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Class meeting 3: Landscape. Unregulated Web:  Free  Easy to access  Inaccurate  Biased (Blogs)  Hoax sites  Misleading Library Resources:  $5 million/yr.

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Presentation on theme: "Class meeting 3: Landscape. Unregulated Web:  Free  Easy to access  Inaccurate  Biased (Blogs)  Hoax sites  Misleading Library Resources:  $5 million/yr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class meeting 3: Landscape

2 Unregulated Web:  Free  Easy to access  Inaccurate  Biased (Blogs)  Hoax sites  Misleading Library Resources:  $5 million/yr  Backed in print  Varied formats  Author is clear  Some online  Liked by profs

3 Packages?  Defined as types of information that can be found in different sources in different collections  A book is a package, an article is a package, even a blog can be considered a package  We are concerned with HOW information is packaged  For instance, a book might concern various topics, but only one relevant to you  Or, you are unsure if a general reference work would be better than an in-depth book  Knowing the WAY information is organized is important to conducting research efficiently!

4 Scholarly, general, specialized, etc. Publications vary according to their audiences Publications by MU faculty:  David J. Schulz (Biological Sciences):  Schulz, D.J., Goaillard, J.M., Marder, E. “Variable Channel Expression in Identified Single and Electrically Coupled Neurons in Different Animals.” Nature Neuroscience 9 (March 2006): 356-62.  Roxanne W. McDaniel (School of Nursing):  Conn, V.S., Porter, R.T., McDaniel, R.W., Rantz, M.J., Mass, M.L. “Building Research Productivity in an Academic Setting.” Nursing Outlook 53 (September- October 2005): 224-31.  Charles N. Davis (Journalism):  Davis, Charles N. “Expanding Privacy Rationales under the Federal Freedom of Information Act.” Social Science Computer Review 23 (Winter 2005): 453-62.  John Miles Foley (Classics):  Foley, John Miles. “How to Read an Oral Poem.” Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2002.

5 Journal: “academic magazines”, research by professors, communication within the field Database: online index of journals and their articles/contents Types of Periodicals: GeneralGeneral/TopicalGeneral/Special TimeESPN the MagazineScientific American NewsweekGlamourPsychology Today WiredJazz Improv MagazinePol. Science Quarterly Academic/GeneralAcademic/TopicalAcademic/Special American ScholarSciencePhysical Review DaedalusAmerican LiteratureFinancial Statistics

6  View the Information Timeline linkInformation Timeline  Displays what is published and when it is published  Information flows through different packages as time progresses  Less time = more informal packages, less discourse, more theory  More time = more formal packages, more scholarly information Information Timeline

7 Different Packages in the Timeline  Much time lag between writing and publishing: ◦ Reference book: any audience, overview of many topics ◦ Textbook: scholarly audience, overview of a topic, factual ◦ Collection of Essay: any audience, in depth study by many authors ◦ Book: varied, fiction or non-fiction, scholarly or general  Little time lag between writing and publishing: ◦ Newspaper: general audience, published daily/weekly ◦ Magazine: general audience, published monthly/weekly ◦ Trade Magazine: special audience, focus on trends ◦ Journals: scholarly audience, very timely and in depth

8 Database Vs. Search Engine Vs. Catalog

9  Database  Advanced Search  Limits  Referreed  Types of Sources  Why Use?  Types of Sources  Academic Sources  Multidiscipline

10  Search Engine  Web Crawler  Index web  Only access to free sources  Quick information

11 Choose a niche topic:  (EX: law in Missouri, not just law) Search in Google, MERLIN, and Academic Search Premier (ASP)  Refer to the ASP handout & Homework handout to navigate the database Look at the top 5 results for each Type 1-2 page, double-spaced explanation of how results differ and why Worth 10% of your grade, due next class period

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