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Gothic Art and Architecture 1140 To The End of 16th Century.

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1 Gothic Art and Architecture 1140 To The End of 16th Century

2 Gothic Art Started in France and was Medieval Art Movement. During the same period Gothic Architecture also developed. Gothic Architecture spread throughout Europe but the spread over the Alps and a little into Italy.

3 More About Gothic Gothic art/architecture got it’s name from Renaissance writers who referred to the artwork and architecture which they felt was comparable to the work of the barbaric Goths. Note this was not a complimentary term. The term Gothic has shed it negative association and refer to the Pointed Arch which is found in the arches of churches and other structures build during that time. Also it’s considered to be one of Europe's most impressive art period.

4 More Gothic Early forms of Gothic were monumental sculptures usually done for religious reason. Later more secular art came into being due to a rising class of of people bourgeois. (today’s upper middle class) who were able to purchase art and commission artist. Also during this time artist guilds came into being which gave artist more independence. Thus more artist were known by name. Some artist were became so popular and/or bold they would sign their name on the work. This was unheard of before.

5 Gothic Continued Fresco painting--a style of painting in wet plaster usually on walls, was still very popular during the Gothic era. Illuminated Manuscripts also became an other art form that gain popularity. There were highly ornate and decorative drawing/painting to illustrate the bible an other religious documents/manuscripts. Stained glass was also widely used for art purpose and for story telling. Much of the stained glass windows were done for churches and cathedral.

6 Gothic Art Other art forms were metal work, tapestries, and embroidered vestments. In architecture a major development as the Flying Buttress. These were supports to hold up the walls of structure. Buttress: “are connected to the exterior wall of the building with bridge-like arches (flyers). These external structures absorb the outward thrust of the vault at set intervals just under the roof, making it possible to reduce the building’s exterior masonry shell to a mere skeletal framework. ”

7 Break Down Of Gothic Art There was three periods of Gothic Art: –Early Gothic (1140-1194) –High Gothic (1194-1225) –Rayonnant (1225-1270) refers to the radial spokes like those found in the Rose window found in many of the cathedrals and churches.

8 Gothic Art Another development was the Gothic Arch. Which allowed for a higher arch and less weight. Also, it allowed the architects to span various size opening. The style is a pointed arch unlike the barrel vaults that were popular up until this point.

9 Reasons for Art Many churches made good use of the new spaces that were created by the new innovations in architecture. Most of the churches or cathedrals were decorated from stain glass to the sculpture, tapestries to tell the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Even though many of the people were becoming literate, there was still a large percentage that could not read. The paintings told the visually story of the bible or conveyed other information.

10 More Gothic Two of the best example of Gothic art and architecture is seen in Chartres Cathedral and Notre Dame. Both Cathedral are in France. Both are typical examples of Gothic Art/Architecture. Notice that the steeple of the Chartres Cathedrals are different from each other and Notre Dame has none.

11 Styling of Gothic Art Very ornate style. Very decorative. Use of Gargoyles came into use during this time. Still a lot of gold leaf used in artwork. Rose Window or Rosetta stain glass windows were also a common item seen in Gothic architecture. Much of the art was for churches and religious purposes--such as pictorial of Saints lives biblical events.

12 Art of the Gothic Period

13 Resources

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