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4-H Youth Development Program How to Create a QR Code Matthew T. Portillo, PhD. Butte County 4-H Youth Development Program April 16, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "4-H Youth Development Program How to Create a QR Code Matthew T. Portillo, PhD. Butte County 4-H Youth Development Program April 16, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 4-H Youth Development Program How to Create a QR Code Matthew T. Portillo, PhD. Butte County 4-H Youth Development Program April 16, 2013

2 4-H Youth Development Program What is a QR Code Abbreviated from Quick Response Code A type of matrix barcode Stores information Read by an imaging device

3 4-H Youth Development Program What Can a QR Code Do? Play a YouTube video Add an entry to the user’s calendar Start an image gallery Show a webpage Send a message Send a Tweet Visit Google+ Facebook profile Call a phone number

4 4-H Youth Development Program How to Create a QR Code 1.Download QR Code software A.QR Code generator to computer  i.e, B.QR Code scanner to smart phone i.e.,

5 4-H Youth Development Program How to Create a QR Code 2.Obtain the desired URL 3.Using your mouse, highlight the URL 4.Copy the URL by right clicking &select copy 5.Paste the URL into the QR Code generator by right clicking & select paste

6 4-H Youth Development Program How to Create a QR Code 6.Download and save the QR Code a.QR Code is saved as an image (.png) b.Insert QR Code into desired document 7.Scan the QR Code to verify correct URL

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