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Podcasting and iTunes Philadelphia University Presenters: Brian Gall, Instructional Technology Specialist Dr. Russell Pritchard, Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasting and iTunes Philadelphia University Presenters: Brian Gall, Instructional Technology Specialist Dr. Russell Pritchard, Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasting and iTunes University @ Philadelphia University Presenters: Brian Gall, Instructional Technology Specialist Dr. Russell Pritchard, Assistant Professor of Instructional Design and Technology

2 Look Familiar?

3 In the Past…Learning from Technology Teaching from Technology –Traditional Uses Static PowerPoint Blackboard to Store Documents –Administrative Uses Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook –Teaching Uses Electronic Grading –Audio/Video VHS/DVD “Teaching the way we have always taught, more efficiently.”

4 Authentic & Varied Evaluation (EVE) Authentic & Varied Evaluation (EVE) Authentic & Varied Practice & Assessment (ASM) Authentic & Varied Practice & Assessment (ASM) Active: Investigate, Discover, Apply, Solve (ACT) Active: Investigate, Discover, Apply, Solve (ACT) Student-Centered Responsibility (SCR) Student-Centered Responsibility (SCR) Informed Collaboration (ICL) Informed Collaboration (ICL) In the Future…Learning with Technology

5 Influence (Rogers) –Relative Advantage –Compatibility –Complexity –Trialability –Observability –Channel of Communication In the Future…Learning with Technology Time Adoption Rate

6 Learning with Technology…Our Solution

7 iTunes U Meets Our Goal Authentic Demonstration Authentic & Varied Evaluation Active: Investigate, Discover, Apply, Solve Student-Centered Responsibility Informed Collaboration

8 iTunes U Demonstration

9 iTunes U - Nuts & Bolts Lessons Learned of Implementation Initial contact from Apple with IT Meetings of Interested Parties Decision to Implement Implementation –Information Technology –Public Relations –Administration Documentation –All software tools Pilot Group –Early Adopters Segments of Training – Basic and Advanced

10 iTunes U - Nuts & Bolts Lessons Learned of Implementation Integration with Existing Systems Support Cost of Migration Why is Apple Providing Interface? Developmental Hours

11 Record –iPod, Wireless Mic, Digital Voice Recorder, Digital Video Camera, PC/Mac Edit –Audacity – Audio –iMovie – Video –Garage Band – Enhanced Upload –iTunes University How did we get there. TRAINING iTunes U - Nuts & Bolts Creation of Material ContentAcquisition ProduceFile Post/Publish Access RSS/Feed

12 Faculty/Student Usage –Clinical Interviews in Occupational Therapy –Demonstrations of Therapeutic Screens –Student-created Discussion of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics –Five Language Labs – Review and Practice of Course Material iTunes U - Nuts & Bolts Current Uses

13 iTunes U - Nuts & Bolts Design of Experiments (DOX) Controlled Experiment Case Study Design Experiment Quantitative 5 1 Qualitative 1 5

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