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Advanced IPEDS Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT)
DCT SESSION AGENDA: overview Brief overview of IPEDS survey system and Peer Tool purposeDCT The purpose of the DCT structure DCT The structure and features of the DCT download DCT How to download data from the DCT
Institutional Features & Pre-Enrollment: 1. Institutional Characteristics (IC) Enrolled Student Information: 2. Enrollment (EF) 3. Completions (C) 4. Graduation Rates (GRS) 5. Student Financial Aid (SFA) Institutional Finance & Staffing: 6. Finance (F) 7. Human Resources (HR: EAP, S, SA) Data Source: IPEDS SURVEY SYSTEM 7 Survey Components
TWO “SIDES” OF THE PEER TOOL Peer Analysis System (PAS) Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT)
Peer Analysis System (PAS) With selected schools & variables: –rank schools by variable –calculate new variables –create standard and custom reports –View/download data, reports, graphs Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT)Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT) For one data year: –download entire IPEDS data files –Custom-build large datasets, selecting mix of schools, surveys, variables –Download datasets for analysis off-line using Excel, SPSS, SAS, or STATA
ComparingPASDCT Schools 4 – 1,200No Limit Surveys 1 or more Variables 1 – 250No Limit Years of Data 1 or more per survey1 per session Analysis within Application Calculated variables, rankings, summary statistics, graphs, etc. None Analysis after Exiting Download in csv format for use with spreadsheet Download csv, SPSS, SAS or STATA data files
DCT Options 1.Create a customized dataset 1.Create a customized IPEDS dataset of selected variables from one or more survey components 2.Download entire data files 2.Download entire IPEDS survey data files Both options provide dictionary & syntax for importing data into SAS, SPSS, or STATA
DCT Options 1. Custom Dataset 2. Download Data Files SchoolsLimitedAll SurveyOne or moreOne at a time VariablesSeveralAll Output options View online, use with Spreadsheet, SPSS, SAS, STATA Use with SPSS, SAS, STATA Issue Focus Types of schools, students, etc. National in scope
Before using DCT, you also need to know about: IPEDS Data Collection CalendarIPEDS Data Collection Calendar Collection Year vs Data YearCollection Year vs Data Year Structure of IPEDS Data FilesStructure of IPEDS Data Files
IPEDS DATA COLLECTION CYCLE (Collection Year) Fall (Sept – Nov) Institutional Characteristics, Completions Winter (Dec – Feb) Human Resources, Enrollment, Finance Spring (Mar – May) Enrollment, Finance Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rates
Collection year :Collection year : academic year in which the data are collected by IPEDS; i.e., IPEDS collection cycle: fall, winter, spring 2005-2006 Data year :Data year : year of the data regardless of when they are collected by IPEDS View Data By?
Collection Year vs Data Year Fall Enrollment same collection & data yr. Enrollment: same collection & data yr. prior academic year data 12-month Headcount & Instructional Activity: prior academic year data Inst. Characteristics & Human Resources Same collection and data year Completions; Student Financial Aid; Institutional Finance; Graduation Rates Data year prior to collection year
Structure of IPEDS Datafiles IPEDS survey data are stored as either: –Single-record files –Single-record files with one line of data per institution (e.g., IC; F; GRS before 2002; SFA; SA before 2001 ) –Multi-record files –Multi-record files (hierarchical files) with several lines of data per institution (e.g., EF; C; HR; GRS after 2001; SA after 1999)
Single-Record File DCT merges data selected from single-record surveys into a single output file
Multi-Record File DCT merges data from multi-record surveys into separate output files for each survey
Full-time Undergraduate Full-time Graduate Asian Male Asian Female Asian Male Asian Female Qualifying Variables:S tudent Level Variable Race/ Gender Multi-Record Files are Hierarchical Qualifying Variables must be selected first
User-Support for DCT: IntroductionIntroduction TutorialTutorial Navigation Buttons on each pageNavigation Buttons on each page Variable Label Description LinksVariable Label Description Links Session SummarySession Summary Data DictionaryData Dictionary Syntax for importing data into statistical softwareSyntax for importing data into statistical software
Research Question to Demonstrate Creating a Custom Dataset In fall 2004, what was the percentage of undergrads represented in the GRS cohort and what types of aid did first- time undergrads receive at CCs in KY, MI, Ohio and PA?
