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Marijuana or Medi-juana?.  History of medical marijuana.  Health benefits.  Health risks.  Methods of use.  Dispensaries.  Source cited.

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Presentation on theme: "Marijuana or Medi-juana?.  History of medical marijuana.  Health benefits.  Health risks.  Methods of use.  Dispensaries.  Source cited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marijuana or Medi-juana?

2  History of medical marijuana.  Health benefits.  Health risks.  Methods of use.  Dispensaries.  Source cited.

3  1600’s –Puritans arrive and bring the Hemp plant with them.  1750-1799- President George Washington cultivates Indian Hemp on his own personal farm.  1800’s- Cannabis(Hemp) is legal in most states. It’s used to make rope, sails, clothes, etc. Cannabis also has medicinal purposes and is sold openly in pharmacies.  1906- First significant law against marijuana is passed. It’s known as The Pure Food and Drug Act.  1910- Mexican Revolution is over and with that a huge influx of Mexican immigrants migrate to America introducing recreational usage of Cannabis.  8/2/1937- Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 is passed making possession or transfer illegal under federal statute. Medical use is deemed legal; however, taxes required for medical use make it an extremely expensive and difficult commodity.

4  1941- Medical marijuana is removed from the United States Pharmacopeia.  1964- The mind altering chemical know as THC(Tetrahydrocannibinol) is discovered.  1968 -THC becomes very intriguing to the federal government. Contracts with the University of Mississippi are established allowing marijuana to be grown in a controlled environment for research purposes. 1968-  1970- U.S drug policy is officially established under the Controlled Substances Act. Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1drug.  1978- NIDA begins supplying doctors cannabis on a case-by-case basis for pain relief.  1985- Synthetic THC (Marinol) is approved by the FDA in treatment of nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy.  1996- Compassionate Use Act is passed in California allowing regulated possession, consumption, cultivation and distribution for medicinal purposes.  1996-Present- Now a total of 15 states have formed similar statutes in regards to legal medical marijuana use. These states include Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Vermont, Washington and Arizona.

5  Increased appetite.  Relieve symptoms of chronic diseases.  Prevents Alzheimer's.  Treats Glaucoma.  Prevents Seizures.  Helps treat ADD and ADHD.  Improved immune system function.  No physical withdrawals.  Slows tumor growth.  Weight gain(anorexia).  Helps relieve PMS.  Helps calm those with Tourette’s and OCD. Source- ( -major-health-benefits-of- medical-marijuana.html

6  Impaired judgment.  Short term memory loss.  Anxiety and panic attacks.  Increased heart rate (heart attack).  Lung damage.  Gateway drug.  No FDA regulations.  Psychologically addictive.

7  Most common  Most dangerous  Immediately effective.  Lung and throat damage.  Dry mouth  Vaporizers and water pipes

8  Takes longer to be effective.  No carcinogens.  Last longer and is more of a physical high.  Difficult to dose.

9  Where cannabis is sold legally to patients.  Cannabis card.  Many different strains of cannabis.  Edible weed.  Medicate with fellow patients.

10  Web site- rijuana/Health_1.html Web site- rijuana/Health_1.html  Web site- Web site-  Web site- s Web site- s  Web site-

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