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1 Culture Differences between Chinese and English Society CMPT 480 Zhichao Wang 2014/12/03.

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1 1 Culture Differences between Chinese and English Society CMPT 480 Zhichao Wang 2014/12/03

2 Culture Differences 2 For many years, culture difference is one of the major issues that effecting on the accessibility of the websites I will be talking about culture differences between Chinese and American websites: 1. University webistes 2. Food companies websites 3. Facebook vs Qzone(Chinese Facebook) 4. QQ vs MSN 5. Online shopping websites Those points will be useful when designing web pages for Chinese or American users.

3 Culture Influences on Web Designs Culture influences on Univeristy web designs -An Article compared 20 university websites between China and U.S -It discussed details about the layouts and picture display of the web page -Published by Yanan, Wang in 2012 -Cross cultural comparison of the university homepage design between China and North America Culture differences on China and U.S food companies -The article discussed about the wording formats when design for China-target and U.S-targed food websites -Published by Lijia, Chen in 2012 -A comparative intercultural study of the website design of China- targeted and U.S.-targeted websites by international food companies 3

4 Culture Influences on Web Designs Facebook vs Qzone(Chinese Facebook) -Two social web pages, discussed from my own experiencs with the software QQ vs MSN -Two instant communication software, also discussed from my own experices. Online shopping websites -Comparision between eBay and Taobao(Chinese eBay) from my own experiences. 4

5 Activities and Problems Articles from my analysis provided a good amount of sources, main activity was to gather from those resources and organize them into a list Comparision between Chinese Qzone and U.S. Facebook Comparision between Chinses QQ and U.S. MSN Comparision between Chinese online shopping website Taobao and U.S eBay 5

6 Activities and Problems Problems: Difficult to find articles on Google and U of S websites, so most of my resources came from Chinese search engine Baidu. Translation on those resources Partial information was from my own experiences 6

7 Results My design is a list of things should bewared when designing for Chinese and American users from both organization and individual view Organization -University websites -Food company websites -Online shopping websites Individual -Facebook or social pages -Instant communication tools 7

8 Results Major points when designing web pages for Chinese and American organizations: -The layout of the page, symmetric vs horizontal -Logos of Organization vs Users activities -Pictures of Buildings vs People -Pictures of Important vs Regular people -Focus on Equaity vs The best -Focus on Future vs Present -Communication to organization representives vs No communications

9 Results Major points when designing web pages for Chinese and American individuals: -Users pay for more functionaility vs Expect free functionaility -Users want high official status from the system vs No interests on those competations -Users can do lots customizations vs Little control on customizations -Users make use of history of interactions vs Focus on current interactions -Users include long posting vs Focus on short posting

10 Evaluation The design list contains 17 statements in total, there are 3 survey questions(two multiple choice and one short answer) for each statements for particpants to answer. Each particpant will answer 51 questions in total. I put all the data came from particpants into tables and analysis the different answers from old and young Canadian particpants with old and young Chinese particpants.

11 Conclusion The comparisions are mainly focused between Main land China and North American, there are major culture differences between Hongkong, Taiwan and Main land of China, so the design is suitable when considering the culture differences between Main land China and North American on websites. More work is needed on the culture differences between Hongkong and North American, Taiwan and North American, workloads might just be half as Mainland China This is the topic i am interested in, could be used in the future for prevent culture conflicts on web design

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