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Christmas Traditions in Malta Done by Lehandros, Luke, Kyla, Landie, Maria and Anthea Teacher Ms Agius (yr4.3)

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Presentation on theme: "Christmas Traditions in Malta Done by Lehandros, Luke, Kyla, Landie, Maria and Anthea Teacher Ms Agius (yr4.3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christmas Traditions in Malta Done by Lehandros, Luke, Kyla, Landie, Maria and Anthea Teacher Ms Agius (yr4.3)

2 Christmas is very important to the Maltese and Gozitans. In Malta, Christmas is known as “Il-Milied” and it is celebrated on the 25 th of December. In Maltese “Happy/Merry Christmas” is Il-Milied it-Tajjeb Il-Milied it-Tajjeb

3 During Christmas time churches and homes are decorated with lights and nativity cribs. We say “presepju” for the word crib. The cribs are decorated with figurines, called “pasturi”. The ‘pasturi’ figures represent Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, angels, villagers and animals such as cows, donkeys and sheep.

4 Large figurines of the baby Jesus are put behind windows or in balconies and lit at night. Houses are also decorated with Christmas wreaths, candles and all sort of decorations. Every home in Malta has its own Christmas tree which is decorated with light bulbs, tinsel and other Christmas decorations.

5 It is also a tradition to sow wheat, grain and canary seed (ġulbiena) on cotton buds in flat pans five weeks before Christmas. These are left in the dark until the seeds produce white grass. When they are fully grown they are use to decorate the crib or the statue of baby Jesus. Canary seeds

6 On Christmas Eve a tradition hugely popular is the Procession of the baby Jesus where a life size figure of baby Jesus is carried at the front and Christmas carols are sang by the followers. This is then followed by the Midnight Mass.

7 Church functions reach their climax with the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, which includes ‘Il-Priedka tat-tifel’ which is done by an altar boy usually aged 7 to 10 years old. The boy tells the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. It has also become common in most churches to organize a mini-pageant with children dressed as shepherds, Joseph and Mary carrying a baby doll (representing Jesus) acting out the story of the Nativity. This is done before the Midnight Mass.

8 Nowadays, children in Malta get their presents from Santa Claus on Christmas night.

9 Schools in Malta organize a Christmas concert. Most of the children take part. It consists of Christmas Carols and plays with a Christmas theme. Christmas parties are also held in each class.

10 Every year money is collected which is then given to charity organisations. This is known as ‘L- Istrina’.

11 Christmas lunch in Malta consists of “dundjan” (turkey) or “ħasi” (the fattest rooster roasted in a casserole full of potatoes of vegetables), “qagħaq tal-għasel” (honey rings), “imbuljuta tal-qastan” (a hot chestnut or cocoa soup) and “pudina tal- Milied” ( Christmas pudding). turkey honey rings

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