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3.06 Understand the use of direct marketing to attract attention and to build brand.

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1 3.06 Understand the use of direct marketing to attract attention and to build brand


3 E-MAIL MARKETING SENDING PROMOTIONAL MESSAGES ACROSS COMPUTER NETWORKS Helps Businesses by: – Using VIRAL MARKETING Forwarding a message to someone who forwards it to another, etc. Information spreads quickly – Keeping current customers informed – Building brand awareness and brand image

4 4 TYPES OF EMAIL MARKETING 1.OPT-IN /PERMISSION-BASED – Give permission to receive promotional e-mails, newsletters, etc. SUBSCRIPTIONS are most common 2.DOUBLE OPT-IN – Requires recipients to confirm they are registered subscriber Complete subscription process, then receive a verification email 3.OPT-OUT – Receive emails until indicate otherwise Explanation at bottom of email of how to opt-out 4.SPAM – Junk e-mail

5 MOST COMMON USES OF EMAIL MARKETING Announcements Newsletters Bulletins Suggestion selling Reminder service Handling requests Obtaining feedback Order confirmations

6 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF EMAIL MARKETING ADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES COST EFFECTIVE Little time & effort TIMELY Doesn’t require much planning Example: Sending customers a notice of tomorrow's sale Personalized/targeted messages Can track user engagement Hard to manage customer lists Undeliverable e-mail Low effectiveness Spreading viruses Battling filters Angry recipients

7 PLAIN TEXT VS. HTML PLAIN TEXTHTML CONSIST OF WORDS ON A SCREEN Most emails are plain text Successful plain text emails need proper formatting: Sections are separated by lines Text is justified left HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE: CODE USED TO CREATE WEB PAGES Creates e-mails that have: Colorful logos Graphics Animations Sound Takes longer for HTML e-mails to load Not all e-mail clients support HTML

8 CAPABILITIES OF EMAIL NON-INTERACTIVE CONTENT (STATIC) – Cannot link to other locations within the e-mail LINKS TO OTHER PLACES WITHIN EMAIL – Hyperlinks: link a word or graphic to another place within the e-mail LINKS TO WEB SITES – Hyperlinks: link from email to a web site ATTACHMENTS STREAMING MEDIA – Email delivers sound and/or video – Media is “streaming” (moves in a continuous flow over the Internet) – DISADVANTAGES: Expensive REQUIRES RECIPIENT TO HAVE A HIGH-SPEED INTERNET CONNECTION

9 CAPABILITIES OF EMAIL INDIVIDUALIZED ADDRESSES – Individual e-mail address in the “To” field – Helps businesses to personalize Recipients feel that they’re the only ones receiving the e-mail PERSONALIZATION – Personal information (name, purchasing history) in email – Software can do this easily AUTOMATED – E-mail software can perform certain functions Example: Send personalized e-mails to entire customer list at specified times AUTORESPONDERS – If someone emails a specified e-mail address, autoresponder replies – Saves money and time Example: Confirm orders and newsletter subscriptions

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