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Buddhism By: Tiara,Tianna, and Korryn. Did you know… THAT BUDDHISM WAS FOUND BY A PRINCE What IS BUDDHISM ????????????????????. Buddhism is carries many.

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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism By: Tiara,Tianna, and Korryn. Did you know… THAT BUDDHISM WAS FOUND BY A PRINCE What IS BUDDHISM ????????????????????. Buddhism is carries many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism By: Tiara,Tianna, and Korryn

2 Did you know… THAT BUDDHISM WAS FOUND BY A PRINCE What IS BUDDHISM ????????????????????. Buddhism is carries many connotations it might conjure up in your mind an image of people mediating in the lotus position.

3 Basic Beliefs The basic beliefs of Buddhism are: 1.Do not harm or kill living things. 2.Do not things unless there freely given. 3.Live a decent life. 4.Do not speak unkindly or tell lies. 5.Do not drink alcohol. Insert picture

4 General Information There are 18 gods. polytheistic means to believe in more than one god and monotheistic mean to believe in only one god. The holy book is Tipitaka. Their moral law is to not change nature. There leaders are Dala lamal and Tensin Gyataso. There final goal is to achieve Nirvana.

5 Founding of (religion) The religion was found back in 563 B.C. A prince named Siddharthg Gyantamg or known as Buddha. (insert picture)

6 Founding continued… Yes the religion was well received in Asia and India. So yes the religion was well excepted by people all over the world because Buddha would go around and help people find happiness.

7 In the beginning… They did not workup. At the time the didn’t worship.

8 And now… Most worshipers live in India. There are more than350,000,000 followers. What is similar about how people worship now is principles of core the Buddha’s own teachings. What is different about how people worship now is Buddhist worship at home or at a temple.

9 Resources We would like to thank all the wed sites that gave us all our information and they are kids, Noble.buddhism, Find the, Buddhism for, religious, e, and

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