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Instructions to run this Demo Uncheck the Check Box – ‘Always Ask Before Opening this type of file’ Always OPEN & do not save the file ‘1KEYAgile.ppt’

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions to run this Demo Uncheck the Check Box – ‘Always Ask Before Opening this type of file’ Always OPEN & do not save the file ‘1KEYAgile.ppt’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions to run this Demo Uncheck the Check Box – ‘Always Ask Before Opening this type of file’ Always OPEN & do not save the file ‘1KEYAgile.ppt’ Click on the links wherever given to view the demo Press back button of the browser to come back to the PPT once the video is played

2 A Preview

3 1KEY Agile Architecture

4 1KEY Server Sizing Agile is complete SOA and being SOA it’s processing is distributed on these kinds of Service Servers: 1KEY Meta Server: - For storing 1KEY Repository 1KEY Web Reporting Server: - For 1KEYWeb 1KEY Scheduler Server: - For Scheduling 1KEY Web Service Server: - For 1KEY Cloud Services 1KEY OLAP Server (OLAPS): - For 1KEY OLAP DW

5 1KEY Meta Server (MS) 1KEY Meta Server is mainly responsible for: 1)Repository 2)User Maintenance 3)Request Posting to 1KEY Web Service Server or 1KEYWeb Server 4)Controlling 1KEY Scheduler Server

6 1KEY Web Service Server (WSS) 1KEY Web Service Server is responsible for following: 1)Fetching Required Data from Database Servers 2)Sending Request to 1KEY Client in small data packets 3)Storing and Retrieving metadata information to and from 1KEY Meta Server

7 1KEY Scheduler Server (SS) 1KEY Scheduler is responsible for following: 1)Scheduling of different kind of reports 2)Scheduling data warehousing routines

8 1KEY Web Reporting Server (WRS) 1KEY Web Reporting Server is responsible for following: 1)Executing 1KEYWebView 2)Executing 1KEYWebChart 3)Executing 1KEYWebCube 4)Publishing 1KEY Reports 5)KPI & Dashboards 6)Remote Reporting Access

9 OLAP Server (OLAPS) OLAP Server is responsible for following: 1) OLAP Engine for creating cubes and reporting models. 2)OLAP Reporting Engine for transforming these cubes and reporting models to 1KEY’s reporting model and generate reports.

10 Repository User Maintenance Request Handler Scheduling Processor Data Handler Request Handler Metadata Handler Report Scheduler Data Scheduler 1KEYWebView 1KEYWebCube 1KEYWebChart KPI & Dashboards Report Publisher Report Remoteing Service Database Server WRS SS WSS MS OLAP Engine OLAP Reporting Engine OLAPS

11 Business Intelligence Software Suite View Cube Chart Dashboard KPI Tree Ticker Reporter Web View Web Cube Web Chart Scheduler File Reader Query Builder OLAP

12 1KEY Agile has sort, filter, group by drill down drill through reports with cross tab functionality very similar to spreadsheets

13 View- Auto Format Grouping View – Email & Export View – Formula Column View – Interval Grouping View – Level wise Report View – Style condition Click on the link to see the demo

14 1KEY Agile has the rapid in memory cube which converts raw data for multi dimensional analysis

15 Cube – Add / Remove Cube with Chart Cube – create group style condition Cube – Email Report Cube – Export Report Cube – Formula Column Cube – Interval Grouping Cube - Multiple Total Cube – Summary Variation Cube – Top Values Cube – View options Click on the link to see the demo

16 1KEY Agile has charts and graphs with dial, gauges, speedometers, heat maps and many more data visualization methods

17 Creating Chart All Chart Features Axis Chart Change Chart Type Maximize Chart Chart Color Model Chart – Drill Down Chart - Label Rotation Chart – Legend Chart – Min Max Axis range Pie Chart – specific property Click on the link to see the demo

18 1KEY Agile has dashboards where users can define their own Dashboards using wizards

