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NKS Fundamental Physics April 23 NKS 2004 April 23 NKS 2004 The Online Buzz Bram Boroson Astrophysicist.

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Presentation on theme: "NKS Fundamental Physics April 23 NKS 2004 April 23 NKS 2004 The Online Buzz Bram Boroson Astrophysicist."— Presentation transcript:

1 NKS Fundamental Physics April 23 NKS 2004 April 23 NKS 2004 The Online Buzz Bram Boroson Astrophysicist

2 ...the introduction of a space-time continuum may be considered as contrary to nature in view of the molecular structure of everything which happens on a small scale. Breathing in Empty Space

3 ...perhaps the success of the Heisenberg method points to a purely algebraical method of description of nature, that is to the elimination of continuous functions from physics. Breathing in Empty Space

4 Then, however, we must also give up, by principle, the space-time continuum. It is not unimaginable that human ingenuity will some day find methods which will make it possible to proceed along such a path.

5 At the present time, however, such a program looks like an attempt to breathe in empty space.

6 --Albert Einstein, 1936

7 Theory of Everything Quantum Gravity Simplicity From erse/html/ru_intro_B.html

8 Which theories are being talked about? How do they handle Quantum Mechanics? Talk or action? (Debate or Simulate?) Who is talking? (Physics or Computer background?) NKS: in Context, Online How come the quantum?

9 Revolutionary (breathing in space!) Zuse, Fredkin, Petrov: bits, Turing machines, automata (0101011101) Wolfram: trivalent networks, choice of updating, causal structure Wolfram, Fredkin Revolutionary Clockwork

10 Uses continuum physics Assumes quantum theory Planck length limit: string modes reverse Establishment: Superstrings Traditional Fuzzy Random

11 NKS: Trivalent Networks 0 110 1 (1) (0) General Relativity: Space is a Player!

12 NKS does GR Dimension, Curvature from Linkage

13 Randomness not needed (Rule 30) Describe world from within network EPR: particles created together are related when observed apart. NKS: from strands too small for photons Feynman histories from update freedom Randomness not needed (Rule 30) Describe world from within network EPR: particles created together are related when observed apart. NKS: from strands too small for photons Feynman histories from update freedom NKS Meets Quantum

14 Loop Quantum Gravity Traditional origins but radical conclusions Fuzzy Random Spin networks Quantum mechanics Background- independent Versions: constraints, spin foam

15 Origins of LQG [(-1) ] x (-2) c n! x=intersections between strands c=number of closed loops n=spin of unit

16 Parallel Transport New “Connection” variable becomes “Operator”--Turns GR into Quantum!

17 2 1 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 3 Which network? Both! All! It’s a Quantum, Quantum World! 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1

18 Spin Networks in LQG 2 1 3 3 4 3 3 8 ghG j(j+1) Area=

19 Wolfram Forums Yahoo: DigitalPhysics USEnet group: sci.physics.discre te Blogs / Journals Theories Meet Online

20 Physics vs. Comp. Sci. United States Degrees, Year 2000 National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics Science and Engineering Degrees: 1966-2000 Arlington, VA (NSF 02-327) [July 2002]

21 Pro-Loop in Wolfram Forum

22 Thread: EPR and Events How to get EPR? S Reinventing wheel? (But making it discrete) Off-topic pet theories: distracting!

23 YAHOO! Groups: DigitalPhysics

24 Usenet: sci.physics.discrete

25 Journal is often (not only) about science 112 readers, 3 interested in NKS physics Reinterpretations (not rules), multiway systems, what’s program? what’s data? Example Blog: Mine!



28 Amateur Simulations

29 Why DEBATE not SIMULATE? Networks don’t look as cool Networks are harder to visualize Many ways to represent networks How to recognize a particle? Uncomfortable with basic ideas

30 More computer scientists than physicists More ready to debate than simulate networks How to treat “cranks” and “flame wars”? Blogs better for self-promotion Amateurs are meeting professionals Theories are compared and contrasted NKS Physics Online

31 “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler” --Albert Einstein

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