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The Dyop™ Revolution Allan Hytowitz Animated Vision Associates Bringing acuity into the 21 St Century Copyright©2012 - Animated Vision Associates – All.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dyop™ Revolution Allan Hytowitz Animated Vision Associates Bringing acuity into the 21 St Century Copyright©2012 - Animated Vision Associates – All."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dyop™ Revolution Allan Hytowitz Animated Vision Associates Bringing acuity into the 21 St Century Copyright©2012 - Animated Vision Associates – All Rights Reserved

2 2 The Dyop™ Revolution A vision test that is… less expensive, faster to use, more precise, …than current vision optotypes.

3 3 The Dyop™ Revolution “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law

4 4 One of these things is not like the others…. The Dyop™ Revolution

5 5 1984 International Vision Standards 1862 Optotype Precision 5 arc minutes or 5.0 arc minutes? Or is it 5.2 arc minutes or 4.8 arc minutes? (Pi used to be 3.0)

6 6 1984 International Vision Standards 1862 Optotype Precision 5 arc minutes or 5.0 arc minutes? Or is it 5.2 arc minutes or 4.8 arc minutes? Pi used to be 3.0

7 7 1984 International Vision Standards 1862 Optotype Precision 5 arc minutes or 5.0 arc minutes? Or is it 5.2 arc minutes or 4.8 arc minutes? Pi used to be 3.0 A White on Black stimulus gives a more precise refraction

8 8 1984 International Vision Standards 1984 Optotype Precision How much guessing is 3 out of 5 correct answers? All Clinical images are not the same.

9 9 1984 International Vision Standards 1994 Optotype Precision Snellen letters must be 15% smaller … ………………. to be equivalent to the Landolt ring. - Wolfgang Grimm, 1994 Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp 6-13.

10 10 1984 International Vision Standards The Snellen “hidden secret” The Snellen Visual Acuity “end point” has the patient identifying 3 out of 5 optotypes, which is a 60% comprehension score. It is a subjective and a “failing grade” for both optometry AND the patient.

11 11 1984 International Vision Standards XIV. Review of This Standard XIV.1 A standard is meant to be a stable entity, yet all points are not established by experimental certainty, deficiencies are periodically revealed and need correction, new developments in tests are occurring, etc. Thus, a standard may be an evolving document and needs to be re-viewed periodically and should not be regarded as immutable.

12 12 1984 International Vision Standards Problems with Current Vision Tests Culturally based / culturally biased Based upon comprehension and not acuity 5 arc minute standard is insufficiently precise

13 13 1984 International Vision Standards Problems with Current Vision Tests Tendency for excess refraction Based upon reverse stimulation Causes retinal fatigue Causes decision fatigue

14 14 The Dyop™ Revolution Our eyes developed as survival sensors to detect motion and distance and NOT just the difference between the letters ‘E’ and ‘C’.

15 15 The eye is NOT an analog camera The Dyop™ Revolution The eye developed as a survival sensor to detect motion and distance and is NOT an analog camera

16 16 Welcome to Vision Science Landolt C & Snellen diameter = 5 arc minutes 60 arc minutes = 1 degree 360 degrees = circle Landolt C & Snellen diameter = 8.89 mm at 20 feet 90 degrees Optotypes 570 mm Viewing Distance C E 200 mm separation 20 arc degrees arc width The Dyop™ Revolution

17 17 Dyop™ perception Welcome to Vision Science Elements of Acuity Image Diameter + Threshold Distance = Image Distance If the Image Diameter is constant Acuity = Image Distance / Threshold Distance The Dyop™ Revolution

18 18 Anatomy of a digital camera The eye is akin to a digital camera The Dyop™ Revolution

19 19 Pixels in the Eye Acuity is determined by cone photoreceptor perception Red + Green + Blue The Dyop™ Revolution

20 20 The Dyop™ Revolution 10,000 hours later….

