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Oversight and confidence. Improving the complaints system and increasing public confidence Oversight pilot projects Rebecca Reed Senior Oversight Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Oversight and confidence. Improving the complaints system and increasing public confidence Oversight pilot projects Rebecca Reed Senior Oversight Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oversight and confidence

2 Improving the complaints system and increasing public confidence Oversight pilot projects Rebecca Reed Senior Oversight Manager

3 Direction and control Access Local resolution Quality of investigations Learning and recommendations Handling allegations of discrimination 2013-2014 pilots

4 Oversight Digest Changed practices New systems introduced Impact of our work

5 These projects were helpful You were clear on what we were doing and why We were clear about what we asked for Impact varied significantly Some duplication of other agency work You welcomed the opportunity to have face to face discussions Our final reports were good PSD feedback on our work

6 Follow up work on 2013-2014 projects Referrals Appeals 2014-2015

7 IPCC Performance Framework and Research Kathie Cashell, Head of Analytical Services

8 Official Statistics:  Police complaints  Deaths following police contact Research Studies  Public confidence survey  Police corruption  Abuse of powers to perpetrate sexual violence  Deaths in police custody (10 year review)  Road Traffic Accidents  Use of Force (2014/15) Introduction to Police Complaints Data and IPCC Research

9 Quarterly reports for all forces Comparison to national and most similar forces Force commentary Police and IPCC data Complaints Information Bulletins

10 Appeals Upheld:  Non recording  Local resolution  Investigation Timeliness:  Recording and completing complaints and appeals IPCC performance Performance indicators

11 Complaints recorded Most common allegations Outcome of investigations Referrals to IPCC Contextual Information

12 New data (PRSRA changes)  Local appeals  D&C allegations New report format  More trend data (current quarter plus 14)  Easier comparison to all forces and MSF 2014 Bulletins

13 More accessible  IPCC website improvements New data  Complainant satisfaction  Outcomes following misconduct proceedings Future Improvements

14 Your feedback on the new bulletin format Future improvements and new data Future research priorities for the IPCC Group Discussion

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