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Fabrication of MOSFETs

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1 Fabrication of MOSFETs
Introduction and Fabrication Procedure Amit Degada Asst. Professor

2 Introduction Integrated circuits: many transistors on one chip.
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI): millions of logic gates + many Mbits of memroy Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Fast, cheap, low power transistors Today: How to build your own simple CMOS chip CMOS transistors Building logic gates from transistors Transistor layout Rest of the course: How to build a good CMOS chip

3 A Brief History 1958: First integrated circuit 2003
Built by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments with 2 transistors 2003 Intel Pentium 4 mprocessor (55 million transistors) 512 Mbit DRAM (> 0.5 billion transistors) 53% compound annual growth rate over 45 years No other technology has grown so fast so long Driven by miniaturization of transistors Smaller is cheaper, faster, lower in power! Revolutionary effects on society

4 Annual Sales 1018 transistors manufactured in 2003
100 million for every human on the planet $100B business in 2004

5 Invention of the Transistor
Vacuum tubes ruled in first half of 20th century Large, expensive, power-hungry, unreliable 1947: first point contact transistor John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs

6 Transistor Types Bipolar transistors
npn or pnp silicon structure Small current into very thin base layer controls large currents between emitter and collector Base currents limit integration density (power dissipation issue) Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors nMOS and pMOS MOSFETS Voltage applied to insulated gate controls current between source and drain Low power allows very high integration (ideally zero static power)

7 MOS Integrated Circuits
1970’s processes usually had only nMOS transistors Inexpensive, but consume power while idle 1980s-present: CMOS processes for low idle power Intel bit SRAM Intel bit mProc

8 Moore’s Law 1965: Gordon Moore plotted transistor on each chip
Fit straight line on semilog scale Transistor counts have doubled every 18 months Integration Levels SSI: 10 gates MSI: gates LSI: 10,000 gates VLSI: > 10k gates

9 Corollaries Many other factors grow exponentially
Ex: clock frequency, processor performance

10 Silicon Lattice Transistors are built on a silicon substrate
Silicon is a Group IV material Forms crystal lattice with bonds to four neighbors

11 Dopants Silicon is a semiconductor
Pure silicon has no free carriers and conducts poorly Adding dopants increases the conductivity Group V (Arsenic): extra electron (n-type) Group III (Boron): missing electron, called hole (p-type)

12 p-n Junctions A junction between p-type and n-type semiconductor forms a diode. Current flows only in one direction

13 nMOS Transistor Four terminals: gate, source, drain, body
Gate – oxide – body stack looks like a capacitor Gate and body are conductors SiO2 (oxide) is a very good insulator Called metal – oxide – semiconductor (MOS) capacitor

14 nMOS Operation Body is commonly tied to ground (0 V)
When the gate is at a low voltage: P-type body is at low voltage Source-body and drain-body diodes are OFF No current flows, transistor is OFF

15 nMOS Operation Cont. When the gate is at a high voltage:
Positive charge on gate of MOS capacitor Negative charge attracted to body Inverts a channel under gate to n-type Now current can flow through n-type silicon from source through channel to drain, transistor is ON 0: Introduction

16 pMOS Transistor Similar, but doping and voltages reversed
Body tied to high voltage (VDD) Gate low: transistor ON Gate high: transistor OFF Bubble indicates inverted behavior

17 Power Supply Voltage GND = 0 V In 1980’s, VDD = 5V
VDD has decreased in modern processes due to scaling High VDD would damage modern tiny transistors Lower VDD saves power (Dynamic power is propotional to C.VDD2.f.a) VDD = 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2, 1.0, …

18 Transistors as Switches
We can view MOS transistors as electrically controlled switches Voltage at gate controls path from source to drain

19 CMOS Inverter A Y 1

20 CMOS Inverter A Y 1

21 CMOS Inverter A Y 1

22 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

23 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

24 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1 0: Introduction

25 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

26 Introduction and Fabrication Procedure

27 Objective of the Lecture
Design of Logics in CMOS Why to Study Fabrication? Flow Diagram. Fabrication Process Flow:Basic Steps

28 CMOS NOR Gate A B Y 1

29 3-input NAND Gate Y pulls low if ALL inputs are 1
Y pulls high if ANY input is 0

30 3-input NAND Gate Y pulls low if ALL inputs are 1
Y pulls high if ANY input is 0

