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Effective Communication 300 Messages sent Messages we intend to send Our reaction to the meaning and interpretation Our interpretation of received messages.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Communication 300 Messages sent Messages we intend to send Our reaction to the meaning and interpretation Our interpretation of received messages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Communication 300 Messages sent Messages we intend to send Our reaction to the meaning and interpretation Our interpretation of received messages Our response to the messages

2 Effective Communication or is it? 50% HearBelieveRememberUnderstand

3 Effective Communication

4 What makes communication effective? Aristotle (IV century BC ’Rhetoric’): 'In making a speech one must study three points: first, the means of producing persuasion;the means of persuasion second, the style, or language, to be used; the style, or language third, the proper arrangement of the various parts of the speech.'arrangement

5 What makes communication effective? Stephen Toulmin (1958): Effective communication is about communicator’s ability to construct a persuasive argument (Claim-Data-Warrant model)

6 What makes communication effective? Paul Grice (1975): We should understand how we infer (form opinion about) unstated meanings in conversation. (Grice’s Cooperation Principle)

7 What makes communication effective? Mary Munter (1992): Effective communicator carefully considers 5 variables that constitute communication: communicator, audience, message, channel, cultural context

8 What makes communication effective? Rogers and Hildebrandt (1993): we should understand the values significant for diffirent communication contexts :informational, trasnformational, relational, promotional. (Competing Values Framework)

9 Effective Communication: understand your communication style Theory: Interpersonal Attitude Instrument posits that each of us has a default communication style These are not better or worse – just different

10 Communication Styles Analyst – Data Focus Producer – Results Focus Innovator – Creative Focus Diplomat – People Focus

11 Two Perspectives PositiveNegative AnalystIndustrious, Realistic, Problem Solver Critical, Picky, ”in the weeds” InnovatorImaginative, Visionary, Intuitive ”out of touch with reality” ProducerOrganized, Planned, Reliable Rigid, ”stuck in the rut” DiplomatSupportive, Team PlayerPliable, ”no backbone”

12 Active Listening: vital skill  Saves time  Helps speakers clarify what they are saying  Makes speakers feel heard  Reduces emotions that block clear thinking

13 How to become an active listener? Step # 1. Acknowledge the thoughts, ideas or feelings of the other person  nods  ”uh-huhs”  comments that indicate you recognize the validity of the speaker’s feelings

14 How to become an active listener? Step # 2. Say it in different words  Paraphrase (repeat what the speaker is saying in your own words, without adding anything extra)

15 How to become an active listener? Step # 3. Ask open-ended questions. Ask relevant, open-ended questions beginning with  What  How  Please explain  describe

16 How to become an active listener? Step # 4. Summarize and clarify  Pull together what you have heard.  Make sure you understand the speaker’s intent. Ask to clarify. Example: You mentioned we have got some difficulties with delivery. What might be other options?

17 How to become an active listener? Step # 5. Give an opinion.  Give an opinion with caution.  Ask whether the speaker is willing or wants to hear your opinion  Don’t give your opinion if the speaker declines.

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