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Career Preparation and Exploration for BGS Students Mike Nusbaum BGS Director August, 2014.

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1 Career Preparation and Exploration for BGS Students Mike Nusbaum BGS Director August, 2014

2 1.Development of Research-Specific Skills: ( Fundamental biomedical knowledge (Core Breadth): Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology. Grounding in graduate program discipline (Depth). Experimental design, performance and analysis (Rotations). Biostatistics. Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

3 2. Development of Research-Related Skills: Critical reading of scientific literature. o Lab Meetings, Journal Clubs, etc. Science-related communication skills: o Asking Questions o Talks ( o Posters o Manuscripts o Grant proposals Publishing: Learning how to “finish” a piece of work. Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

4 3. Individual Development Plans (IDPs). The aim of an IDP is to help students develop and refine their career interests and goals throughout their PhD training. To ensure that: Students and mentors communicate openly. Students are working proactively toward developing the skills they will need to succeed. ( Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

5 IDP - Junior Students (Year 1-2 PhD, Year 3 combined degree)

6 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration Questions for junior students  What aspect(s) of graduate school are you most worried about? Would you like to be assigned a tutor to help with coursework?  What aspect(s) of graduate school are you most excited about?  What research areas most interest you?  What type of lab environment is most appealing to you?  Have you identified a suitable rotation/thesis lab?  What types of long-term careers interest you? IDP - Junior Students (Year 1-2 PhD, Year 3 combined degree) A. Skills and Motivations PRIVATE – USE THESE QUESTIONS TO GUIDE DISCUSSION, NO WRITTEN ANSWERS NEEDED

7 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration IDP - Junior Students (Year 1-2 PhD, Year 3 combined degree) B. Plans/Goals for the Coming Year PART OF YOUR ACADEMIC RECORD – Plans/GoalsFall semesterSpring semester Courses Rotations Fellowship applications Seminar series or journal clubs to attend Oral presentations Poster presentations Teaching experience Community service/ leadership experience Responsible Conduct of Research training (RCR) Clinical training Other

8 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration IDP – Thesis-Level Students (Years 3+ PhD, Years 4+ CD) A. Skills, Motivations and Career Planning PRIVATE DOCUMENT – between student and mentor only. Student and mentor should independently fill out Part A1 and then compare/discuss. Use to assess training needs and guide your preparation of the IDP in Parts B & C.

9 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration At the benchStrongMediumWeak Designing experiments Prioritizing & completing experiments Working with othersStrongMediumWeak Lab citizenship Collaborative interactions Conflict resolution CommunicationStrongMediumWeak Informal interactions Oral presentations LearningStrongMediumWeak Seminar and journal club attendance Active participation: group discussions MotivationYesMediumNo Enjoy working in the lab Feel I am being creative My biggest worry is: I’m most excited or proud about: IDP – Thesis-Level Students (Years 3+ PhD, Years 4+ CD) A. Skills, Motivations and Career Planning

10 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration IDP – Thesis-Level Students (Years 3+ PhD, Years 4+ CD) A. Skills, Motivations and Career Planning A2. Career planning When do I aim to finish my PhD? Or, for CDs, when do I aim to finish my PhD and return to clinics? What type of work would I like to be doing immediately after my PhD? (postdoc or other?) What types of long-term careers interest me? What is important to me in a career? What skills are most important for my desired career? Who are my best role models or networking contacts for that career? How can my thesis mentor best help me to further my career?

11 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration IDP – Thesis-Level Students (Years 3+ PhD, Years 4+ CD) B. Achievements and Plans/Goals PART OF ACADEMIC RECORD – SUBMIT TO GRAD GROUP OFFICE AND THESIS COMMITTEE.

