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David Warne Independent Manufacturing Consultant.

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1 David Warne Independent Manufacturing Consultant

2 Product Management Works Orderless Production Manufacturing Extension Pack

3 Product Management

4 A system and frame-work which supports the management of product design, release and changes within a controlled and audited environment. Management of product life cycle from Design and Pre-Production to obsolescence

5 Module Components

6 Lifecycle control  new product introduction  design changes  obsolescence  impact on the supply chain  rework

7 Product Management Two elements  Drawing Register  Engineering Change Control

8 Part Database Drawing Office data base of Design Parts Limited information Part templates to provide consistent coding to avoid duplication Classification of components

9 Drawing Register Mirrors the system of parts structures Defines the relationship between parts within an assembly History of changes maintained

10 Change Note Register Register storing details of manufacturing updates User defined control levels Against a unique reference the details of change requirements specific to a part, sub assembly or finished product.

11 Authorisation System Engineering Change Notes (ECN) details changes required 20 separate authorising departments Level of control set by System key Drawing revision specifies the assembly affected List of changes are detailed against the drawing

12 Authorisation System ECN can be linked to a Drawing revision  The control of system updates is via the authorisation status of the ECN

13 Engineering Change Control


15 Environments for ECC Where is it used?  Aerospace  Automotive  Electronics  Engineering  Chemical

16 Environments for ECC Where it could be used  Control of software releases  Control of document releases  Maintenance of quality  Management of processes  Management of cost

17 Who needs to be involved in the process?  Fit Form Function - Design  Change introduction - Planning  Production Engineering - Manufacturing  Procurement – Purchasing  Marketability – Sales / Marketing  Cost Implications – Accounting  Stock Control – Inventory Management

18 ECN Templates ECN templates define base data and analysis of resulting ECN’s Release Update option controls the implementation of Change Control Associated BOMs are copied or created Route details are updated Stock items are created

19 Engineering Change Control Drawing numbers and revisions are updated throughout Sage Active Works Orders are identified Active Purchase Orders are identified

20 Engineering Change Control Changes details are stored on user defined Technical Pages Drawing revision status is changed Impact Analysis report available

21 Application of ECC How is this process managed?  Engineering change note

22 What is an Engineering Change Note? An electronic document that defines the change requirements and allows authorising parties to agree or veto the changes. Once authorised it will process the changes and record them against the stock records.

23 Drawing Register

24 Drawings are linked to an assembly, sub assembly or component

25 Design Parts database Design Part Templates creating Design Parts Design Parts  Components  Assemblies

26 Entering Component Changes  Add new components (A)  Delete existing components (D)  Replace existing components (R)  Modify existing components (M)  Leave a component alone (U)

27 Drawing Controlled Release ECN based control If all authorisers are set to A the ECN status can be automatically set to A for approved  Green light system A combination of both User based and ECN based control

28 Stock records are created from design parts Bills of material are created Drawing revision updated

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