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Work Based Learning Tim Aldinger Workforce Development Services Director Foundation for CA Community Colleges CWA May 14, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Based Learning Tim Aldinger Workforce Development Services Director Foundation for CA Community Colleges CWA May 14, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Based Learning Tim Aldinger Workforce Development Services Director Foundation for CA Community Colleges CWA May 14, 2015

2 a)Work Based Learning from a Linked Learning/Academy Perspective b)Tools and Services of the Foundation c)What others are doing with WBL d)Possibly have fun What to expect in the next 75 minutes

3 a)Hosts organizations as their fiscal sponsor, ranging from the Career Ladders Project to the Education Results Partnership. b)Facilitating over 200 Egyptian students to study at California Community Colleges c)Managing the California SMOG Check Referee Program for motorists who do not agree with their SMOG Check results. d)Supports colleges who provide basic entry-level training for students pursuing zoological research of rare marine mammals. e)Facilitates the Osher Scholarship Endowment, providing community college students with over $3M in support every year. f)Provides access to discounts on a wide range of products and services, such as the Microsoft Office Suite for $40. g)All of the above. h)None of the above. Which of the following statements is FALSE?



6 Why Work Based Learning?

7 11% Are we adequately preparing young people for the world of work? 1 96% Business Leaders Why? 1 From Gallup, Inc, 2014. Academic Officers

8 Context By 2020, more than thirty percent of California’s jobs – 1 Million jobs! - will require a postsecondary career education credential, certificate or associate’s degree But: More than 40% of youth ages 16-24 are not in school, nearly 15% are “disconnected”- neither in school nor working

9 Context for Foundation’s Workforce Efforts Employers rated Internships as the most important attribute when evaluating college graduates for hire 81% of employers find they have better experiences with new hires that have intern experience After one year, employer retain about three- quarters of their new college hires who have internship experience

10 Career AwarenessCareer ExplorationCareer PreparationCareer Training Work-Based Learning Continuum

11 Career Awareness 9+ Learning ABOUT work. Build awareness of the variety of careers available and the role of post-secondary education; Broaden student options. Learning Outcomes: Describe different careers and the basic pathways leading to a variety of careers Describe how basic skills such as math and reading are used in the workplace Explain the importance of post-secondary education and training following high school graduation Career Exploration Learning ABOUT work. Explore career options and post- secondary requirements for purpose of motivation and to inform decision-making in high school and post-secondary. Learning Outcomes: Explain basic knowledge and skills required for success in college and careers Connect individual skills and interests to variety of career options Connect the academy experience to the workplace experience Explain the options available and importance of post- secondary education Career Preparation Learning THROUGH work. Apply learning through practical experience that develops knowledge and skills necessary for success in careers and post-secondary education. Learning Outcomes: Explain how the workplace functions and the skills required to succeed Describe and use multiple resources to find jobs Demonstrate ability to apply for employment (write a resume, interview, complete application) Demonstrate appropriate business dress, behavior and etiquette Describe a workplace experience, the skills required to succeed Describe how post-secondary education connects to a career path of interest Explain the elements and importance of workplace safety Career Training 13+ Learning FOR work. Train for employment and/or post-secondary education in a specific range of occupations. Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate knowledge AND skills specific to employment at specific site and within specific industry standards Develop an informed, detailed plan for career path through post-secondary and beyond Utilize resources available at job site, at post-secondary institution to support individual career plan Complete clinical or apprenticeship experience as needed for full employment in career field Able to explain work history and career path to others, in and outside of industry of choice Attachment 1 Work-based Learning Continuum (9-14)