12 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration IDP – Thesis-Level Students (Years 3+ PhD, Years 4+ CD) B. Achievements and Plans/Goals Achievements Last period (accomplished) Next period (planned) Courses Publications Fellowships (applied for or awarded) Conferences or seminar series Oral presentations Poster presentations Teaching experience Community service/leadership experience Responsible Conduct of Research Training (RCR) Clinical training Job applications/PhD defense Other

13 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration IDP – Thesis-Level Students (Years 3+ PhD, Years 4+ CD) C. Skills to Improve PART OF ACADEMIC RECORD – SUBMIT TO GRAD GROUP OFFICE AND THESIS COMMITTEE. Identify specific skills and strengths that you need to develop. Define concrete actions to help. Develop these specific skills and strengths.

14 Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration IDP – Thesis-Level Students (Years 3+ PhD, Years 4+ CD) C. Skills to Improve Skills to improveAction(s)Time frame At the bench Working with others Communication Learning Motivation

15 4. Exploration of Career Options: Career Services Programming: Career workshops, Biomed Career Fair, etc. Career Services Biomedical Graduate Student Association (BGSA) and other student groups’ alumni career talks (e.g., EEJust, PGWISE). Graduate Group- and Training Grant-specific career options workshops. Discussions with Graduate Group Chair, Thesis Advisor, and Thesis Committee. Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

16 5. Job Search Support via Career Services :Career Services Biomedical job list serve Workshops in CV and résumé preparation and giving a job talk One-on-one career advising Network of alumni who are willing to talk with current students about opportunities Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

17 6. Optional BGS Certificate Programs: Graduate Training in Medical Science Program Program Directors: John Lynch and Hao Shen Public Health Certificate Program Program Directors: Hillary Nelson and Mike Levy Environmental Health Sciences Program Program Directors: Trevor Penning Certificate in Translational Research Program Director: Emma Meagher Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

18 7. Other Optional Programs Opportunity to Teach (required in NGG, optional in other groups) Teaching Certificate from the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Teaching Certificate from the Center for Teaching and Learning Center for Technology Transfer (CTT) Fellows Program Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

19 The CTL Certificate requires: 1.Pedagogical Discussion and Training Complete CTL-approved teaching workshops/programs. 2. Teaching Experience Complete at least 2 semesters as a TA or instructor. 3. Observation and Review Have a full teaching session observed and reviewed by CTL staff. 4. Teaching Philosophy Participants must develop a statement of teaching philosophy and discuss it in a CTL session culminating the certificate program. Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

20 The Center for Technology Transfer (CTT) Fellows Program: A program in tech transfer for scientifically-trained Penn Grad Students & Postdocs in which Fellows allocate 5 – 10 hrs/week to projects at their own discretion. Assignments are completed remotely. Instructional component: All fellows participate in a seminar course "Biotechnology commercialization: the path from invention to market". Fellows participate in an intensive training workshop which provides the necessary elements to perform assessments of new technologies at CTT. Experiential component: Fellows participate in a paid intern program focused on assessing technical, commercial & IP aspects of technologies at Penn, and assisting in development of commercialization strategies for these technologies. Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

21 8. Opportunity to Take Penn Non-Science Courses to explore areas such as: Science policy Patent law Business Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

22 9. Penn Grad Student Groups: Parallel Career Paths Penn Science Policy Group: Penn Biotech Group Healthcare Consulting: Plus Others (e.g. BGSA, EE Just, PG-WISE): Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

23 Penn Science Policy Group: Penn science students and faculty discuss issues regarding the intersection of science, society, and public policy. The blog provides : o Updates on discussions from meetings. o A forum for members to express opinions on topics ranging from the public perception of science, science education, advances in science, the bioethical questions these raise, and much more. Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

24 Penn Biotech Group Healthcare Consulting: Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration Where Science and Business Meet Penn Biotech Group (PBG) is a cross-disciplinary student run organization at Penn. We focus on addressing the challenges and obstacles facing the biotechnology industry today. We provide our members with education, real-world experience and networking opportunities to enrich their exposure within the biotechnology arena.

25 Plus Others (e.g. BGSA, EE Just, PG-WISE): Elements of Career Preparation & Exploration

26 The End Any Questions?

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