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Presentation on theme: "FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS AND FUNDAMENTALS"— Presentation transcript:


2 NFPA 72 Numbering System Does not use the NEC format
Uses the standard NFPA format for numbering Advantages and Disadvantages Key Chapters for the Test Chapter 3 Definitions Chapter 10 Fundamentals Chapter 12 Circuits and Pathways Chapter 14 Inspections, Testing and Maintenance Chapter 17 Initiating Devices Chapter 18 Notification Appliances Chapter 23 Protected Premises Fire Alarm Systems Chapter 26 Supervising Station Alarm Systems Chapter 27 Public Emergency Alarm Reporting Systems Chapter 29 SFD and MFD Single and Multi Station Alarms NFPA 72

3 What is a Fire Alarm System?
Must have all of the following: FCU or FCP At least one initiating device At least one notification device At least one signal circuit

4 Fundamentals Equipment Designer Qualifications
Equipment shall be listed for the purpose used 10.3.1 Equipment powered from the DC IDC or SLC shall be listed with control 10.4.1 Designer Qualifications Designs shall conform to NFPA 72 and be done by a qualified person Fundamentals

5 Designer Qualifications
A qualified persons varies depending on the jurisdiction. According to NICET it is Factory Trained NICET Certified Locally Licensed

6 Installer Qualifications
Installers shall be qualified or supervised by qualified persons Qualified varies by jurisdiction but NICET defines as: Factory Trained NICET Certified Locally Licensed

7 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Qualifications
Inspection and Testing personnel shall be qualified Qualifications vary by jurisdiction but NICET defines as: Factory trained NICET Certified Locally Licensed Employee of a NRTL

8 Types of Systems Protected Premises (Local) Fire Alarm Systems
Auxiliary Fire Alarm Systems Remote Station Fire Alarm Systems Proprietary Fire Alarm Systems Central Station Fire Alarm Systems Emergency Voice/Alarm Communication System

9 History of Fire Alarm System Development
The Yell The Fire Watch The Municipal System The Fire Alarm Box Smell, see and run method The Local Fire Alarm Smell, see and run method evolved slightly The Auxiliary Tie In The don’t need to smell, see and most importantly run method The Evolvement The Local to the Firehouse The Local to the remote monitor The Listed Central Station

10 Protected Premises Fire Alarm System
Entire fire alarm system operates in the protected premises, responsive to the operation of a manual fire alarm box, water flow in a sprinkler system or detection of a fire by smoke or heat detection. The main purpose of this system is to provide an evac/relocation alarm for the occupants of the building Someone must always be present to transmit the alarm to fire authorities. This can be a remote supervising station, a central station, a proprietary supervising station or auxiliary alarm system.

11 Auxiliary Fore Alarm System
An alarm system utilizing a municipal coded fire alarm box to transmit a fire alarm from a protected property to municipal fire headquarters (Public Emergency Alarm Reporting System) Alarms are received on the same municipal equipment and are carried over transmission lines as are connected fire alarm boxes located on streets Operation is initiated by the local fire detection and alarm system 3.3.23

12 Remote Station Fire Alarm System
An alarm system connecting a protected premisis over leased telephone lines to a remote station, such as a fire station, supervising system or a police station Includes separate receiver for individual functions being monitored, such as fire alarm signal or sprinkler water flow alarm Requires leased telephone lines into each premise

13 Central Station Fire Alarm System
An alarm system connecting protected premises to a privately owned central station whose function is monitor the connecting lines constantly and record any indication of fire, supervisory, or trouble signals from the premises. Central has to be able to take action such as required Must have ability to handle all types of signals

14 Proprietary Fire Alarm System
An alarm system that serves contiguous or noncontiguous properties under one ownership from a central supervising station at the protected property Similar to a central or remote station but operated by the owner of the protected property Requires 24/7 staffing of the central supervising station

15 Public Type Systems Auxiliary Alarm System Type A System Type B System
Local Energy Type Auxiliary Alarm System Shunt-type Auxiliary Alarm System Type A System Type B System

16 Local Energy Auxiliary Alarm Systems
Employs a locally complete arrangement of parts and power supplies to automatically activate a master box over circuits that are electrically isolated from the public emergency alarm reporting system circuits In other words: reports to the public/ municipal system through a set of independent lines by sending a signal to the master box and then through the public system

17 Shunt Type Auxiliary Alarm Systems
Electrically connected to the public alarm system by extending the wiring of the master box to the protected premises. Initiating devices when operated opens the public reporting circuit which is shunted around the trip coil of the master box which energizes the master box without any assistance from a local source power. No power supply in the protected premises Early type of auxiliary system

18 Type A Public Systems Type B Public Systems
Alarm signals are transmitted to a central dispatcher monitoring station and then retransmitted to appropriate fire houses Type B Public Systems Alarm signals are transmitted directly to a municipal fire alarm station

19 Notification Appliances Signaling Circuits Practice Questions
Next Class Power Supplies Initiating Devices Class after next Notification Appliances Signaling Circuits Practice Questions


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