21 21 The Dyop™ Revolution This is a Dyop™ (short for Dynamic Optotype™)

22 22 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background Optimum Dyop™ Black/White on a Gray background 10 % stroke width = 7.6 arc minutes Dyops™ take the guesswork out of acuity The Dyop™ Revolution

23 23 1984 International Vision Standards Landolt Ring and Snellen letters Culturally based / culturally biased Based upon comprehension and not acuity 5 arc minute standard is insufficiently precise Tendency for excess refraction Based upon reverse stimulation Causes retinal fatigue Causes decision fatigue

24 24 2012 Dyop™ Vision Standards Advantages of Dyops™ as the Vision Standard Clinical and Research standards are identical Minimizes Clinical variations Eliminates cultural and educational bias Based upon physiology rather than subjective comprehension

25 25 2012 Dyop™ Vision Standards Advantages of Dyops™ as the Vision Standard Significantly more precise Significantly faster to administer Provides a significant increase in low vision testing ability Provides infant/non-literate testing relevant to adult acuity

26 26 How Dyops™ Work Dyop™ perception 7.6 arc minutes The size of the 20/20 Dyop™ Distance image remains constant at 7.6 arc minutes. Acuity = Dyop™ Distance / Threshold Distance (e.g. 20/40) Image Diameter vs. 20/20 Dyop™ Distance vs. Threshold Distance The Dyop™ Revolution

27 27 Dyop ™ stroke width versus photoreceptor stimulus path Thinner Dyop™ = thinner segment photoreceptor stimulus Thicker Dyop™ = thicker segment photoreceptor stimulus The Dyop™ Revolution

28 28 The Dyop™ Revolution Our eyes developed to detect motion and distance photoreceptors neural layers 100 photoreceptors 1 optic nerve fiber

29 29 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background Helping the world see clearly, one person at a time The Dyop™ Revolution Increased acuity precision.

30 30 Dyop™ Applications Acuity Test Refraction Test Screening Test (Infants/Children) Color Perception Test Dyslexia Screening Test White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background The Dyop™ Revolution

31 31 Rapid Dyop™ Acuity measurement Rapid Dyop™ Acuity Range Determination The Dyop™ Revolution You either see the rotation or you don’t. Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise.

32 32 Precise Dyop™ Acuity measurement Rapid Dyop™ Acuity Range Determination The Dyop™ Revolution You either see the rotation or you don’t. Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise.

33 33 Precise Dyop™ Acuity measurement Rapid Dyop™ Acuity Range Determination The Dyop™ Revolution Acuity at a 10 foot virtual distance

34 34 Dyop™ Acuity Referral Rapid Dyop™ Acuity Range Determination The Dyop™ Revolution Find an Optometrist

35 35 Dyop™ Acuity Referral Rapid Dyop™ Acuity Range Determination The Dyop™ Revolution Find an Ophthalmologist

36 36 Precise Dyop™ Refraction measurement The Dyop™ Revolution Acuity at a 20 foot virtual distance

37 37 Rapid Dyop™ Refraction measurement Precise Dyop™ Acuity Determination The Dyop™ Revolution Acuity at a 20 foot virtual distance

38 38 Precise Dyop™ Refraction measurement Precise Dyop™ Acuity Determination The Dyop™ Revolution Refraction in 0.06 diopter increments

39 39 Precise Dyop™ Refraction measurement Precise Dyop™ Acuity Determination The Dyop™ Revolution Dyops™ eliminate the difference between the “science of test taking versus the art of prescribing.” - Dr. Richard Heggeland

40 40 Dyop Infant Acuity – 10 foot image Dyop™ Acuity Screening

41 41 versus the Teller Test The Teller Acuity Test allows pediatric vision testing to be performed conveniently in a low-stress clinical environment, rather than in a laboratory. The Teller Acuity Test is designed specifically for easy administration. The test takes only about five to 10 minutes to complete for both eyes, and involves no discomfort on the part of the patient. Dyop Infant Acuity vs. the Teller Test Dyop™ Acuity Screening

