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Patients + Communities = New positive factors in PPM equations PPM SUBGROUP MEETING Cairo 3-5 June 2008 World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care.

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1 Patients + Communities = New positive factors in PPM equations PPM SUBGROUP MEETING Cairo 3-5 June 2008 World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care

2 When anyone feels ill, they will seek advice on a remedy / product to make them feel better. With basic health knowledge, the search is more focused and less costly for the person. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist, or doctor, to know the symptoms of tuberculosis. World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care

3 People with TB, their families, and community are consumers of services and products. Consumers seek the best ‘deal’, based on the cost / quality that choices that are available. Informed consumers have a positive impact on market dynamics. They drive demand for quality. World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care

4 The Patients’ Charter for Tuberculosis Care (PCTC) is the foundation for educating patients and communities. The PCTC, drafted by over 800 patients, expresses the hopes and needs of the heart of the TB community, and outlines their rights and responsibilities. In tandem with the ISTC, forges the framework for Patient Centered Care, and a partnership in health. Implementation provides dignity, smashes stigma, and empowers patients / communities to better participate. World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care

5 PPM + P(PCTC) = PPPM NTP - ISTC/PCTC = +MDR / +TBHIV PPPM(PCTC + ISTC) = SMAC HR x HR = +CD+CR PPPM (U+U+U+I) = MDG 2015 World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care

6 Points for discussion 1.Ways and mechanisms for patient / community involvement in PPM. How to overcome ‘cultural’ resistance? 2. PCTC as part of tools to be disseminated and promoted in PPM approaches: Who should do this? How and when? 3. Need for tools and indicators to measure patient and community involvement in PPM approaches. Community adaptation of existing tools - a cost effective ‘engager’? 4. New partnerships with new: approaches; initiatives; nomenclature; tools; and resources -- how, when, where? World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care

7 Warm Thanks World Care Council Raising the Standards for Care

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