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Odyssey Characters Nov. 17, 2014 P. 6.

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1 Odyssey Characters Nov. 17, 2014 P. 6

2 Book 9 Calypso - a sea goddess who lives on the island of Ogygia
Alcinous - king of the Phaeacians Laertes - Odysseus’ father Circe - a goddess and enchantress who lives on the island Zeus - chief of the Greek gods and goddesses; father of Athena and Apollo Cicones - allies of the Trojans in war

3 Book 9 Lotus Eaters - inhabitants of a land Odysseus visits
Cyclopes - a race of one-eyed giants Apollo - god of music, poetry, prophecy, and medicine Poseidon - god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses; father of the Cyclops who battles Odysseus Aeolus - guardian of the winds

4 Book 10 Laestrygones - cannibal inhabitants of a distant land
Eurylochus - a trusted officer of Odysseus Hermes - god of invention, commerce, and cunning; messenger of the gods Persephone - wife of Hades, ruler of the underworld Tiresias - a blind prophet whose spirit Odysseus visits in the underworld

5 Book 12 Sirens - creatures, part woman/part bird, whose songs lure sailors to their death Scylla - a six-headed sea monster who devours sailors Charybdis - a dangerous whirlpool personified as a female sea monster Helios - sun god, who pastures his cattle on an island Antinous - a suitor of Penelope

6 Books 21-23 Eurymachus - a suitor of Penelope’s
Telemachus - Odysseus’ son Eumaeus - a servant in Odysseus’ household Philoetius - a servant in Odysseus’ household Eurycleia - an old female servant, still loyal to Odysseus

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