31 Complementary CMOS Complementary CMOS logic gates
nMOS pull-down network pMOS pull-up network a.k.a. static CMOS Pull-up OFF Pull-up ON Pull-down OFF Z (float) 1 Pull-down ON X (crowbar)

32 Series and Parallel nMOS: 1 = ON pMOS: 0 = ON Series: both must be ON
Parallel: either can be ON

33 Conduction Complement
Complementary CMOS gates always produce 0 or 1 Ex: NAND gate Series nMOS: Y=0 when both inputs are 1 Thus Y=1 when either input is 0 Requires parallel pMOS Rule of Conduction Complements Pull-up network is complement of pull-down Parallel -> series, series -> parallel

34 Compound Gates Compound gates can do any inverting function Ex:

35 Example: O3AI

36 Example: O3AI

37 Objective of the Lecture
Design of Logics in CMOS Why to Study Fabrication? Flow Diagram. Fabrication Process Flow:Basic Steps

38 Why to study Fabrication?
Strong link between Fabrication Process , the circuit design procedure and the performance of resulting chip The circuit designer must have clear understanding of the roles of various MASKs used in the fabrication procedure and How this MASKs define various feature of the devices on a Chip To know to create effective design. To optimize the circuit with respect to various manufacturing parameters.

39 Well Requires to build both pMOS and nMOS on single wafer.
To accommodate both pMOS and nMOS devices, special regions must be created in which the semiconductor type is oppossite of the substrate type. Also Known as Tubs. Twin-tubs

40 Objective of the Lecture
Design of Logics in CMOS Why to Study Fabrication? Flow Diagram. Fabrication Process Flow:Basic Steps

41 Flow Diagram Create n-Well regions and Channel Stops region
Grow Field Oxide and Gate Oxide Deposite and pattern Polysilcon Layer Implant sources, drain regions and substrate contacts Create contact Windows, deposit and pattern metal layer

42 Objective of the Lecture
Design of Logics in CMOS Why to Study Fabrication? Flow Diagram. Fabrication Process Flow:Basic Steps

43 Fabrication Procedure Flow: Basic Steps
Masks: Each Processing steps in the fabrication procedure requires to define certain area on the chip. This is known as Masks. Chips are specified with set of masks Minimum dimensions of masks determine transistor size (and hence speed, cost, and power) Feature size f = distance between source and drain Set by minimum width of polysilicon Feature size improves 30% every 3 years or so Normalize for feature size when describing design rules The ICs are viewed as a set of pattern layers of doped Silicon, Polysilicon, Metal and Insulating Silicon Dioxide. A layer mut be Patterned before the next layer of material is applied on the chip.

44 Inverter Cross-section
Typically use p-type substrate for nMOS transistors Requires n-well for body of pMOS transistors

45 Inverter Cross-section with Well and Substrate taps
Typically use p-type substrate for nMOS transistors Requires n-well for body of pMOS transistors Substrate must be tied to GND and n-well to VDD Metal to lightly-doped semiconductor forms poor connection Use heavily doped well and substrate contacts / taps

46 Inverter Mask Set Transistors and wires are defined by masks
Cross-section taken along dashed line

47 Detailed Mask Views Six masks n-well Polysilicon n+ diffusion
p+ diffusion Contact Metal

48 Pattern Preparation Chrome Pattern Quartz Substrate Pellicle

49 Wafer Preparation

50 Wafer Preparation

51 Fabrication Steps Start with blank wafer
Build inverter from the bottom up First step will be to form the n-well Cover wafer with protective layer of SiO2 (oxide) Remove layer where n-well should be built Implant or diffuse n dopants into exposed wafer Strip off SiO2

52 Oxidation Grow SiO2 on top of Si wafer
900 – 1200 C with H2O or O2 in oxidation furnace

53 Photolithography Exposure Processes

54 Photoresist Used for lithography .
Lithography is a process used to transfer a pattern to layer on the chip. Similar to Printng Process Spin on photoresist (about 1 mm thickness) Photoresist is a light-sensitive organic polymer Possitive Photoresist: Softens where exposed to light Negative Photresist: Harden where exposed to light, Not used in practise generally

55 Lithography Expose photoresist through n-well mask
Strip off exposed photoresist

56 Etch Die-electric Etch Plasma Etch Cluster Tool Etch Configuration
Chambers Cluster Tool Configuration Transfer Chamber Loadlock Wafers RIE Chamber Transfer Chamber Gas Inlet Exhaust RF Power Wafer Die-electric Etch Plasma Etch

