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War of 1812.

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1 War of 1812

2 Objectives Identify the events that led to the War Hawks’ call for war. Analyze the major battles and conflicts of the War of 1812. Explain the significance of the War of 1812.

3 Terms and People Tecumseh – Shawnee who attempted to unite the Indian nations to resist expansion by settlers Battle of Tippecanoe – Gov. William Henry Harrison defeated the Shawnee in 1811 War Hawks – nationalistic western and southern Congressmen who urged war with Britain in 1812 War of 1812 – war with Britain, Andrew Jackson – defeated the Creek and Seminole Indians and then the British at New Orleans

4 Terms and People (continued)
Francis Scott Key – penned “The Star Spangled Banner” during the British attack on Fort McHenry “The Star-Spangled Banner” – Key’s poem that later became the national anthem Battle of New Orleans – American victory by Andrew Jackson routing the British in January 1815 Treaty of Ghent – treaty ending the War of 1812 Hartford Convention – meeting of New England Federalists who opposed the War of 1812

5 Why did the United States go to war with Britain, and what was the outcome of that war?
In 1812, the United States found itself involved in a major war that tested its strength and the solidarity of its people. Americans managed to fight the war and get the country back on track in its aftermath.

6 Americans faced trouble from Native Americans.
Shawnee warrior Tecumseh and his brother tried to unite Native Americans to fight American expansion. Following victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, William Henry Harrison burned Prophetstown, Tecumseh’s village. Westerners blamed the British in Canada for arming the Indians, and demanded action.

7 British Impressment 6000 American citizens impressed by 1812
1807- U.S.S. Chesapeake attacked by British in order to take some of its sailors

8 American Response Embargo (1807)- Jefferson and Congress stopped all trade Non-intercourse Act (1809)- replaced the Embargo; directed towards Britain and France; declared that the U.S. would resume trade with whichever country lifted its restrictions on the U.S. Macon’s Bill No.2- Restored trade, but said that if either nation lifted its restrictions, the U.S. would resume trade sanctions against the other France said it would (but didn’t) and so the U.S. imposed sanctions on Britain

9 In 1811, the War Hawks took the lead in Congress.
They were led by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina and Henry Clay of Kentucky. They denounced Britain’s impressment of U.S. sailors and its support for Native Americans. They believed an invasion of Canada would stop British aid to the Indians and force Britain to respect America at sea. In 1811, the War Hawks took the lead in Congress.

10 Causes of the War of 1812 British impressment
British Orders in Council (restrictions on American trade) American desire to wipe out Indian threat in West and eliminate Canada as a sanctuary Republican belief that war would restore confidence in American democratic experiment

11 Arguments For/Against War
Pro-War British impressment of American sailors and confiscation of American goods U.S. can take Canada Britain is instigating the Native Americans; eliminate the Indian threat American honor Defend American sovereignty America must fight to take its place as a great nation Anti-War Political parties are pushing for war U.S. should not get involved in a European war France/Napoleon is even more dangerous than Britian Britain is our most important trading partner Britain and U.S. share a common culture America should not be looking to fight a war so that it can expand into Canada U.S. is not strong enough

12 But the nation was totally unprepared with only a small army and navy.
Thomas Jefferson advised Madison that an invasion of Canada would be easy. He proved wrong and repeated attempts to invade Canada failed. The War of 1812 began when Congress declared war in June 1812.

13 Early on the British were occupied in Europe, allowing several American victories.
The small American navy did surprisingly well. The U.S.S. Constitution defeated H.M.S. Guerrière Oliver Hazard Perry defeated a British fleet on Lake Erie. Americans won several victories against Native Americans. In 1813, Harrison killed Tecumseh who was aiding the British. But attacks on Canada failed In 1814, Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek in Alabama. Jackson defeated the Seminoles and seized a fort at Pensacola.

14 1 2 3 4 British troops occupied eastern Maine.
A second army invaded New York from Montreal but was turned back. A third force invaded Maryland, burning Washington D.C., but failed to take Baltimore. A fourth Army headed to New Orleans. They would be routed by Andrew Jackson. In 1814, Britain defeated France and then launched a four-part offensive in America. 2 3 4

15 The Americans’ worst humiliation came when British troops burned the White House and Capitol.

16 Major Battles Canada - British repulsed American invasion of Canada
- U.S. won naval battles on Lake Erie and Lake Champlain Washington D.C. burned (1814) Baltimore defended (Fort McHenry) Battle of New Orleans (1815)- American forces led by Andrew Jackson defeated British

17 Map 12.1 Battles in the War of 1812
Map 12-1 p226

18 Both sides agreed to return to pre-war boundaries.
A commission was set up to discuss any future boundary disputes. Impressment and American neutrality were not discussed. The Treaty of Ghent ended the war.

19 Several events of the War of 1812 fostered American pride.
The British failure to take Fort McHenry in Baltimore inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star-Spangled Banner.” In January 1815, Andrew Jackson crushed the British in the Battle of New Orleans. The battle took place after the war had officially ended. News of a treaty had not yet arrived.

20 The war was not popular with everyone.
A group of Federalists held the Hartford Convention in December 1814 to consider secession and making a separate peace with Britain. After the Treaty of Ghent, these Federalists were discredited as traitors and by 1820, the Federalist Party had disappeared.

21 Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island Contemplate Abandoning the Union, engraving by William Charles, 1814 This anti-Federalist cartoon shows Great Britain welcoming back its “Yankee boys” with open arms, promising them “plenty molasses and codfish, plenty of goods to smuggle, honours, titles, and nobility into the bargain.” p228

22 The War of 1812

23 Results of the War U.S. gained new respect
Sectionalism was weakened (temporarily) Federalists ceased to be an effective party Andrew Jackson and William Henry Harrison emerged as war heroes U.S. manufacturing prospered increased nationalism (spirit of national consciousness or national oneness)

24 Nationalism

25 Sectionalism restriction of interest to a narrow sphere; undue concern with local issues

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