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Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ A a 15 Sep 2011 1Marian Gospel Research Center.

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1 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ A a 15 Sep 2011 1Marian Gospel Research Center

2 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 2Marian Gospel Research Center In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1 The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

3 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 3Marian Gospel Research Center

4 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 4Marian Gospel Research Center Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel, which means God is with us. Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:23 730 years before the birth of Jesus the Prophet Isaiah declared the Lord’s message.

5 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 5Marian Gospel Research Center Why the son of God, Jesus must come to this world? To die! Death was His Goal and fulfillment!!

6 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 6Marian Gospel Research Center An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For it is by the Holy Spirit that she conceived. She will give birth to a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 2:20,21 When Joseph woke up, he married Mary, as the angel of the Lord told him to do. Matthew 2:24

7 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 7Marian Gospel Research Center Caesar Augustus issued a decree that everyone must go to their own town to register for the census. So Joseph went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem the town of David. He went to register with Mary, who was promised in marriage to him. She was pregnant, and while they were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have her baby. She gave birth to her firstborn son, wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger. (Luke 2:1-7)

8 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 8Marian Gospel Research Center A great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom he is pleased.” Luke 2:13,14 The shepherds said to one another, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing…”

9 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 9Marian Gospel Research Center So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger. Luke 2:16

10 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 10Marian Gospel Research Center After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:1-2

11 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 11Marian Gospel Research Center When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:9-11

12 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 12Marian Gospel Research Center

13 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 13Marian Gospel Research Center On 6 th June 1944 the Mystic Maria Voltorta was blessed with the vision of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus. She has presented them in her book on “The Poem of the Man-God” – Ch. 29, Vol.1.

14 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 14Marian Gospel Research Center Maria Voltorta narrates the Journey to Bethlehem: On the way to Bethlehem Joseph asked a shepherd, Elias for milk. Elias gave him milk and guided Joseph about the cave shelter in the out skirts of Bethlehem as he knew that the town is already full of visitors.

15 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 15Marian Gospel Research Center She writes: “I still see the inside of the poor stony shelter, where Mary and Joseph have found refuge.” Joseph’s mantle served as a curtain to the entry opening. Joseph opened up fire at one corner to heat the Cave. The donkey and an ox shared the stable. There was a small stream in front of the Grotto. Mary was praying on a hay bed.

16 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 16Marian Gospel Research Center The moon climbs higher in the sky. Her face shines in the white moonlight. Her hands and face are becoming clear blue. The light is given off more and more intensely from Mary’s body, it absorbs the moonlight.

17 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 17Marian Gospel Research Center * The light increases more and more. And the Virgin disappears as if She had been absorbed by an incandescent curtain….. and the Mother emerges!

18 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 18Marian Gospel Research Center “When the light becomes endurable once again to my eyes, I see Mary with the new born Son in Her arms.”

19 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 19Marian Gospel Research Center “Come, Joseph let us offer Jesus to the Father” says Mary. She lifts up Her Creature in Her arms and says, "Here I am. On His behalf, O God, I speak these words to You: here I am to do Your will. And I, Mary, and My spouse, Joseph, with Him. Here are Your servants, O Lord. May Your will always be done by us, in every hour, in every event, for Your glory and Your love.”

20 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 20Marian Gospel Research Center Then Mary bends down and says: “Here, Joseph, take Him”, and offers him the Child. Joseph, blushing almost purple, stretches his arms out and takes the Baby.

21 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 21Marian Gospel Research Center An angel appeared to a group of shepherds and said, "Today, in the City of David, the Savior has been born. You will recognize Him in a poor stable, behind Bethlehem.” Immediately, the shepherds set out in the moonlight to see the Baby.

22 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 22Marian Gospel Research Center The shepherds go in the stable. Mary turns round and smiles. "Come" She says. "Come!", and She invites them with Her hand and Her smile, and She takes the boy who saw the angel and She draws him to Herself, against the manger. And the boy looks, and is happy.

23 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 23Marian Gospel Research Center Mary lifts Jesus, and puts it round Him. And She shows Him to the shepherds, who kneeling on the hay on the ground, look at Him ecstatically! And one of them, somewhat bolder than the rest, says: "Mother, take this wool. It's soft and clean. I prepared it for my child who is about to be born. But I offer it to You. Lay your Son in this wool. It will be soft and warm." And he offers the sheep hide, a beautiful hide, well covered with white soft wool.

24 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 24Marian Gospel Research Center "Will You let us kiss His dress?" asks Levi, with an angelic smile. And Mary lifts Jesus slowly, and sitting on the hay, envelops the tiny little feet in a linen, and offers them to be kissed.

25 Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ 15 Sep 2011 25Marian Gospel Research Center Oh! Come, Let us adore Him! Let us kiss the Baby Jesus!!

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