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International Services The UK Civil Aviation Authority - working in partnership all around the world Tony Roome General Manager International Services.

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Presentation on theme: "International Services The UK Civil Aviation Authority - working in partnership all around the world Tony Roome General Manager International Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Services The UK Civil Aviation Authority - working in partnership all around the world Tony Roome General Manager International Services

2 International Services UK Regulation of Airports and ATS  UK Industry  Organisation of CAA  Safety Management Systems  Audits and inspections  Communications and Consultation

3 International Services The UK Airport Industry  147 licensed (certificated) airports (+ roughly 500 unlicensed)  Approx 40 Category 6 +  Rest flying training through to small and medium airports  20 – 30 temporary certificates per year for special events (Silverstone, Ascot, Cowes etc)

4 International Services Safety Regulation Group Economic Regulation Group Director Airspace Policy Consumer Protection Group Secretary and Legal Advisor Corporate Communications Corporate Planning and Administrative Manager Director of Finance Personnel Director Chairman and CAA Board United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority New Corporate Structure

5 International Services Safety Regulation Group  Certification and continued airworthiness of aircraft and engines  Ensuring that UK aircraft operations and UK approved maintenance organisations achieve set safety standards  Personnel licensing  Certification of Aerodromes  Ensuring air traffic services meet set safety standards

6 International Services Divisional Organisation Head of Aerodrome & Air Traffic Standards Division Aerodrome Standards Department (approx. 30 staff) ATS Standards Department (approx. 70 staff)

7 International Services Departmental Organisation Aerodrome Standards Department Inspection Section Policy & Standardisation Section

8 International Services Aerodrome Standards Policy & Standardisation Section  Lighting  Rescue and Firefighting  Licensing (certification) policy  Safeguarding  International & European Policy

9 International Services Aerodrome Standards Inspection Section  Aerodrome Inspection –HQ and regional  Rescue and Firefighting Inspection –HQ & regional

10 International Services Departmental Organisation Air Traffic Services Standards Department Policy Operations

11 International Services ATS Standards Policy Section  International Co-ordination and Strategy  ATS Safety regulations  College Regulation and ATS Licensing Policy  Electro-magnetic Compatibility

12 International Services ATS Standards Operations Section  En route Regulation  Projects  Aerodrome Regulation

13 International Services Safety Management Systems  UK policy since 1990’s  Across industry: –Airlines (including maintenance organisations) –Airports –Air Traffic Services  Voluntary – a means of meeting the requirements  Most successful implementation: airports and ATS

14 International Services Who is responsible for safety? Differences – SMS v Prescription SMS  24/7  Audit  Records  Self-reliance  Proactive Prescription  Snapshot  Inspection  Seen  Reliance on regulator  Reactive

15 International Services Documentation and Manuals  Forms  Aerodrome Manuals  ATS Manuals  Emergency Plans and Orders  Management Systems and Structure  Job Descriptions, Personnel Qualifications and Training

16 International Services What’s in an audit?  PLANNING –design and use of checklists –variation reports etc  Briefing –inspection team –senior aerodrome staff  Auditing

17 International Services What’s in an audit (2)?  Examination of records  Examination of documentation  Audit of processes and procedures  Observation of events  Records of tests, faults identified and rectification and closure action  Consideration of risks – prior to event

18 International Services What comes after the audit?  Debrief  Report  Variations, categorisation: 1.Serious, non-compliant safety hazards 2.Other non-compliant items 3.Items that may affect safety  Time limitations  Follow up and Closure

19 International Services Areas of Liaison  LVPs  Emergency Plans (incl. liaison with airlines, local facilities etc)  Vehicle and Personnel Access to Manoeuvring Area  Control of WIP  Runway/Taxiway Inspections

20 International Services When to Audit?  In UK:  Major international airports: –triennial audit – full team  Other major and regional airports: –annual audit – full team  Small airports: –annual audit – multi-role inspector  Any aerodrome/any time: –ad hoc audit, required number of inspectors

21 International Services Communicate and Consult  Need to involve industry  Formal consultation process  Involve in rule changes and developments  In UK: –BAA –AOA –BHAB –AAIB –HSE

22 International Services Thank you

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