12 Career Awareness 9+ Learning ABOUT work. Build awareness of the variety of careers available and the role of post-secondary education; Broaden student options. Characteristics: Usually groups of students Builds students’ awareness of a variety of careers Introduces students to business partners from outside the school (in-person or virtual) Allows students to begin identifying areas of career interest Relates school to the world of work by connecting careers to education. Experiences include: Workplace tour Guest speaker Career fair Visit parents at work Career Exploration Learning ABOUT work. Explore career options and post- secondary requirements for purpose of motivation and to inform decision-making in high school and post-secondary. Characteristics: Usually individual students or small groups Includes direct, interactions (in- person or virtual) with industry partners Exposes students to the range of occupations within an industry Provides clear connections to course work Connects to students’ existing interests and strengths Prepares students with the basic skills necessary for higher intensity work-based learning experiences such as internships Experiences include: Informational interview Job shadow Virtual exchange with a partner Career Preparation Learning THROUGH work. Apply learning through practical experience that develops knowledge and skills necessary for success in careers and post-secondary education. Characteristics: Usually individual students, can be small group for projects Direct interaction with partners over time, primary direct benefit to student Partner is able to assess student learning at site Application of skills transferable to a variety of careers Activities have consequences and value beyond success in the classroom. Learning for student and benefit to partner are equally valued Experiences include : Integrated project Student-run enterprise with partner involvement Virtual enterprise Integrated Projects with partners Service Projects Internship Career Training 13+ Learning FOR work. Train for employment and/or post- secondary education in a specific range of occupations. Characteristics: Interaction with partners over extended period of time. Depth of interaction with partner increases Primary direct benefit to the employer Develop mastery of occupation specific skills. Complete certifications or other requirements of a specific range of occupations. Experiences include: Internship required for credential or entry to occupation Apprenticeship Clinical experience On-the-job training Work experience Cooperative Education Work-based Learning Continuum (9-14)


14 Work Based Learning System Design

15 SB1070 Work Based Learning Focus Work Based Learning System Design Collective Impact

16 Payroll Service

17 Payroll services reduces barriers to hosting internships, including, workers’ comp, human resources, onboarding, benefits, etc. Frees time and resources for employers to focus providing the best learning experience for the student and talent pipeline development Through the Foundation’s services, over 3,500 students have been placed since 1998

18 Payroll Service: History and Details Solution for employers removing the risk and liability of hiring paid student employees  Compliance with New Employment Laws (Wage and Hour, ACA, Sick Leave Policy)  Workers Compensation Foundation handles all Human Resources components  Hiring/Onboarding Support  Payroll Processing  Human Resources Support

19 Recent Payroll Service Examples San Diego Workforce Investment Board Summer STEM Internship Program Sutter Health Summer Youth Work Experience Program Plumas River National Forest Summer Internship Program PG&E


21 LaunchPath Users and System Functions LaunchPath has three key participants (users): 1.Employers 2.Students 3.Schools and Colleges LaunchPath has two key system functions: 1.Regional resource alignment and data aggregation 2.Employer engagement supports


23 Toolkit The toolkit is a resource to help employers design the best internship experience for their organization. Before the Internship: Secure institutional support for work-based learning Design quality internship experiences Address legal concerns During the Internship: Manage interns After the Internship: Assess impact and improvements

24 Toolkit

25 Digital Skill Badging Digital badges identify and acknowledge specific competencies and accomplishments LaunchPath allows students, employers, and schools to earn and award digital badges

26 Badging Backpack

27 Data Aggregation; Badging

28 Capital Region Pilot Update 37 Employers Health, Ag, ICT, Energy and Utilities, and others 31 Internship Postings 11 Schools and Colleges 108 Students 70 High School Students 38 College Students 3 Student-Employer Matches. First matched internship started on April 13 at AeroJet RocketDyne

29 Testimony In 2014, the Foundation played a human resources role, collecting timecards and providing paychecks. Thanks to the unveiling of their LaunchPath system the Foundation is taking on a much larger role in the partnership: students apply through the LaunchPath website, Foundation staff confirm that applicants are enrolled at least half-time, and they work closely with both PNF and FRC to facilitate all human resource functions…. I have been very impressed with the 'customer service' I've received from LaunchPath staff. Darla S. DeRuiter, Ph.D. Associate Professor Environmental Studies & Outdoor Recreation Leadership Feather River College

30 What services (or improvements to current services) could the Foundation provide that would specifically help improve or support your program? Working together. Working together?

31 Opportunities for working with us now: 1.Refer employers that need payroll services now. Email 2.Become a LaunchPath Pilot Region: 3 Employers and 30 youth required. Working together. Working together?

32 Thank you! Tim Aldinger, aka Tom Aldridge 916.491.4499


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