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Nataliia Fominykh, PhD, Crimean State University of Humanities (Yalta), Sevastopol Municipal University of Humanities Services WEB-2.0 in Teaching English.

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Presentation on theme: "Nataliia Fominykh, PhD, Crimean State University of Humanities (Yalta), Sevastopol Municipal University of Humanities Services WEB-2.0 in Teaching English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nataliia Fominykh, PhD, Crimean State University of Humanities (Yalta), Sevastopol Municipal University of Humanities Services WEB-2.0 in Teaching English information sharing collaboration

2 WEB-2 services Blogs Wiki Web Quests On-line activities You Tube Sharing Serveces

3  Create your own online games & activities  Create your own online tests & assessments  Track student results  View detailed grading reports  Manage classes online  Complete online learning environment What is Quia?

4  Web’s most popular “create-your- own” site  Currently used in over 12,000 Schools and Universities  Used in 70 countries world-wide About Quia

5 Create 16 types of games and learning activities including: MatchingJumbled Words ConcentrationOrdered List Word SearchPicture Perfect FlashcardsPop-Ups Challenge BoardScavenger Hunt ColumnsCloze HangmanRags to Riches PatternsBattleship

6 Matching

7 Battleship

8 Challenge Board

9 Hangman

10 Rags to Riches

11 Ten question types Multiple choiceFill-in True-falseInitial answer Pop-upShort answer Multiple correctEssay MatchingOrdering

12  Uploading images, audio, and files  Automatic computer grading with optional manual grading  Detailed analysis and reports  Instant feedback Quizzes and Assessments

13 “From my point of view this kind of testing is very interesting and useful. In addition it is extremely modern to use new technologies. I like it very much. More over it has improved my results. With QUIA I never get less than 86%. Tatiana Khoroshavina (EG 12) Students love Quia! “Quia has brought up my tests’ scores dramatically. I've used Quia to study English. The site is great!” Jane Suminskaya (EG 12)

14  In the computer lab  At home  Individually on classroom computers  Any computer with Internet access Students can access Quia anywhere!

15  Fun & engaging activities  Easy-to-use templates  Automatically graded quizzes save time!  Communicate with students and parents via your profile, class Web pages, a calendar, and surveys  Collaborate with other teachers Why Quia?


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