57 Etch Etch oxide with hydrofluoric acid (HF)
Seeps through skin and eats bone; nasty stuff!!! Only attacks oxide where resist has been exposed

58 Strip Photoresist Strip off remaining photoresist
Use mixture of acids called piranah etch Necessary so resist doesn’t melt in next step

59 n-well n-well is formed with diffusion or ion implantation Diffusion
Place wafer in furnace with arsenic gas Heat until As atoms diffuse into exposed Si Ion Implanatation Blast wafer with beam of As ions Ions blocked by SiO2, only enter exposed Si

60 Ion Implantation Focus Neutral beam and beam path gated Beam trap and
gate plate Wafer in wafer process chamber X - axis scanner Y - axis Neutral beam trap and beam gate

61 Strip Oxide Strip off the remaining oxide using HF
Back to bare wafer with n-well Subsequent steps involve similar series of steps

62 Polysilicon Deposit very thin layer of gate oxide
< 20 Å (6-7 atomic layers) Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of silicon layer Place wafer in furnace with Silane gas (SiH4) Forms many small crystals called polysilicon Heavily doped to be good conductor

63 Polysilicon Patterning
Use same lithography process to pattern polysilicon

64 Self-Aligned Process Use oxide and masking to expose where n+ dopants should be diffused or implanted N-diffusion forms nMOS source, drain, and n-well contact

65 N-diffusion Pattern oxide and form n+ regions
Self-aligned process where gate blocks diffusion Polysilicon is better than metal for self-aligned gates because it doesn’t melt during later processing

66 N-diffusion cont. Historically dopants were diffused
Usually ion implantation today But regions are still called diffusion

67 N-diffusion cont. Strip off oxide to complete patterning step

68 P-Diffusion Similar set of steps form p+ diffusion regions for pMOS source and drain and substrate contact

69 Contacts Now we need to wire together the devices Cover chip with thick field oxide Etch oxide where contact cuts are needed

70 Metalization Sputter on aluminum over whole wafer
Pattern to remove excess metal, leaving wires

71 Testing Defective IC Individual integrated circuits are tested to distinguish good die from bad ones.

72 Die Cut and Assembly Good chips are attached to a lead frame package.
After electrical test, the wafer is scored with a special diamond saw and broken into individual die. The marked (non-functional) die are discarded and functional die are passed on into the wire bonding process. Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 31

73 Die Attach and Wire Bonding
lead frame gold wire bonding pad Die Attach and Wire Bonding Once separated into individual die, the functional devices are attached to a lead frame assembly. A drop of precisely engineered compound is placed beneath the die to glue it to the lead frame assembly and provide good electrical grounding and heat transfer for the silicon device. Aluminum or gold leads are attached via thermal compression or ultrasonic welding. The automated process attaches the ultra-thin wires (about 30 µm in diameter, 1/3 the diameter of a human hair) between each device bonding pad and a connector of the lead frame. There are thousands of different packages available, each specially engineered to provide a specific benefit such as small package size, high frequency information transmission or protection from extreme environmental conditions such as heat, cold or moisture. connecting pin Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 32

74 Final Test Chips are electrically tested under varying environmental conditions. Final Test After wire bonding is completed, the packaging is completed by molding the device into a plastic enclosure. Packages are precisely engineered to provide good thermal conductivity, easy assembly into printed circuit boards and protection from damaging environmental conditions. These packages are often tested again and sorted by performance speed because faster chips sell for higher margins than slower chips. Some chips receive special testing by being place in high temperature ovens or in warm, humid environments or are subject to repeated cycling between extreme hot and cold temperatures. These tests help engineers ensure that the product reliability is within specified limits. After final testing, the chips are packed into shipping containers and shipped to customers. Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 33

75 Device Isolation Techniques
The MOS transistors need to be electrically isolated during fabrication. Isolation is necessary to prevent unwanted conduction paths between devices and to avoid creation of inversion layer outside channel sepration region and to reduce leackage currents Active area is created, which is surronded by a relatively thick oxide barrier called the field oxide. Ethced field oxide isolation. ( Grow Silicon Oxide and Etched away u Necessary). Disadvantage: Thickness of the field oxide leads to large Oxide steps at the boundry of Active and isolated regions. This leads to the cracking of layer (Hence Chip Failure) when metal/ Poly is deposited in next steps Final Test After wire bonding is completed, the packaging is completed by molding the device into a plastic enclosure. Packages are precisely engineered to provide good thermal conductivity, easy assembly into printed circuit boards and protection from damaging environmental conditions. These packages are often tested again and sorted by performance speed because faster chips sell for higher margins than slower chips. Some chips receive special testing by being place in high temperature ovens or in warm, humid environments or are subject to repeated cycling between extreme hot and cold temperatures. These tests help engineers ensure that the product reliability is within specified limits. After final testing, the chips are packed into shipping containers and shipped to customers. Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 33