19 Dashboard – all features Dashboard – Cube Drag & Drop Dashboard – Maximize Cube Report Dashboard – Maximize Gauge Dashboard – Max, Min Dashboard – Parameterized working Dashboard – Show/Hide parameters Dashboard – Sorting & Paging Dashboard - Turnover Click on the link to see the demo

20 1KEY Agile has KPI i.e. Key Performance Indicators where users can define their own KPIs using wizards

21 KPI – Creating Report KPI – Parameter KPI – Drill Down KPI – Filter Report KPI – Summary KPI – Top bottom KPI – Email Report KPI – Export Report KPI – Paging / Sorting Click on the link to see the demo

22 1KEY Agile has intuitive visual data representation of OLAP and raw data in hierarchical tree based drill down expandable structure Click on the link to see the demo

23 Tree – Model Creation Tree – Model view Tree – model with chart Click on the link to see the demo

24 1KEY Agile has ticker reporting where on the user’s desktop important data and alerts are flashed continuously in ticker format at scheduled intervals

25 Ticker – Model 1 Ticker - Model2 Click on the link to see the demo

26 1KEY Agile has static reporting designing solution for compliance and pre printed forms, vouchers printing and viewing

27 Reporter–selection of multiple query Reporter – Load Report Reporter – Hyperlink Reporter - Saving Report Layout Click on the link to see the demo

28 1KEY Agile has sort, filter, group by drill down drill through reports with cross tab functionality very similar to spreadsheets on web version as well

29 1KEYWEB – Login WebView – Drill Down Card View WebView – Auto Filter WebView – Style Condition Webview – Formula Column Webview – Email Report WebView – Export Report WebView – Parameterised Report Click on the link to see the demo

30 1KEY Agile has the same rapid in memory cube which converts raw data for multi dimensional analysis with web version

31 WebCube – Add remove fields WebCube – Drag Drop fields WebCube – Sort & filter WebCube – Top Bottom values WebCube – Add/remove formula WebCube – Row Column Total / Grand Total WebCube – Single Multiple Total Click on the link to see the demo

32 1KEY Agile has charts and graphs with dial, gauges, speedometers, heat maps and many more data visualization methods on web version as well

33 WebChart – Add/remove Formula column WebChart – Change Measure fields WebChart – Drill down WebChart – Filter data WebChart – Properties WebChart – Types WebChart – Top bottom values Click on the link to see the demo

34 1KEY Agile has scheduler which can push report in email or particular locations with variety of formats like PDF, TXT, XLS, HTML, MHT and RTF 1KEY Agile has scheduler which can push report in email or particular locations with variety of formats like PDF, TXT, XLS, HTML, MHT and RTF Click on the logo to see the demo

35 1KEY Agile has File Reader providing the functionality of direct reporting from Text Files and Excel Files in cube and view format

36 File Reader – Text View File Reader – Excel view Click on the link to see the demo

37 1KEY Agile has dynamic query engine with expression builder and model creator

38 Query Builder Query Builder – Create Query Query Builder – Condition Query Builder – Aggregate Function Query Builder – Parameter Query Builder – Open Query Click on the link to see the demo

39 1KEY Agile has its own data ware housing and OLAP engine. 1KEY is able to give performance on ever growing databases sizes. It connects and synchronizes with multiple raw databases and creates OLAP database in user desired flavor

40 OLAP – Dimension Creation OLAP - Creating Model OLAP – Create View Report OLAP – View Report Export & Email OLAP – Create Cube Report, Chart setting & Style Condition OLAP – Create Cube Report, Chart setting & Style Condition OLAP – Cube Report with Single Total, Top Values & Summary variation OLAP – Cube Report with Single Total, Top Values & Summary variation Click on the link to see the demo

41 Thank You! Sanjay Mehta CEO Disclaimer: This document is based on the architecture of Agile and will not be completely applicable for 1KEY 2.0.2 because 1KEY 2.0.2 works on client-server architecture and not uses server to great extend. 1KEY 2.0.2 makes call to server only for the retrieving metadata or saving metadata.

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