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Descriptive Studies Scientists gather evidence to support their hypotheses by using DIFFERENT METHODS depending on What QUESTION they want to answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive Studies Scientists gather evidence to support their hypotheses by using DIFFERENT METHODS depending on What QUESTION they want to answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive Studies Scientists gather evidence to support their hypotheses by using DIFFERENT METHODS depending on What QUESTION they want to answer.

2 Objectives Discuss descriptive studies Describe case studies Analyze observational studies Compare and contrast Tests and surveys

3 Types of Descriptive on left

4 Who’s going to participate?...Select participants Subjects for the study. Scientist NEED FOR MEASUREMENTS Representative sample- A group of participants that accurately represents the larger population the researcher is interested in. F.E. drug use among college sophomores. Not practical every soph in nation So use selection process to ensure, gender, sociocultural, and religious div. Tall order

5 Rep. sample

6 Sample Size Less important than reps. Use who is available, college students May be bad because sample is who is available

7 Descriptive Methods Objective#2 Allow researchers to describe and predict behavior but not necessarily to choose one explanation over competing ones 1.Case studies (case history) detailed description of a particular individual, based on careful observation or on psychological testing

8 Case Studies: many examples in class Info about childhood, dreams, experiences, relationships, hopes Clinicians, academic researchers Can children who miss out on language development catch up later? Can’t isolate children then test 13 yr old Genie; isolated beaten= No pronouns, past tense, possession

9 Positives/Negatives Produce detailed picture of person Good source of hypotheses, Extreme case can shed light on situation that is unethical in another form (genie) DRAWBACKS: Info missing or hard to interpret, F.E. Genie mental defect? D.K. Report selective memories, inaccurate memories. Unrepresentative of the group, bias

10 2. Observational Studies #objective3 Researcher observes, measures, records, behaviors while taking care to avoid intruding on the people (or animals) being observed 2 unlike observational studies Naturalistic Observation- find out how people or other animals act in their normal social environments School, home, playgrounds, office However need to be sneaky

11 Natural Environment

12 On the other hand Could Prefer laboratory observation- more control, sophisticated equipment, clear line of vision F.E. measure how infants react when parents leave. Bring kids in, parents can leave= measure However lab setting= may act differently More for describing than explaining behavior Why kid cries not sure? Only based on observation not inside head

13 Lab Observation

14 3. Tests Psychological tests (assessment instruments) procedures for measuring and evaluating personality traits, emotional states, aptitudes, interests, abilities and values Objective tests- measure beliefs, feelings behaviors; which individual is aware Projective tests- Tap unconscious feelings, motives (ink blot)

15 Objective test

16 Projective test? What do you see

17 What Happened?

18 What’s going on here?

19 Thoughts?

20 You are Projecting right now!


22 Qualities of a good tests/ types of tests Personality test Achievement test Vocational aptitude test Education, military, industry Standardized- where uniform procedures exist for giving and scoring a test. Norms- established standards of performance Norms determine high and low

23 Standard Test= Same

24 Qualities of a good test Reliable- Must produce same results from time to time, 1 place to the next Valid- Must measure what it is designed to measure Criteria- Ability to predict independent measures 7 types of lover in Cosmo…just some cool questions NOT good test!

25 Your target for a test

26 Survey- #4 Questionnaires, interviews, that gather information directly about their experiences, attitudes, opinions F.E. Gallup or Roper Polls or FAMILY FUED Positive- Big sample, internet, diverse Ask directly

27 Questions

28 Negatives Surveys Who are you polling? conservative talk show? Volunteer bias- People who feel strongly may seek out surveys HOWEVER people feeling other way may not participate People lie! Especially touchy sub. F.E. Alfred Kinsey. How many times have you masturbated? Vs. have you ever masturbated

29 You guys voting for Jobs or cuts?

30 QUESTIONS? Compare and contrast Objective/ Subjective tests Describe case studies; observations (2), surveys

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