42 42 Rotating Dyops™ alternately appear in the Left and Right Panels. The Dyop™ images get incrementally smaller with each cycle. At a 5 foot Viewing Distance the “4 foot” Dyop™ images cannot be seen. Seeing the “4 foot” Dyop™ images at a 3 foot Distance indicates 20/20 acuity. Dyop Infant Acuity – 10 foot image Infants and children and non-verbal adults. A 60 seconds test that doesn’t need reading skills Dyop™ Acuity Screening

43 43 Dyop Infant Acuity – 10 foot image Dyop™ Acuity Screening Rotating Dyops™ alternately appear in the Left and Right Panels. The Dyop™ images get incrementally smaller with each cycle. At a 3 foot Viewing Distance the “4 foot” Dyop™ images CAN be seen. Seeing the “4 foot” Dyop™ images at a 3 foot Distance indicates 20/20 acuity. Infants and children and non-verbal adults. A 60 seconds test that doesn’t need reading skills

44 44 Dyop™ Dyslexia Screening Chromatic Refraction ™

45 45 Dyop™ Dyslexia Screening Chromatic Refraction ™

46 46 Dyop™ Dyslexia Screening Chris Chase, Western University Chromatic Refraction ™

47 47 How much value can Dyops™ add to the practice of an Eye Care Professional? The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value

48 48 ___ more patient per hour ___ more patients per day ____ more patients per week _____ more patients per month ______ more patients per year plus ______ extra sets of glasses The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

49 49 _1_ more patient per hour ___ more patients per day ____ more patients per week _____ more patients per month ______ more patients per year plus ______ extra sets of glasses The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

50 50 _1_ more patient per hour _5_ more patients per day ____ more patients per week _____ more patients per month ______ more patients per year plus ______ extra sets of glasses The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

51 51 _1_ more patient per hour _5_ more patients per day _25_ more patients per week _____ more patients per month ______ more patients per year plus ______ extra sets of glasses The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

52 52 _1_ more patient per hour _5_ more patients per day _25_ more patients per week _100_ more patients per month ______ more patients per year plus ______ extra sets of glasses The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

53 53 _1_ more patient per hour _5_ more patients per day _25_ more patients per week _100_ more patients per month _1200_ more patients per year plus ______ extra sets of glasses The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

54 54 _1_ more patient per hour _5_ more patients per day _25_ more patients per week _100_ more patients per month _1200_ more patients per year plus __600_ extra sets of glasses The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

55 55 _1_ more patient per hour _5_ more patients per day _25_ more patients per week _100_ more patients per month _1200_ more patients per year plus __600_ extra sets of glasses Per Doctor The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

56 56 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background How much is each exam worth? $20 The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

57 57 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background How much is each exam worth? $20 $20 times 25 patients per week = $500 The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

58 58 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient How much is each exam worth? $20 $20 times 25 patients per week = $500 4 weeks ROI per Doctor = $2,000 48 weeks added profit per Doctor = $24,000

59 59 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background How much is each exam worth? $20 $20 times 25 patients per week = $500 4 weeks ROI per Doctor = $2,000 48 weeks added profit per Doctor = $24,000 The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

60 60 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background More referrals to Dyop™ Certified Practitioners Web based vision standard = more patients More precise refractions = better patient service More precise refractions = fewer patent do-overs Faster refractions = more patients serviced The Dyop™ Return on Investment The Dyop™ added value 1 patient

61 61 White/Black Dyop™ on a Gray Background

62 62 The Dyop™ Return on Investment 200,000 global optometrists 50,000 global ophthalmologists 7 billion people

63 63 The Dyop™ Revolution Helping people see clearly, one person at a time Animated Vision Associates Welcome to the Dyop™ Revolution Copyright©2012 - Animated Vision Associates – All Rights Reserved

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