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Cell Phone Project Brianna Lowe Provest Rigsby Maurice Mayes.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Phone Project Brianna Lowe Provest Rigsby Maurice Mayes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Phone Project Brianna Lowe Provest Rigsby Maurice Mayes

2 What company would you prefer to service with? Jade Alissa Madesyn Dominique Verizon ReAsia Provest Tori Brianna At&t Verizon Tracphone Verizon

3 How much is your monthly bill? ReAsia Provest Brianna $About 100.00 $50.00 $90.00 Alissa Madesyn Dominique $50.00 Unknown $50.00

4 What would be your favorite type of phone between Galaxy or iPhone Jade ReAsia Provest iPhone Galaxy iPhone Madesyn Dominique Brianna iPhone Galaxy

5 Do you have bad, good, or great service? Jade ReAsia Alissa Good Great Provest Madesyn Brianna Great Good Great

6 How long does your service last? Jade ReAsia Alissa Unknowm Uknown unkown Provest Madesyn Brianna Unknown

7 Summary Each student was surveyed about what company with they prefer to service with, how much their bill was, what would be their favorite type of phone, what type phone did they have, and how long does each of their services last

8 Day 2 Assignment: Answer the following questions 1.What cell provider does your classmate (s) have? Verizon 2.What type of service plan does your classmate (s) have? Unlimited 3.What “big idea” did you find from the interview about a proposal you are going to present to classmates about purchasing a cell phone for you? Majority of the class chose Verizon because they have unlimited plans 4.How will you use this interview to complete your cell phone project? Majority students chose either galaxy or iPhone for favorite/best phone

9 Compare and Contrast Compare: Provest and Brianna both have Verizon Maurice and Provest bills are $50 Contrast: Provest has a Samsung Maurice has a Galaxy Maurice has boost Brianna has a iPhone Brianna bill is $92


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