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BPL and Amateur Radio W4FAL N4TAB KN4AQ. BPL and Amateur Radio What we’ll cover tonight: What is BPL? How does it affect Amateur Radio? Where do we stand?

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Presentation on theme: "BPL and Amateur Radio W4FAL N4TAB KN4AQ. BPL and Amateur Radio What we’ll cover tonight: What is BPL? How does it affect Amateur Radio? Where do we stand?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BPL and Amateur Radio W4FAL N4TAB KN4AQ

2 BPL and Amateur Radio What we’ll cover tonight: What is BPL? How does it affect Amateur Radio? Where do we stand? Media Wars Progress Energy Trials What can we do about it?

3 What is BPL? Broadband over Power Lines High Speed Internet delivery Radio Frequency signals applied to power lines used to transport data more…

4 What is BPL? Three flavors: PLC (Power Line Carrier) In-Building (Home Plug) Access (neighborhood distribution) details…

5 PLC (Power Line Carrier) Old news… Low freq (below 500 kHz), used by utility companies for control of their own equipment. No threat to ham radio But, it’s why we didn’t get spectrum around 130 kHz.

6 In-Building (Home Plug) High Speed LAN in one building using AC power wiring Uses RF across much of the HF spectrum. Causes significant interference Ham bands notched out (but, not 5 MHz) Wi-Fi much more popular

7 Access BPL This is the big problem Neighborhood distribution from substation to home/business RF on power lines from 2 to 80 MHz Internet access from your AC wall plug Cheaper than Cable/DSL? More available, especially rural? That’s what they say…

8 How does BPL affect Hams? Interference to HF, low VHF Internet service disruption from Ham transmitters details…

9 BPL Interference Low power RF energy applied to unshielded AC wires AC wires act as antennas Signals radiate for hundreds of feet Can be strong – S9+ more…

10 BPL Interference Signals cover broad swaths of spectrum Different modulation schemes made different sound Geiger-counter clicks Hash Carriers more…

11 BPL Interference BPL industry initially denied that there is interference Examination of field trials shows there substantial interference ARRL’s Ed Hare W1RFI examined four areas with special mobile setup.

12 W1RFI Video Test site #1 : Potomac, MD. July 27, 2003 overhead Test Site #2: Manassas, VA. July 29, 2003 underground Duke Power testing similar system Test site #3 : Emmaus, PA, July 29, 2003 underground and overhead Test site #4 : Briarcliff Manor, NY, July 27-28, 2003 Overhead Progress Energy testing similar system

13 W1RFI Video

14 Notes on Video These signal levels will cause harmful interference to nearby HF stations The listening that ARRL did in the trial areas was extensive. The video shows only representative examples of what was heard. BPL signals heard from several blocks to as much as a half mile from the wires.

15 Interference goes both ways Ham signals can interfere with BPL, slowing or stopping data transfer. BPL signals are a few hundred milliwatts on the wire, but ham station can induce several watts. Overload amplifiers. AMRAD study…

16 AMRAD Study AMRAD conducted an RF Susceptibility experiment at the Potomac BPL test site on November 9, 2003. A mobile amateur radio station equipped with an HF transmit capability was used…..

17 AMRAD Results When transmitting at the street curb Data transfer ceased in all but one case at a transmitter power of 4 watts in the BPL operating band. 12 and 35 watts caused data transfer to cease in two of the bands tested even though they were above the BPL operating band. more…

18 AMRAD Results Effect dropped with distance, but some data loss occurred at ¼ mile and more.

19 Where do we stand? Part 15 Rules Notice of Inquiry/NPRM FCC Commissioner statements Comments on NOI/NPRM NTIA FEMA Industry Hams details…

20 Part 15 Permits some unlicensed transmissions Intentional radiators  Wi-fi  Cordless phones Unintentional radiators  Your computer, monitor  Receivers, transceivers, TV sets  BPL more…

21 Part 15 Specifies radiation limits Prohibits interference to licensed services Devices must accept interference from licensed services See the phone…

22 Part 15

23 Notice of Inquiry – ET Docket No. 03-104 Issued by FCC April 2003 “Through this inquiry, we seek information and technical data so that we may evaluate the current state of BPL technology and determine whether changes to Part 15 of the Commission’s rules are necessary to facilitate the deployment of this technology.”

24 Notice of Inquiry – ET Docket No. 03-104 18. Interference from BPL Emissions: Multiple carriers spread signals over a broad range of frequencies that are used by other services that must be protected from interference. Comments closed last fall.

