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Under Sea - 1660SM 8x8=64 Towers 1 2 3 16 16xSTM-1 STM-16 MainSTM-16 Spare Under Sea - 1660SM Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Under Sea - 1660SM 8x8=64 Towers 1 2 3 16 16xSTM-1 STM-16 MainSTM-16 Spare Under Sea - 1660SM Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Under Sea - 1660SM 8x8=64 Towers 1 2 3 16 16xSTM-1 STM-16 MainSTM-16 Spare Under Sea - 1660SM Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 1

2 Multiplex Structure 64 48 32 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 64 16xSTM-1 64xSTM-16 Spare 64xSTM-16 Main 48 32 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 157 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1 1660SM 1686WM Note: 1024 STM-1 to be carried with SNCP protection. Both sides (under Sea and Landing station) have to be considered as equally for the Multiplex Structure point of view. Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 2

3 Under Sea - 1686WM 8 Junction Boxes: 8x1686WM - 4 for Main traffic - 4 for Spare traffic 16 each 16xSTM-16 Spare 16xSTM-16 Main 100 Km submarine cable 48 fibers available: 8x1686WM - 2 fiber each 16 needed for transmission 32 fibers free To Land Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 3

4 SNCP Protection Scheme Main Spare 1660SM 1686WM 100 Km. STM-1 SEA LAND Ring Structure Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 4

5 Landing Station From Sea 8x1686WM 64x1660SM 1024xSTM-1 NMS Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 5

6 Network Management System 1353SH: EML - Element Manager Layer Alarms on HW Maintenance Memory Log. Files Management Laser Management Remote Commands (Loopback/Restart) Synchronization Management Software download for future upgrade Performance Monitoring FAD (Functional Access Domain) - User Profiles 1354RM: NML - Network Manager Layer Network Management Set up Paths Alarms on Paths Remote Commands (Loopback on paths) Performance Monitoring on single path FAD (Functional Access Domain) - User Profiles 1353SH 1354RM Each equipment can be the GNE (Gateway Network Element); through this equipment it is possible to monitor the entire network. To the Network Terminals Server Remote Support from ALCATEL if needed. Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 6

7 Summary Equipment needed to complete this project: Under Sea: 64x1660SM (each equipped with 16xSTM-1 and 2xSTM-16) 8x1686WM (16 each) 1024 Optical S-1.1 modules. Landing Station: 64x1660SM (each equipped with 16xSTM-1 and 2xSTM-16) 8x1686WM (16 each) 1024 Optical S-1.1 modules. NMS (1x1353SH + 1x1354RM) based on HP server. Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 7

8 1660SM - Optical STM-1 module This Optical Module (S-1.1) will be used as Electrical/Optical converter within the customer equipment in both sides, under sea and in the landing station. Consume = 1,5 W One module for each floor of the tower. One module for each receiver in the landing station. Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 8

9 1660SM Each 1660SM will be equipped with 16 Optical STM-1 tributary to the tower that will be protected with EPS N+1 and 2 Optical STM-16 (Colored) interfaces to the DWDM systems for the SNCP protection. All common cards are protected EPS 1+1. Subrack Size= 482W x 250D x 650H mm Consume= 211W (if equipped with 16xSTM-1 + 2xSTM-16) Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 9

10 1686WM These equipment are used to concentrate 16xSTM-16 channel to one lambda. 4x1686WM are necessary to carry the main traffic and other four to carry the protection. A booster +14/+17dB will be necessary depending on the real length of the submarine cable. Subrack Size= 482W x 250D x 400H mm Consume= 90W (if equipped with 16 and a +14dB booster) Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 10

11 64 * Alcatel 1660 = 64 * 211 W = 13504 W 8 * Alcatel 1686 = 8 * 80 W = 640 W 4096 * S-1.1 = 4096 * 1.5 W = 6144 W Totale potenza in acqua = 20288 W Totale potenza a terra = 20288 W Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 11 Bilancio della Potenza per il trasporto dati

12 Interfaccia di piano Bitstream: 155 Mbit/s Interfaccia di stringa Bitstream: 2.5 Gbit/s STM-16 WDM Interfaccia di riga (2 * 8 stringhe) Bitstream: 40 Gbit/s Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 12 STM-1

13 Nessuna compressione Trigger a terra Grossa memoria di eventi (FIFO 256 KB) Segnale analogico da PMT a Concentratore Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 13 Sviluppi possibili

14 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 14

15 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 15

16 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 16

17 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 17

18 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 18

19 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 19

20 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 20

21 Channel 8 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 Channel 1 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 21

22 Channel 1 Channel 3 Channel 5 Channel 7 Channel 15 Channel 9 Channel 13 Channel 11 Channel 2 Channel 4 Channel 6 Channel 8 Channel 16 Channel 10 Channel 14 Channel 12 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 22

23 Channel 1 Channel 4 Channel 7 Channel 10 Channel 22 Channel 13 Channel 19 Channel 16 Channel 2 Channel 5 Channel 8 Channel 11 Channel 23 Channel 14 Channel 20 Channel 17 Channel 3 Channel 6 Channel 9 Channel 12 Channel 24 Channel 15 Channel 21 Channel 18 Martina Franca, 14 Dec 2001, M. Bonori 23

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