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Leadership Offerings at Competitor MBA Schools Research Cort Worthington Lecturer, Haas School of Business Delivered for HAN Presentation Jan. 6, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Offerings at Competitor MBA Schools Research Cort Worthington Lecturer, Haas School of Business Delivered for HAN Presentation Jan. 6, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Offerings at Competitor MBA Schools Research Cort Worthington Lecturer, Haas School of Business Delivered for HAN Presentation Jan. 6, 2010 Cort Worthington Lecturer, Haas School of Business Delivered for HAN Presentation Jan. 6, 2010

2 Wharton Kellogg Emory Harvard Yale UCLA Indiana MIT NYU USC Columbia Notre Dame U. of Virginia Carnegie-Mellon Leadership Offerings at Top MBA Programs Schools Researched: Chicago Michigan Stanford Duke Cornell Dartmouth UNC

3 Wharton Kellogg Emory Harvard Yale UCLA Indiana MIT NYU USC Columbia Notre Dame U. of Virginia Carnegie-Mellon Leadership Offerings at Top MBA Programs A Chicago Michigan Stanford Duke Cornell Dartmouth UNC BC

4 Wharton Kellogg Emory Harvard Yale UCLA Indiana MIT NYU USC Columbia Notre Dame U. of Virginia Carnegie-Mellon Leadership Offerings at Top MBA Programs A Chicago Michigan Stanford Duke Cornell Dartmouth UNC BC Haas

5 Competitive Research Findings Ten leadership-themed programs, features, or practices that exist at multiple competitor schools

6 Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors Chicago Michigan Duke Indiana Dartmouth UNC 1.School has as an officially identified “Leadership Program”

7 Duke Stanford UCLA UNC Emory Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 2.School has a fully funded and fully staffed Leadership Center

8 Cornell Dartmouth Notre Dame Emory Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 3.School has created an original “Leadership Model” to guide their curriculum and programming

9 Chicago Michigan Wharton Cornell Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 4.School has immersive O-Week type experience that puts major emphasis on leadership

10 Chicago Michigan Dartmouth Kellogg UNC Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 5.School administers 360 assessment before or shortly after students enter

11 Michigan Dartmouth Kellogg Indiana UNC Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 6.All students create a personal leadership development plan

12 Stanford Chicago Dartmouth UNC Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 7.All students receive coaching through class or through a specific program

13 Chicago Duke USC Indiana Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 8.First term requires a semester-long experiential course in leadership soft- skills

14 Chicago Stanford Wharton Duke Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 9.Large group of 2 nd year “Leadership Fellows” selected and trained to lead activities / courses / leadership culture

15 Michigan Duke Ten Leadership Program Elements Identified at Competitors 10. School highlights a capstone event specifically emphasizing leadership

16 End Competitive Summary

17 Leadership Through Innovation Haas has committed to:

18 Haas Leadership Institute

19 Focus Groups

20 Question #1 Haas has committed to these four principles as defining the MBA’s who graduate: Question the status quo Confidence without attitude Students always Beyond yourself What kinds of specific educational experiences can you imagine that a Leadership Center could oversee that would strengthen each of these four values?

21 Question #2 Consider your workplace and leadership experiences since graduation. Now looking back at your MBA education, what kinds of leadership training experiences would have been the most valuable given what you know now? Both broad and specific ideas are welcome.

22 Question #3 What are the specific leadership qualities you most value in a potential employee? What specific educational and training experiences could a Haas Leadership Center provide to deliver this to these students? In this question you’ll play the role of customer, i.e. someone who hires MBA students on a regular basis.

23 Five-Minute Survey

24 Haas Defining Principles Question the status quo Confidence without attitude Students always Beyond yourself

25 End HAN Presentation

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