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Room measuring homework Next lesson we will attempt to draw a correctly scaled map of a room in your house. For homework you will need to do the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Room measuring homework Next lesson we will attempt to draw a correctly scaled map of a room in your house. For homework you will need to do the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Room measuring homework Next lesson we will attempt to draw a correctly scaled map of a room in your house. For homework you will need to do the following: Choose a room. Take photos of the room on your phone. You could take a Photosynth if you have an iPhone (free app). Take as many measurements as you can e.g. width, length, chimney breast, alcoves, dimensions of furniture, distance from furniture away from the wall. Record your measurements on a rough sketch map. Bring your sketch map, phone pictures, pencil & 30cm ruler into your Geography lesson next Monday! All measurements in millimetres (1000mm = 1mm)

2 Room measuring homework


4 Drawing to scale In today’s lesson you will draw your room to scale. You will need to choose the correct scale, draw a scale line and then scale-down your measurements

5 Why bother with scale? Scale is an essential geographical and mathematical concept. Every map uses scale. This activity will help you understand what scale is and how to use it! Drawing to scale is an important skill which will help you in map making (cartography), interpreting maps, measuring distances, planning a new garden, planning a new room layout, interior design, designing an extension, building a patio, shed or house.

6 Choose the correct scale 1:100 useful for showing the whole house. 1:50 useful for showing one large room or two adjacent rooms with the longest dimension being 7 metres (7000mm) or longer. 1:25 useful for showing a standard sized room equal to or less than 6m (6000mm) by 4m (4000m). Remember the smaller the scale ratio number the larger the scale. Larger scale means more detail!

7 Draw the correct length scale line 1:100 1cm on map = 100cm or 1m in real life. A 2m long scale line will be 2 cm long. 1:50 1cm on map = 50cm or 0.5m in real life. A 2m long scale line will be 4cm long. 1:25 1cm on map = 25cm or 0.25m in real life. A 2m long scale line will be 8cm long. Write the appropriate scale ratio next to your scale line. Remember the smaller the scale ratio the larger the scale. Large scale means more detail!

8 Scaling down your measurements You will now use your scale ratio to ‘scale down’ your measurements so you can fit your plan onto your map. This is very straightforward as long as you remember 3 things: Use the correct scale ratio. Use a calculator to speed up the process. Scaling down will give you an answer in mm but your ruler is marked in cm! 10mm = 1cm; 26mm = 2.6cm etc

9 Scaling down at scale 1:100 Divide your measurement by 100 to get the correct length line on your map. 1000mm / 100 = 10mm (or 1cm) 300mm / 100 = 3mm (or 0.3cm) 25mm / 100 = 0.25mm (or 0.03 cm) 3730mm / 100 = 37.3mm (or 3.7cm)

10 Scaling down at scale 1:50 Divide your measurement by 50 to get the correct length line on your map. 1000mm / 50 = 20mm (or 2.0cm) 300mm / 50 = 6mm (or 0.6cm) 25mm / 50 = 0.5mm (or 0.05cm) 3730mm / 50 = 74.6mm (or 7.46cm)

11 Scaling down at scale 1:25 Divide your measurement by 25 to get the correct length line on your map. 1000mm / 25 = 40mm (or 4.0cm) 300mm / 25 = 12mm (or 1.2cm) 25mm / 25 = 1mm (or 0.1cm) 3730mm / 25 = 149.2mm (or 14.9cm) Most of you will use this scale as your room will fit nicely onto an A4 sheet of paper

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