Survey (type) Survey SectionQualifying Variable Regular Variables PLANNING FOR DATA SELECTION
Entering the DCT
Login at Institution Level
Agree to NCES data usage terms
Use an institution’s 6-digit IPEDS Unit ID for User ID and Password
Once you have selected an access level and if necessary logged in you must choose between the dataset cutting tool or the Peer Analysis System. PAS / DCT Selection
3 Steps for Creating a Custom Dataset: schools 1.Select the schools for which you want data yeardata you need 2.Choose the year of data you need variables 3.Select variables from one or more survey components
Select criteria for institutions and click Continue
Criteria for Schools (this question) Geographic Region: Any State or Outlying Area: Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania Degree-Granting: Degree-Granting Type of Institution: Public 2-year Carnegie Classification: Any Miscellaneous: None
Copy & Paste a comma separated list of Unit IDs (created in text editor e.g., Notepad, Word) 222178,222497,222567,222576, 222822,222832,222938,222983, 223001,223117,223214,223223, 223232,223320,223427,223463, 223524,223773,223816,223898 Upload a comparison list created in the Peer Analysis System, e.g.: inst128422357.uid Other ways to select schools: HINT: Make sure your focus institution’s ID is included
Institution Selection Results
Select data year 2004 (i.e., 2004-05)
List of surveys available for data year ’04 (2004- 05). Select Surveys IC, EF, & SFA and Continue
Select sections from: IC - Directory information EF - Total Entering Freshmen SFA - All student counts
Progress Summary Scroll down to select variables
Sort by Survey Order: order in which variables appear in the survey Sort Find variable If using, Sort before Find variable
Find Variable Pop-up window for Find Variable search by keyword
Select Variables
Session Summary & Output
Selecting Output CSV (limit 100 columns; will download with value and variable labels View Online (limit 50 columns; can sort by column) (Same Output Options for Each Dataset)
Downloading Custom Dataset Files Subdirectory/Folder (1) Create Subdirectory/Folder to receive DCT output, e.g., “C:\DCT” Select output (2) Select output from drop-down list, one at a time, and save in subdirectory DCT Back Button (3) Use DCT Back Button to return to output page to get each file dataread program dictionary (4) Download data file, read program (syntax), & dictionary
CSV download for use with spreadsheet program Click on link to download file
VARIABLE LABELS unitid 'Unique identification number for an institution' scfa1n 'Number of students in cohort' scfa1p 'Students in cohort as a percentage of all undergraduates' anyaidn 'Number receiving any financial aid' anyaidp 'Percentage receiving any financial aid' fgrnt_n 'Number receiving federal grant aid' fgrnt_p 'Percentage receiving federal grant aid' fgrnt_a 'Average amount of federal grant aid received' sgrnt_n 'Number receiving state/local grant aid' sgrnt_p 'Percentage receiving state/local grant aid' sgrnt_a 'Average amount of state/local grant aid received' igrnt_n 'Number receiving institutional grant aid' igrnt_p 'Percentage receiving institutional grant aid' igrnt_a 'Average amount of institutional grant aid received' Sample SPSS Read Program VALUE LABELS /locale -3 '{Not available}' 1 'Large city' 2 'Mid-size city' 3 'Urban fringe of large city' 4 'Urban fringe of mid-size city' 5 'Large town' 6 'Small town' 7 'Rural' 9 'Not assigned'.
Variable Name & Values from Dictionary for Enrollment Data
To select another year of data for a custom dataset, click on DCT Home to restart the process
Download Data Files Second DCT Option: Download Data Files Data from all institutions, as stored by IPEDS, are available for download These datasets for each survey component are downloaded in zipped format
What is the range of Fall 2005 academic year undergraduate tuition among colleges and universities with similar characteristics? Research Question to Demonstrate Downloading Data File
SurveySectionsDownload IPEDS-IC fall 2005 Institutional Character- istics and Student Charges Directory Information (1) hd2005 (SPSS/SAS data file); (2) Read Program; (3) Dictionary Student Charges for Academic Year Programs (1) ic2005_ay (SPSS/SAS data file); (2) Read Program; (3) Dictionary OUTLINE OF DATA FILE SELECTION
3 Steps for Downloading Data Files: Download data files 1.Select Download data files after login year survey 2.Choose one year and one survey output 3.Select and download output
Click here
Select one year Select one survey Note
Send DCT to get data files
Click on links to select, one at a time, data file, read program, dictionary Downloading Files: IC Directory Information
Also download files from IC student charges
Note: Final Data Files available for 2004; Early Release Files available for 2005
Saving Data Files
Save files one at a time in same subdirectory/ folder
To select another year of data for downloading, use the back button...
... and return to Download data files
After files are successfully downloaded, exit the DCT (close browser) and use statistical software of choice to analyze the data and answer the research question.
Questions? Try it out!
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