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Astronomy 100/101 Laboratories Tom Burbine. Most Important Thing This lab is 25% of your total grade for the class.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy 100/101 Laboratories Tom Burbine. Most Important Thing This lab is 25% of your total grade for the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy 100/101 Laboratories Tom Burbine

2 Most Important Thing This lab is 25% of your total grade for the class.

3 TAs Christine Brandon Zhon G. Butcher (1/2 time) Timothy Conklin Kathryn Ann Grasha (1/2 time) Shawn R. Roberts

4 Review #1 This man is OFF the wall. He's hilarious. I honestly look forward to this class like no other. He mumbles sometimes, but he is SO funny. Also, his brilliance is obvious. Take this guy's classes!

5 Review #2 This class sucks. He doesn't teach anything. the powerpoints are indecipherable. the formulas don't make any sense. The tests are hard, and he sucks.

6 Review #3 Like what everyone else said. Pretty straightforward teacher, you do need to study for the exams though if you want a good grade. Drops lowest test and a couple lowest HW's. He is funny at times.

7 Goals of the Lab The goals of the lab are to learn about the Sky. Try to learn things that could be useful later in life.

8 Requirement Everybody need to down Stellarium at Stellarium is a free software program for looking at the night sky

9 Attendance You need to attend lab every other week and one observing section at Orchard Hill The lab will be broken up into two sections: Odd and Even

10 Odd and Even Mon. Sections Odd Sept. 19 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 Nov. 14 Nov. 28 Even Sept. 26 Oct. 11 (Tuesday, which is Monday schedule) Oct. 24 Nov. 7 Nov. 21 Dec. 5

11 All Lectures All lectures will be made available at the website:

12 Assignments There will be in-class assignments every lab But most of the assignments will be done on Spark

13 Grading 20% - Class attendance – 6 Labs and one observing session at Orchard Hill 20% - 6 Lab Assessments on Spark – Drop lowest grade 20% - 11 observations of the night sky (one per week) (drop lowest 2 grades) posted in Discussions on Spark plus one “What I learned” Post 20% - 11 observations of the Moon (one per week) (drop lowest 2 grades) posted in Discussions on Spark plus one “What I learned” Post 20% - 11 observations of sunset (one per week) (drop lowest 2 grades) posted in Discussions on Spark plus one “What I learned” Post

14 Observing Projects You will have 3 observing projects where you will make observations once a week –The sky –The Moon –The sunset Next lab, I will explain how to plan and do the observations plus how to post them on Spark

15 If you miss a Lab You should attend another Lab if possible If you can’t, you need to give me an official excuse (e.g., Dean’s note, Doctor’s note) to make it up

16 Orchard Hill Observatory UMASS observatory

17 Orchard Hill Every Thursday at dusk (weather permitting) with two hour sessions You need to attend one this semester First day is this week (September 15 th ) (weather permitting) from 8-9 pm and 9-10 pm There will be signup for 30 people for each hour session on Spark Sessions may move to a different day if Thursday weather is typically bad

18 Orchard Hill


20 Academic Honesty All work must be done by the individual. Cheating will be considered direct copying from another individual or from a website or book. Any assignment where cheating occurs will be given a grade of 0.

21 Any Questions?

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