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 By the end of today, you will be able to…  Describe what a Communication Barrier is.  Name them.  Tell how to eliminate or reduce them.

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Presentation on theme: " By the end of today, you will be able to…  Describe what a Communication Barrier is.  Name them.  Tell how to eliminate or reduce them."— Presentation transcript:


2  By the end of today, you will be able to…  Describe what a Communication Barrier is.  Name them.  Tell how to eliminate or reduce them.

3  Group Roles :  Recorder : Records notes, questions, examples, etc… from group discussion. Also, reads group examples to the class.  Resources Manager : Responsible for keeping up with and turning in all materials in an organized manner.  Area Supervisor : Responsible for keeping the group on task and making sure that your groups area is clean and organized during and after this assignment.

4  Why is it important to recognize obstacles to effective communication?  What are some things you can think of that might get in the way of effective communication?  Have you experienced any obstacles while communicating with someone?

5  Sender: Transmits the Message  Message: Words, body language, and symbols that convey an idea  Receiver: Intercepts and interprets the message; transmits feedback.  Feedback: Words, body language and symbols that respond to the sender’s message.


7  A Communication Barrier is any obstacle that gets in the way of effective communication.

8  With your group, place each example under the proper Communication Barrier.

9  There are 5 Communication Barriers:  Attitudinal : “I don’t like what we are talking about”  Social : “This person is not one of my friends”  Educational : “I am too smart to listen.”  Cultural : “This person’s heritage isn’t like mine”  Environmental : “There is too much noise to think”

10  Using what you have learned, make any corrections to the examples of Communication Barriers by placing them in the correct place.

11  Each Communication Barrier can prevent the receiver from correctly interpreting the message from the sender.  What are some ways can you think of that can help eliminate or reduce these obstacles during communication?

12  Here’s what the experts say:  FOCUS!!!  Get rid of distractions.  Find a common field of experience (A realistic way to be on the same page) with the other person.

13  To the Sender:  THINK before you speak (What is the real message you want to send?)  ARTICULATE your words (Speak clearly)  Watch for feedback (Nonverbal signals will show you if they are getting the right message)

14  To the Receiver:  ASK Questions: (Could we turn down the heat, Can we talk somewhere quieter, etc…)  LEARN more about the issues and people: (I would like to hear their point of view)  RELATE to the background and experiences of those speaking. (I should try to understand what they are going through and the message they are sending.)

15  John is not interested in Jenny and Jennifer’s conversation about Coach Purses.  Blake tunes out when Jessica talks about what happened on her favorite reality tv show.  Jessica doesn’t listen when her dad starts griping about how hot it is, because that is all he ever talks about.  Breanne gets mad and ignores her mom when her mom starts to tell her why she is getting grounded.  When Amanda’s family starts talking about politics she lets her mind wander off.

16  Rachel is in Choir and she doesn’t want to hang out with Lisa because Lisa is a Cheerleader.  Jackson plays baseball at DHS, so when his friend Larz from Ryan asked him to go hang out he said no.  The skater kid refuses to work in a group with the preppy kid.  Irma is wheelchair-bound and can’t find anyone to sit with at lunch because she looks different than the other kids.  The Softball Team won’t go the basketball game with the Volleyball Team because they don’t like each other.

17  Dylan zones out during the test review because he already thinks he knows all of the answers.  April’s mom is trying to give her advice, but April doesn’t really listen because she doesn’t think her mom understands her situation.  Sarah tunes out the directions because she assumes she already knows what to do and she does her assignment all wrong.  Michael doesn’t pay attention to his Algebra 2 teacher because he thinks he is too dumb to understand the lesson.  Megan doesn’t listen to Issac when he talks about Environmental Issues because she doesn’t understand what he is talking about.

18  Logan can’t pay attention to the coach at football practice because it is too hot outside.  Danielle is having a hard time learning her Fillies routine because of all the cute boys watching from the hallway.  Eric can’t focus on his homework because the kids in the class are talking.  Sherry can’t hear her friend talking to her because her little brother is running through the house screaming.  Mitch is having a hard time following the lecture because it is freezing in Coach Bradley’s classroom.

19  Jamie’s mom doesn’t want Jamie to hang out with Sasha because her family celebrates Kwanzaa instead of Christmas.  Chris won’t sit at the same lunch table as Katie because Katie wears a hijab to cover her head because of her religion.  Jennifer hates to go to dinner parties at Malika’s house because Malika only cooks Chinese food that Jennifer thinks is weird.  Jose doesn’t want to be friends with Conrad because they are not the same race.  Juan doesn’t like Wes because Wes is not Hispanic.

20  With your group, prepare an example to demonstrate the Communication Barrier assigned to your group.  Decide on a way that Barrier could be eliminated or minimized in that situation.  Don’t tell anyone else what Barrier you have.  Be prepared to share with the class.

21  Read your example to the class.  We will try to guess which Communication Barrier you have.  Then, tell the class how that someone would eliminate or minimize that Barrier in your situation.

22  Answer these questions with your group on your group’s paper…  What is a Communication Barrier?  Name the Communication Barriers.  How can you eliminate or reduce them?

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