76 Local Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS)
Final Test After wire bonding is completed, the packaging is completed by molding the device into a plastic enclosure. Packages are precisely engineered to provide good thermal conductivity, easy assembly into printed circuit boards and protection from damaging environmental conditions. These packages are often tested again and sorted by performance speed because faster chips sell for higher margins than slower chips. Some chips receive special testing by being place in high temperature ovens or in warm, humid environments or are subject to repeated cycling between extreme hot and cold temperatures. These tests help engineers ensure that the product reliability is within specified limits. After final testing, the chips are packed into shipping containers and shipped to customers. Based on the Principal of selectively Growing the oxide rahter than etching. Selectice Growth is achieved by shielding the Active area with Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) First Thin oxide is grown followed by deposition and patterning of Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 33

77 Local Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS)
Final Test After wire bonding is completed, the packaging is completed by molding the device into a plastic enclosure. Packages are precisely engineered to provide good thermal conductivity, easy assembly into printed circuit boards and protection from damaging environmental conditions. These packages are often tested again and sorted by performance speed because faster chips sell for higher margins than slower chips. Some chips receive special testing by being place in high temperature ovens or in warm, humid environments or are subject to repeated cycling between extreme hot and cold temperatures. These tests help engineers ensure that the product reliability is within specified limits. After final testing, the chips are packed into shipping containers and shipped to customers. Exposed area form the isolation region and doped with P Kind of impurities P Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 33

78 Local Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS)
Final Test After wire bonding is completed, the packaging is completed by molding the device into a plastic enclosure. Packages are precisely engineered to provide good thermal conductivity, easy assembly into printed circuit boards and protection from damaging environmental conditions. These packages are often tested again and sorted by performance speed because faster chips sell for higher margins than slower chips. Some chips receive special testing by being place in high temperature ovens or in warm, humid environments or are subject to repeated cycling between extreme hot and cold temperatures. These tests help engineers ensure that the product reliability is within specified limits. After final testing, the chips are packed into shipping containers and shipped to customers. Thick oxide is grown in next step where the area is not covered by Si3N4. Birds Beak Region. Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 33

79 Local Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS)
Final Test After wire bonding is completed, the packaging is completed by molding the device into a plastic enclosure. Packages are precisely engineered to provide good thermal conductivity, easy assembly into printed circuit boards and protection from damaging environmental conditions. These packages are often tested again and sorted by performance speed because faster chips sell for higher margins than slower chips. Some chips receive special testing by being place in high temperature ovens or in warm, humid environments or are subject to repeated cycling between extreme hot and cold temperatures. These tests help engineers ensure that the product reliability is within specified limits. After final testing, the chips are packed into shipping containers and shipped to customers. Etching of Si3N4 and thin Oxide. Most Popular Techniques. Later Some techniques are developed to control Bird’s Beak Region. Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 33

80 Summary MOS Transistors are stack of gate, oxide, silicon
Can be viewed as electrically controlled switches Build logic gates out of switches Draw masks to specify layout of transistors Now you know everything necessary to start designing schematics and layout for a simple chip!

81 References 1. CMOS Process Flow in Wafer Fab, Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, DRAFT, Austin Community College, January 2, 1997. 2. Semiconductor Processing with MKS Instruments, Inc. 3. Worthington, Eric. “New CMP architecture addresses key process issues,” Solid State Technology, January 1996. 4. Leskonic, Sharon. “Overview of CMP Processing,” SEMATECH Presentation, 1996. 5. Gwozdz, Peter. “Semiconductor Processing Technology” SEMI, 1997. 6. CVD Tungsten, Novellus Sales Brochure, 7/96. 7. Fullman Company website. “Fullman Company - The Semiconductor Manufacturing Process,” 8. Barrett, Craig R. “From Sand to Silicon: Manufacturing an Integrated Circuit,” Scientific American Special Issue: The Solid State Century, January 22, 1998. Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 34

82 Thanks Give Your Feedbacks at:
References I am grateful for the contributions from SEMATECH, the Austin Community College, and MKS Instruments. For further reading, I especially recommend the reference from Scientific American. Give Your Feedbacks at: Praxair Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Module 3: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes 34

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