Sunil Kumar Kotagiri Vision | Delivering innovative solutions together for a better future Infotech Enterprises Your reliable engineering solutions partner 19/01/2011 Can we use spatial information for regulatory compliance?

2 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Contents Overview Role of Spatial Information Example Cases Case 1: Issuing New Connections - Power utilities Case 2: Pipeline Planning & Maintenance - Gas utilities Conclusion

3 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Multiple / No systems Redundant data Complex business processes Lack of resources Lack of efficient processes Poor performance Lower efficiencies Failure to comply with regulatory mandates Overview Why? Solution? Smart use of spatial information in collaboration with the data available in other IT systems

4 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Role of Spatial Information Network assets are geographically dispersed, knowing the asset location is key to carrying out operations & maintenance activities efficiently Spatial information adds intelligence to the existing processes, enabling reduction of design cycle time and minimizing expensive field visits Common view of the ‘network assets’ to all stakeholders (management, planning & design engineers and field crew) Visualization of the analysis results is made easy with the availability of spatial maps Spatial information aids the organization’s CapEx and OpEx planning

5 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Example Cases

6 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Regulatory Compliance Case 1: Issuing New Connections - Power Utilities Regulatory mandate : Comply with service turnaround times Case 2: Pipeline Planning & Maintenance - Gas Utilities Regulatory mandate : Avoid accidents & fatalities Network Analysis Enterprise Resource Planning Mobile Workforce 1) Reduce Service Turnaround 2) Avoid accidents & fatalities Case1 - Issue new connections Case 2 - Pipeline planning & maintenance Regulatory Compliance Goals Business functions enhanced by using spatial information Spatial Information IT and Operational Systems In-Line Inspection SCADA Feasibility Study & Route / Design Optimization Estimate / Costing Installation & Commissioning Operation & Maintenance Geographical Information System (GIS) High Consequential Analysis & Disaster Mgmt.

7 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Case 1: Issuing New Connections - Power utilities

8 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally New connection requirement Load calculation Analyze network capacity Design layout Feasibility Study Design Optimization Estimate / Costing Review and Approval Installation & Commissioning New Connection Issue Process Timeline Issuing New Connections - Process Time consuming activities Delay in these activities will directly impact the overall timelines

9 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Planning & Design Load Requirement Planning & Design Engineers Preliminary Design CIS GIS Customer Information Proposed Network Issuing New Connections - Design GIS facilitates Comprehensive view of the distribution network, as laid on the ground Geographic locations of the new area / consumers to be served Topographic information such as buildings, street and hydrology as a reference for accurately designing the network Designing tools & templates Easy interfacing with other IT systems like CIS, Network Analysis application Result Quick design as well as efficient use of available information and resources

10 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Load Flow, Optimal Power Flow, Voltage Studies System Engineer Analysis results GIS Network Analysis Preliminary Design Visualization of Feasibility study reports GIS Display Overloaded feeder Issuing New Connections – Feasibility Study GIS facilitates Accurate, consistent, well connected and up-to-date network diagram for Network Analysis application A common database for the network diagram reduces data entry costs and eliminates data inconsistency issues An integrated visualization environment to better understand the network Result Reduces engineering time and cost

11 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally System Engineer Network Analysis Network Analysis results & recommendations Design Optimization GIS Optimal Design Issuing New Connections – Design Optimization GIS facilitates Visualization of ‘What-if analysis’ results Flexibility to review and compare different circuit configurations To explore accurate placement options for the equipment, shortest routes for cables, and alternative connection possibilities Design optimization tools Result Improved designs with less rework

12 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally GIS Network Design Instant view of design costs and design modifications Cost Summary Issuing New Connections – Estimate & Costing ERP Materials & Service costs GIS Approving Authorities / Design Engineer GIS facilitates Estimate required material quantities Instant reports based on the selected design To view both the technical and financial aspects of the proposed design at a single place Result Fast and hassle free design approvals

13 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Case 2: Pipeline Planning & Maintenance - Gas utilities

14 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Planning & Route optimization Topography Planning & Design Engineers Pipeline route GIS Pipeline Planning & Maintenance – Planning & Route Optimization Soil data Transport data Weather Population GIS facilitates Economical route planning / optimization Holistic view of all the relevant information at one place Result Better planning and reduced data interpretation efforts

15 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Operation & maintenance Planning & Design Engineers Accurate tracing of fault sections / equipment GIS Pipeline Planning & Maintenance – Operations and maintenance SCADA Real-time data Leaks database Leaks history GIS facilitates Accurate asset locations that eliminate the danger of incorrect excavations / operations Timely maintenance of assets that will prevent accidents and fatalities Result Damage prevention, regulatory compliance and improved service

16 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally Conclusion In the present era of modernization and changing industry dynamics, the role of GIS in the utility industry is constantly growing and is helping address several technical, business, and operational functions Historically, the GIS systems have evolved from being back-office applications to becoming an integral part of utility operations GIS plays an important role as a unifying agent in eliminating data redundancies, and in improving the overall efficiencies by leveraging the spatial coordinates of assets Spatial information helps in reducing process time and efforts, cutting costs, and optimizing solutions, thereby enabling utilities to comply with regulatory mandates The scope and capabilities of GIS are immense. Leveraging the power of GIS can help resolve several present-day challenges faced by a utility.

17 Creating Business Impact | Providing Expert Solutions | Delivering Quality Consistently | Building Partnerships Globally © Infotech Enterprises Ltd. 2010. | All logos, trademarks, trade names and graphics used herein are the property of their respective owners THANK YOU

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