25 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ET Docket No. 04-37 Highlights: No increase in Part 15 emission limits Affirms that “operations must cease if harmful interference to licensed services is caused. Requires “adaptive interference mitigation techniques” “Incorporate a shut-down feature” Notification requirements and database Sounds good, but…

26 Don’t Celebrate Yet! Time for some details…. Progress Energy Trial System Details:

27 How much spectrum? 6 MHz per “leg” in two blocks Uplink block – 2.5 MHz Downlink block – 3.5 MHz Between 7 and 50 MHz “Leg” is about 2000 feet or less Can’t re-use spectrum for several legs to avoid self-interference

28 How much interference? Home stations hear it: Half mile + to simple station with diplole 1.5 miles to powerhouse with beam (from overhead lines)

29 More Problems…. Will it fit? Domino Effect We are mobile “Customer Service”

30 NPRM Note: Turn your beam 35. We recognize that amateur operations are likely to present a difficult challenge in the deployment of Access BPL in cases where amateurs use high gain outdoor antennas that are located near power lines… We therefore would expect that, in practice, many amateurs already orient their antennas to minimize the reception of emissions from nearby electric power lines.

31 What is “Harmful Interference”? §97.3(a) (23) Harmful interference: Interference which… seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radio-communication service operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations.

32 FCC Commissioner statements Initially very bullish on BPL, with no mention of interference in public More recent statements recognize our complaints: Abernathy “I recognize that amateur radio licensees have raised concerns about harmful interference, and that is something that will have to be addressed before any mass market deployment can occur.”

33 FCC Chairman Powell in Raleigh:

34 NTIA Comments on NOI NTIA: “believes that Broadband over Power Line (BPL) holds great promise…” but “the Commission must be certain to provide all communications stakeholders with adequate protections against BPL emissions that may cause unacceptable radio frequency interference.”

35 FEMA Comments on NOI “FEMA believes and recommends that Part 15 of the FCC rules and regulations should be strengthened to ensure that there will be no increase in interference levels to existing communications systems which are licensed by the FCC or authorized by the NTIA.” but then…

36 FEMA backpedals some

37 Comments on NOI Others opposed: APCO (Public Safety radio) Shortwave Broadcasters (and listeners) ARINC (aviation radio) Radio Astronomers

38 Comments on NOI Industry Comments: “(Interference) just doesn't exist.” Jay Birnbaum, VP, Current Technologies LLC “We're entirely satisfied that there won't be any interference.” Brett Kilbourne, United PowerLine Council

39 Comments on NOI Industry Comments: “No matter how loud opponents may shout, they cannot point to evidence in this country that BPL systems are causing, have caused, or will cause, harmful interference to other spectrum users or other third parties.” REPLY COMMENTS OF THE POWER LINE COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION

40 Comments on NOI More than 5000 comments total, most from hams opposing BPL. ARRL: “The rules must insure that BPL is not permitted to operate in or near any Amateur Radio allocation…”

41 Media Wars: Hearts and Minds “Hams always have been a quirky bunch. They haunt a series of short-wave radio frequencies set aside for them by the federal government in the 1930s…” The Penn Yan Firestorm? What really happened?

42 Progress Energy Phase 1: Wakefield No Amateur Radio involvement Significant signals crossing 10 and 12 meter bands (and CB) Phase 2: southern Wake County Hams invited to observe Seriously interested in our concerns

43 Phase 2 Observations 1 st observation: January 15, 2004

44 Phase 2 Observation Team AA4NC N4TAB W4FAL (N9MN) (KN4AQ)

45 System Design Overhead feeder” Underground Distribution Wi-Fi access

46 System Design Two spectrum blocks per BPL leg Downstream: 3.5 MHz wide Upstream: 2.5 MHz wide Anywhere from 2 to 50 MHz (Amperion prefers 8 to 30 MHz) Each leg runs up to 2000 feet Different spectrum blocks on adjacent legs

47 Interference Observed

48 Overhead feeder used 25 and 29 MHz mobile to 300’ Home station.7 mi Underground used 10, 11, 15 MHz and more mobile to 100’ No home stations

49 Interference Resolution? Equipment is frequency agile Move whole spectrum block Drop out segments Controlled remotely from Network Operation Center If you can get them on the phone! more…

50 Interference Resolution? They have moved! Completely off ham bands on overhead lines But… Can they do it in a full rollout? What about SWL, other HF users?

51 What can we do about it? Join ARRL Contribute to Spectrum Defense Fund Write your utility Write your congressman Write NC Utility Commission Send comments on NPRM more…

52 What can we do about it? If it takes me more than 15 minutes, forget it…


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